EB and unwanted advertising - vent


I've been giving the whole EB thing a lot of thought.

I know money talks. And that it talks loud - louder than I ever could.:p

When Cathe comes out with her new DVDs, do you think there will be Eggland Best ads and crap like that in the opening titles, etc.? Must I really be subjected to that kind of nonsense?

Will there be EB signs on the sets, like she used to have Ryka shoes posters in her older videos?

I am not interested in anything EB and Cathe could never convince me to buy any brand of food, let alone eggs. IMHO, Cathe is an expert in all things fitness, not food.

The only things Cathe could ever hawk that I would be interested in buying are her workouts.

After finding out about Cathe and trying to support her business for the past few years, I just never thought this is the kind of direction she'd go in, or that I'd be supporting with my dollars. It just smacks too much of simply going after the money to me. But I'm not sure why it irritates me so much! I thought she'd just keep making great workouts and that would be enough.

I know change is always difficult. I guess the really frustrating thing is that not only does my opinion not count, but, really, why should it?

I know there are plenty of people who will disagree with me.

I love ya, Cathe! Love the workouts, truly admire your success :D, hate the eggs.:(

Thanks for letting me vent.

No flames please!;)
from what i recall from the announcement that EB will only be sponsoring the tour so i don't think we have to worry about EB signs in the videos LOL! that is a thought though that some haven't thought of. with new sponsorship how far will they go? but in this case IMO i don't see it that likely.

i guess the sponsorship is more to reach more audience and fans through "tour" road trips i guess that's where the advertisement would be for now.

I agree with your sentiments, Susan!

I have a similar feeling about this. Obviously it is Cathe's business decision to do whatever she wants you but I think we should be allowed to voice how we feel about.

For so long Cathe has always stayed away from saying anything related to (her) diet and now Eggland's best of all!

I love Cathe, her videos and I can credit her with getting me back into shape and for that I will always be grateful. I am happy for her if she makes more money and if that is what she wants. But honestly, I have to say when I got that email about EB eggs it left a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth. All that pitching of how good eggs are for you and particularly EB being better than the rest of the eggs. Knowing what I know about EB, how those chickens are treated and fed, it made me cringe.

There is something about this partnership of Cathe and Eggland's Best that really bothers me.

No flames from me, Susan, but I am sure we both will get flamed. *Puts on the flame retardant suit, hands one to Susan and is preparing with buckets full of water :eek::p:cool:*
And I had to ask myself, if Cathe was being sponsored by Nike or Adidas or somebody like that, would I find it less offensive? And the answer is probably yes, I would not be bothered as much as I am about the whole egg thing.

But why? Does that make me a hypocrite that eggs bother me but shoes made by underpaid workers in Asia doesn't?

What does that say about me?
Susan & Carola I am going to agree with both of you. I was amazed and actually taken aback by that email extolling the "superiority" of EBs. It truly annoyed me. Even their ad on TV annoys me. I love Cathe's workouts and I am sure I will continue to order them but never will I be buying EBs. I really don't want to hear anything about the eggs ever. Please we never see an EB logo on any DVDs! It just strikes me as bizarre for Cathe to be hawking this product.
I dont think anyone should get flamed for having an opinion but to me I really don't give a hoot what she does I just want to work out.

It's so surprising that people have such a strong reaction to this.

If Cathe continues to produce good quality workouts, I'll buy them. If she wants to help sell eggs, who cares? It doesn't affect her workouts.

Maybe I don't get as personally connected as some others?
I'd never judge her for getting her name out there and advancing her business in a way she thinks is right for her. .
For a business to grow, money is needed, there is just no way around it. For instance, Cathe wanted to improve the quality of her dvds and hired NFL Films...that took alot more money. Frequently new business associations are needed in order to take a business to the next level and sometimes just to stay competitive in a growing market. At the EB event in NY, Cathe stated that she could not have undertaken a nationwide tour on her own and the EB sponsorship will allow her to get out and visit her fans nationwide. She uses EB eggs and she believes in the product, so I take her at her word. I didn't really find it a cynical move, just doing what she feels is best for her company.

It's so surprising that people have such a strong reaction to this.

If Cathe continues to produce good quality workouts, I'll buy them. If she wants to help sell eggs, who cares? It doesn't affect her workouts.

Maybe I don't get as personally connected as some others?
I'd never judge her for getting her name out there and advancing her business in a way she thinks is right for her. .


For a lot of people, myself included, it's an ethical/animal rights issue. Egg factory farms are some of the worst offenders in this area.

Curious...has Cathe mentioned how the partnership came about...who made the first move, so to speak?
I've been giving the whole EB thing a lot of thought.

