Equipment List For Lift, Move & Restore


Staff member

Equipment List For Lift, Move & Restore

In this picture from last night’s rehearsal, you can see Brenda and Kristin using Cathe balance discs. Different pieces of equipment will be used throughout the series for strength, power, and balance challenges.

Many of you have requested an equipment list for the Lift, Move & Restore Series so that you can take advantage of our Mega Boss sale, which is going on now. Below you will find a complete list of all of the Cathe fitness items that will be used in this series, including optional items.

Yoga Blocks
Balance Discs
Stability Ball
Mini yoga Ball
Fabric Boss Loop
Foam Roller
Firewalker Loops (light and/or medium tension)
Resistance Tube (light and/or medium tension
Fitness Mat
6 Foot Round Yoga Mat (optional)
Mini Step Mat (for extra knee cushion on certain moves) (optional)
Lifting gloves (optional)
STS bars (optional)
Barbell (dumbbells can be substituted)

*dumbbells and a high step will also be used

Learn more or pre-order Cathe's Lift Move & Restore workout series:
I believe I’m set! :). Don’t have the bars, but have FitTower and my wonderful chair…:)
I'm almost set too - waiting on those dip bars but they'll be here before the workouts are! :)

Wondering what the high step will be used for ... leg presses? (those can also be done lying on your back with a band if you have knee issues). Sit'nstands? (those are part of my knee rehab stuff too) Elevated lunges? Hmmmm...
I’m not a member of Instagram but was looking at Cathe’s page and saw a preview of one of the new workouts that showed two balance discs being used. Wonder if it’s worth it to have 2?
I have 2, but neither one is Cathe's.........I had one that came with a Firm workout years ago,
and I got another different one from Amazon recently. They look exactly the same, except
one is green and says The Firm and the other is purple and says ProSourceFit. :)
I'm almost set too - waiting on those dip bars but they'll be here before the workouts are! :)
I'm hoping to use the time to get used to them and figure out how to use them
I was going to buy the STS dip bars but have a car repair that is more important. Bummer.
I did notice where they mention they'll get another shipment later this year so maybe you can take advantage of that later?

Well, it got the best of me…. I ordered the STS bars……heaven help me!
Same here!
(I have NO IDEA how I'm going to squirrel these suckers away while not in use without my gym mate squawking about them...but he's just gonna have to DEAL because I ordered by golly!!)

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