Drill Max Premix Suggestions?

Hey Cathe! Thanks for asking for our input! I would like to see a Total Body premix and a total Cardio premix. You rock!

Cathe, Thanks for asking for our opinions. You are so cool.
How about: upper body and cardio
lower body and cardio
cardio only
totaly body only
Hi Cathe!!

I would love to see an all cardio premix
Upper body pre mix
Lower body premix
Total body premix
and a core only pre mix!
Thanks for asking......I'm sure what ever you guys prodice will be terrific and I know you can't please everyone!
>Premix #1:
>Ultra Cardio Blast (about 54 min)
>This is the premix outlined in your blog, but I would like to
>suggest adding in the bomb diver push ups before the stretch.
>Premix #2:
>Cardio & Legs Blast Premix
>Alternating all the cardio and lower body chapters, and
>omitting the lower body chapters
>Premix #3:
>Cardio and Upper Body Blast
>Alternating all the cardio and upper body chapters, omitting
>the lower body chapters.
>Premix #4:
>Total Body Blast
>As I have not seen this workout, I'm not sure how long or
>tough the weight segments are but, seeing as there have been
>many requests lately for another total body weight workout,
>how about an all weight premix something along the lines of:
>Warm up
>All leg chapters back-to-back, perhaps doubling up a few of
>the shorter chapters, then...
>All upper body chapters back-to-back, again, perhaps doubling
>up on a few of the shorter chapters
>Thank you so much for soliciting this advice!!!!!!!!
>:) :) :)

Excellent ideas...I second all of these....

Definitely want an all cardio for this one. The sample you posted looks good. I'd like a cardio/leg circuit as well, skipping the upperbody portions.

Thanks for asking Cathe! Here are my suggestions:

All Cardio (as you've outlines, already)

All Lower Body

All Upper Body

Total Body (both upper and lower)

Thanks! Heather
I ditto the following:

Premix #1
Ultra Cardio Blast (54 mins)

Premix #2
Upper Body/Cardio premix (45 mins long however you need to get it there)

Premix #3
Lower Body/Cardio premix (45 mins long)

Premix #4
Total Body Weights Workout (repeat exercised to get 55 mins)
Or instead of the lowerbody/upper body blasts premixes - go with a wellrounded

Premix #5

Timesaver Drill Max - omit the easier weight/strength exercise (40 mins)
Along the lines of shocking the body, it would be nice to giant set some unrelated compound exercises used in Drill Max.

Most people like to combine all upper or all lower but combining compund and unrelated is highly effective especially once our bodies are accustomed to the workout as filmed.

Giant Set #1

Squat and Curl
Bomb Diver push Ups/Plank
Hi Lo with Ball
Rear Delt Raise
Tricep Dips on Ball

Giant Set #2

Military Press
Lateral Skaters/Ski Hop
Wall Squats
Glute Squeeze on Ball
Sea Saw Push Ups

I really liked the Ultra Cardio premix posted on the Blog; however, why omit "doubling up" on 3 of the 6 cardio blasts? I would love to do a double on each one without having to reach for the remote?

Also, when doing the cardio/lower body premix, why not shuffle the order of the cardio/leg blasts to keep the concentration up, rather than ordering them in the order originally filmed?


Thanks for asking!

I too like Jillybean's suggestions.

I agree with A-Jock...please shuffle the order in the premixes (i.e. not the same order as originally filmed). I love variety.

I like longer premixes rather than shorter ones (60 to 80 minutes please!).

Thanks for asking for our input.
I love the workout blender option from your Bodyblast Timesaver DVD where you can select up to 5 different sections from the workout.
Having a workout blender would be wonderful!

Premix #1 Drill Max everything but CORE option. Then we can add core after the workout is finished.

Premix #2 All Weights Option

Premix #3 Stability ball express option. Stringing all exercises using stability ball.

Premix #4 Drills and lower body only circuit premix

Premix #5 Drills and upper body only circuit premix

Premix #6 All upper body exercises premix

Premix #7 All Lower body exercises premix


>I'd like to see an UPPER BODY ONLY premix and a LOWER BODY
>ONLY premix. Maybe a CORE ONLY premix, and CARDIO ONLY
>premix. Thats just my 2 cents.
I second the ideas of cardio only, upper body and cardio circuit, lower body and cardio circuit and a timesaver premix. Thanks for asking!

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