I know money talks. And that it talks loud - louder than I ever could.:p

When Cathe comes out with her new DVDs, do you think there will be Eggland Best ads and crap like that in the opening titles, etc.? Must I really be subjected to that kind of nonsense?

Will there be EB signs on the sets, like she used to have Ryka shoes posters in her older videos?

I am not interested in anything EB and Cathe could never convince me to buy any brand of food, let alone eggs. IMHO, Cathe is an expert in all things fitness, not food.

The only things Cathe could ever hawk that I would be interested in buying are her workouts.

After finding out about Cathe and trying to support her business for the past few years, I just never thought this is the kind of direction she'd go in, or that I'd be supporting with my dollars. It just smacks too much of simply going after the money to me. But I'm not sure why it irritates me so much! I thought she'd just keep making great workouts and that would be enough.

I know change is always difficult. I guess the really frustrating thing is that not only does my opinion not count, but, really, why should it?

I know there are plenty of people who will disagree with me.

I love ya, Cathe! Love the workouts, truly admire your success :D, hate the eggs.:(

Thanks for letting me vent.

No flames please!;)

I'm just curious? Are you equally concerned about basketball players endorsing non basketball products, like Michael Jordan? or a golfer endorsing a non golfing product, like Tiger Woods does...or other fitness video companies selling supplements? Why just Cathe?

The fact is most people you see in a TV commercial or ad are not experts about the product they represent. Cathe has never claimed to be an expert in nutrition, but she is an expert in fitness and eating right is an important part of any fitness program. This is why EB asked Cathe to be a spokesperson for their egg products.

Cathe has eaten EB eggs for a very long time and loves and believes in the product. She knows the importance of eating healthy and she prefers to get her nutrients from natural products whenever possible. Eggs are a natural source of protein with one egg providing 10% of your daily protein requirement.

Cathe and our company are not trying to force EB products on you. We hope people that are not familiar with EB products will try them, but our plans are not to overdue things as we know it would come off wrong. The reason EB selected Cathe is they wanted a real fitness person, not an actor to make the connection that eating right is an important part of being fit. Who better than Cathe would you suggest?

Our relationship with EB will make many things possible that would have never have happened without them, like our National Tour. The national EB advertising campaign with Cathe will help to make more people know about her and her DVDs and this is a good thing.

You should be happy for Cathe as the EB relationship shows just how far she has come in 20 years in business.
I don't feel personally connected to Cathe at all. She can do whatever she wants, but I guess I just don't understand eggs. Of all the brands of fitness related equipment and shoes and clothing, etc., why eggs? It seems so strange, like, "Well, we couldn't get Nike (or even Wheaties), but we could get eggs!"

Plus, I don't want to be inundated with EB advertising on DVDs, either in the workouts themselves or on the packaging.

Just keep putting out those workouts and that's enough for me! I don't need world tours and roadtrips and Altus training equipment, etc.

I guess I'm just trying to work out my 'WTH?...-ness" about the whole thing, if that makes sense.:)
I know change is always difficult. I guess the really frustrating thing is that not only does my opinion not count, but, really, why should it?

No flames please!;)

Not meaning to flame, but it really is true that your opinion doesn't count nor should it. It's Cathe's life, her business, her decision.

Don't sweat the small stuff...... Life has enough potential problems, don't go looking for more.
I'm just curious? Are you equally concerned about basketball players endorsing non basketball products, like Michael Jordan? or a golfer endorsing a non golfing product, like Tiger Woods does...or other fitness video companies selling supplements? Why just Cathe?

The fact is most people you see in a TV commercial or ad are not experts about the product they represent. Cathe has never claimed to be an expert in nutrition, but she is an expert in fitness and eating right is an important part of any fitness program. This is why EB asked Cathe to be a spokesperson for their egg products.

Cathe has eaten EB eggs for a very long time and loves and believes in the product. She knows the importance of eating healthy and she prefers to get her nutrients from natural products whenever possible. Eggs are a natural source of protein with one egg providing 10% of your daily protein requirement.

Cathe and our company are not trying to force EB products on you. We hope people that are not familiar with EB products will try them, but our plans are not to overdue things as we know it would come off wrong. The reason EB selected Cathe is they wanted a real fitness person, not an actor to make the connection that eating right is an important part of being fit. Who better than Cathe would you suggest?

Our relationship with EB will make many things possible that would have never have happened without them, like our National Tour. The national EB advertising campaign with Cathe will help to make more people know about her and her DVDs and this is a good thing.

You should be happy for Cathe as the EB relationship shows just how far she has come in 20 years in business.

Thanks for letting us know how we should feel about Cathe's relationship with EB.

