Endurance vs strength

I would like this to be bumped or however that works..........I see bump alot and hope that means it keeps it going. My question is:

Does the heavier weight/slow rep increase the size of muscle? Whereas the Endurance type workouts lean out the muscles?

I was reading an article in Fitness RX and one of the girls had been doing alot of slow rep/heavy weights, but once she started auditioning for movies and tv shows, she was told to lighten up the weights and do more reps to lean out her shape..................

Just curious, as a female I would prefer to develope the very lean and cut muscles, not the bigger bulkier looking muscles and just wondered which type of weightlifting is good for that??
To the members still bumping,

Cathe is probably busy with overseeing the final details of the Hardcore Series so maybe this will help. It is old, but by my knowledge is still relevant.

Cathe Friedrich Wed Jan-30-02 03:06 PM
Charter member
3968 posts

#12019, "RE: Endurance vs. Power"
In response to Reply # 0

Hi Kath! To answer your question let me just side track a bit.

In order to lead an overall productive and healthy lifestyle, is is important to participate in exercise and healthy eating habits that improve your overall quality of life. This involves incorporating the 5 components of physical fitness. They are:

1) Engaging in activities that promote muscular strength

2) Engaging in activities that improve muscular endurance

3) Engaging in activities that promote cardiovascular fitness

4) Engaging in activities that promote flexibility

5) Engaging in activities that improve body composition

So to answer your question as to what are the reasons for doing strength and endurance workouts is that simply they are part of the equation to leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

But to answer your question more directly, muscular endurance workouts "condition" the muscles to respond under tension for longer periods of time rather than encourage hypertrophy. The benefits of training in this manner will help you be more efficient in everyday activities. For instance, if you were stuck in a long express line at the super market holding an armful of goods (including those darn gallons of milk that get heavy after a while ) you would be able to hold those items much longer before you felt the discomfort set in as a result of training with muscular endurance workouts.

Muscular strength workouts increase muscle size and overall strength. These workouts come in handy for times when you need to use power. For instance, if you are buying dog food and need to lift one of those 40 pound bags onto your cart, you will find this much easier to do as a result of your strength training workouts.

Hope this helps clarify things a bit!
While we're waiting for Cathe I'll mention an article I read a couple of months ago in some muscle building mag - a guy with the lanky body type could never build up his legs until he started doing the traditional leg exercises with NO weight - then miraculously his legs bulked up.

My theory is people who go for body building are usually the type who respond well to high weight low rep, so that is the approach that is always recommended for bulking up. But it doesn't work for the slow gainers, so they just give up. But maybe high rep low weight does work for them, it just takes longer.

Thanks,Davida and Jordan. I have since (after posting this question) added endurance to my training. I have noticed however, that I am unable to go as heavy as I was for Slow and Heavy Lifting and I am about to give up on endurance. I will give it a few more weeks however, but I am concerned about the loss of strength...granted I am gaining endurance but I hope my muscle fibers are not disappearing with my loss of strength. I may be the type who needs the Slow and Heavy Workouts for developing muscle and muscle definition. Shall keep you all posted.
Thanks,Davida and Jordan. I have since (after posting this question) added endurance to my training. I have noticed however, that I am unable to go as heavy as I was for Slow and Heavy Lifting and I am about to give up on endurance. I will give it a few more weeks however, but I am concerned about the loss of strength...granted I am gaining endurance but I hope my muscle fibers are not disappearing with my loss of strength. I may be the type who needs the Slow and Heavy Workouts for developing muscle and muscle definition. Shall keep you all posted.

you could do a heavy workout every week along with 2 endurance type workouts. Or you can do heavy weights for 2 or 3 weeks and then switch to endurance for a few weeks.

I know I lift much heavier at the gym(for legs at least) than I do at home. I also take classes, and some of those classes are step/weights classes. I usually just use the weight section to add extra intensity(I only use light weights of 5-8lbs), but I really don't count it towards my training. Sometimes, after class I finish up using heavier weights at the machines or at the barbells and free weight area.

I don't notice loss of strength this way at all.

Strength training is so much easier for me than endurance type workouts. I can squat at 100lbs-120lbs, but put 40-50lbs barbell for endurance work, I become such a whimp.:p

I believe both types of training is needed, but for size and strength heavy weights/lo reps is the the way to go.

you could do a heavy workout every week along with 2 endurance type workouts. Or you can do heavy weights for 2 or 3 weeks and then switch to endurance for a few weeks.

I know I lift much heavier at the gym(for legs at least) than I do at home. I also take classes, and some of those classes are step/weights classes. I usually just use the weight section to add extra intensity(I only use light weights of 5-8lbs), but I really don't count it towards my training. Sometimes, after class I finish up using heavier weights at the machines or at the barbells and free weight area.

I don't notice loss of strength this way at all.

Strength training is so much easier for me than endurance type workouts. I can squat at 100lbs-120lbs, but put 40-50lbs barbell for endurance work, I become such a whimp.:p

I believe both types of training is needed, but for size and strength heavy weights/lo reps is the the way to go.
Hi, what I meant was that I have lost the ability to go as heavy during Slow and Heavy than I was doing Slow and Heavy just a few weeks ago. I have been currently doing Slow and Heavy about every other week and putting an endurance in twice every week and sometimes once during a Slow and Heavy Week. I am perplexed at the loss of strength by dropping Slow and Heavy from once a week to every other week. I will try some of your suggestions to see if they help. Thanks.
Hi, what I meant was that I have lost the ability to go as heavy during Slow and Heavy than I was doing Slow and Heavy just a few weeks ago. I have been currently doing Slow and Heavy about every other week and putting an endurance in twice every week and sometimes once during a Slow and Heavy Week. I am perplexed at the loss of strength by dropping Slow and Heavy from once a week to every other week. I will try some of your suggestions to see if they help. Thanks.

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