I am not aware that Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan are the spokesperson for Eggland's Best, a company WELL-known for animal cruelty. I am not even going into the "superiority" claim of Eggland's Best!
Nevertheless, yes, I am just as annoyed by some other celebrities endorsing questionable products. But then again I haven't gotten a direct email pitching the product they endorse either.

As I stated before, it is Cathe's decision how she runs her company and who she endorses. Personally as a company, I'd be interested in how my customers feel about the marketing decisions I make and who I endorse because that will effect my image and with that the sale of my product, there is plenty of incidents of celebrities and companies getting a backlash on their endorsements, etc.

As someone who has been buying Cathe's products for a long time I don't think Susan (or I or anyone else) need to apologize to voice an opinion. I don't think anything offensive about Cathe was said.
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Not meaning to flame, but it really is true that your opinion doesn't count nor should it. It's Cathe's life, her business, her decision.

REALLY??? I want to see the business that survives, particularly in challenging times who does not care about their customers' opinion. Many companies pay lots of money trying to study their consumers and lots of advertising, marketing, endorsements have been janked because of negative consumer reaction. And some companies don't realize that for every one consumer who complains there may be several others who won't say anything but just quit buying the product. A pretty well-known fact for those people who are familiar with marketing, PR and customer relations.

I have companies seen go bankrupt over an attitude like that. No flames, just sayin';)
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Well, anyone who tuned in for the vegan megathread a few weeks ago knows that several of us have objections that can't be dealt with by SNM telling us how really healthy EB eggs are. Or how EB doesn't actually farm their own eggs - they just BUY eggs from egg farms, and therefore cannot be called out on animal cruelty at said egg farms. So out of touch. Sigh.*

But in terms of the OP's question: yeah, I find the whole EB partnership squicky and weird, in addition to my complaints from a vegan standpoint.

*I know I should let it go. But it was just so patronizing! Ick!
I'm just curious? Are you equally concerned about basketball players endorsing non basketball products, like Michael Jordan? or a golfer endorsing a non golfing product, like Tiger Woods does...or other fitness video companies selling supplements? Why just Cathe?

The fact is most people you see in a TV commercial or ad are not experts about the product they represent. Cathe has never claimed to be an expert in nutrition, but she is an expert in fitness and eating right is an important part of any fitness program. This is why EB asked Cathe to be a spokesperson for their egg products.

Cathe has eaten EB eggs for a very long time and loves and believes in the product. She knows the importance of eating healthy and she prefers to get her nutrients from natural products whenever possible. Eggs are a natural source of protein with one egg providing 10% of your daily protein requirement.

Cathe and our company are not trying to force EB products on you. We hope people that are not familiar with EB products will try them, but our plans are not to overdue things as we know it would come off wrong. The reason EB selected Cathe is they wanted a real fitness person, not an actor to make the connection that eating right is an important part of being fit. Who better than Cathe would you suggest?

Our relationship with EB will make many things possible that would have never have happened without them, like our National Tour. The national EB advertising campaign with Cathe will help to make more people know about her and her DVDs and this is a good thing.

You should be happy for Cathe as the EB relationship shows just how far she has come in 20 years in business.

I don't like being spammed about EB. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods don't do that to me. If I'm getting an email from SNM, I want it to be about fitness products. I resent that I got an email about eggs, but no updates about STS cardio when you've had my preorder money for several months now.

SNM doesn't need to tell me how I 'should' feel about anything. I was just expressing my confusion about why the whole thing makes me uncomfortable and hoped my fellow Cathletes could give me some insight.

I don't know why it bothers me. Certainly it's not up there on the "bothers me scale" with global warming and overpopulation and injustice and bigotry and poverty and man's inhumanity to man..., but you know, I'm just trying to figure it out, and talking about it helps, especially with the folks here who share my concerns/interests. I know I will get honest responses here, pro and con, not another plug for EB eggs;).

I do not believe I am generally the type of consumer that purchases products based on the fame or recognizability of the person endorsing it, especially basketball players and the like. (However, I do remember one time a couple years back I did purchase a pair of Nike pants [on sale, found online by another forum member] that Cathe had worn in a blog picture. [The black croppy ones - anyone remember those? Super cute! I think hers were green or brown but the only ones on sale were black.])

SNM, I would buy Cathe workouts anyway with or without eggs and world tours (or Nike pants) hee!

Just keep putting out those workouts and that's enough for me! I don't need world tours and roadtrips and Altus training equipment, etc.


The world tours may help get her name out, increase sales, and allow cathe to further improve the quality of her dvds, improve her gym, perhaps provide better benefits to her employees. Maybe a tour doesn't appeal to you, but on another thread people were going crazy and begging her to come to their town, it means something to them. i understand the animal rights thing and all, i buy cage free and organic eggs myself, but it's Cathe's business and people have a choice to buy her products or not.

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