Dressing Room Mirrors


So I've been feeling pretty good about myself lately, working out regularly, eating pretty good. I even got 2 new Cathe videos (HSC and Rythmic Step+). So I decided to go out yesterday and "reward" myself with some new workout clothes.

I was all happy and excited until I tried some stuff on in the dressing room and looked in the mirror...I looked FAT! I swear, I was just at home thinking that my belly was getting a little flatter and then I go into that stupid store and my positive thinking goes down the toilet! Do they do that on purpose? Am I the only one who experiences this? I think from now on I'm sticking to ordering through a catalog!!
NO! you are not alone

You would think that retailers would want to put the MOST flattering mirrors in their dressing rooms so that their clientel would feel "THINNER" not "fluffier"... Sometimes I feel like I'm looking into one of those Fun-House mirrors and I get SO discouraged! :mad:

I have re-committed to getting fit and workout out SO many times in the past and usually shortly after a disheartening round of shopping!

I have not gone clothes shopping since my wedding in May and probably won't do much more than window shop until I actually see more results and my clothes are hanging off me...

hang in there (that's what I keep telling myself anyway!) work hard and eat healthy and it will all come together eventually...
You would think that retailers would want to put the MOST flattering mirrors in their dressing rooms so that their clientel would feel "THINNER" not "fluffier"... Sometimes I feel like I'm looking into one of those Fun-House mirrors and I get SO discouraged!
I agree!
If I owned a store, I'd have muted rose-tinted or orangy lighting, reminiscent of fireplace light.

Some of the dressing-room mirrors I've seen must have a special "cellulite enhancement" feature! (really, it's the mirrors!)
Yes, dressing room mirrors are distorting. I have to say that Target's are really the worst I have experienced in a long time or I was having a VERY fat day. I looked about 15 lbs heavier than I do in other mirrors or windows. What is up with these mirrors? I'm sorry you had this experience. Just remember, it's the mirrors not you! Keep truckin'!
I just felt that way today!! I went to get a bridesmaid's dress altered and when I was putting it on I was like "ugghh"....and I"m the fittest I've ever been in my adult life.....I"m thinking to myself "all this hard work to look like this in the mirror???"...lol
So I've been feeling pretty good about myself lately, working out regularly, eating pretty good. I even got 2 new Cathe videos (HSC and Rythmic Step+). So I decided to go out yesterday and "reward" myself with some new workout clothes.

I was all happy and excited until I tried some stuff on in the dressing room and looked in the mirror...I looked FAT! I swear, I was just at home thinking that my belly was getting a little flatter and then I go into that stupid store and my positive thinking goes down the toilet! Do they do that on purpose? Am I the only one who experiences this? I think from now on I'm sticking to ordering through a catalog!!

OH I can so relate...but you know what...I've ordered exercise clothes over the web...some is too tight...some just right...I keep handy what is just right and put the rest in the closet for later use...and I still love my t-shirts and tank tops...even when they are sweat soaked...After a hard workout...it kind of feels like a badge of honor to wear that heavy thing. I have really learned to love workout clothes...never thought I'd say that.

A recent experience of my own...I'm doing really good...scale doesn't move much and I was feeling like you and I found a picture of me from last year...and wow! What a difference. Then I looked at my measurements from last year...and they are so much different. I'm getting there slowly, but steadily...

Pictures really are worth a million words...they might not look so GREAT when you take them at that moment but what a difference a year makes...OMG and the picture from 2 years ago...wowza...I'll have to put them up...I got a couple up...
So funny.... when I was on the road trip in July I was talking to someone about fat & skinny mirrors. I seem to wind up at places with skinny mirrors and get the stuff home and wonder what I was thinking! My old hair dresser has a skinny mirror in the changing room, and I always looked so great there. Alas, I didn't like what she did with my hair, so no more of her skinny mirror for me....

HATE all dressing room mirrors!!! Feel like we should revolt and demand softer lighting and no boardwalk clown mirrors. I buy things, try them on at home and bring them back if they don't work. But it is a PITA. :D
Do you know what I do? I try on the clothes with my eyes closed and then open them!!! I cannot believe how awful I look in some dressing rooms....and I know it's the lighting. And then I wonder.....have I been walking around like this in public??????? It is so discouraging. You work your brains out, eat right, and then a dressing room experience makes you feel like you belong on the Discovery Health Channel.
Dressing room mirrors- ugggghhh!! The only ones that I like are in AT or ATL.

Doesn't ATL have the BEST mirrors? And the best part is, when I actually wear the stuff and look at myself in other mirrors, the outfits still look good. Off topic, but have you noticed the past couple of years though that their sizing has changed? I'm down from a 4 or 6 to a 0 or 2 and BELIEVE ME I'm not a "0" ... but they are sizing their clothing different.
Lighting is everything. I think all the time how much nicer rooms look with recessed lights and spotlights on art. My favorite decorating book, the one I still look at often, is a book on lighting. The rooms are just luscious, they're so beautifully lit.

A strange family used to live in the house across the street from me and the lighting in their living room used to make me nuts. They always had their front drapes open, revealing a living room lit by a single bulb in a ceiling fixture which gave off a garish light, casting long shadows everywhere. No table lamps... nothing. I get down just remembering that image. Lighting matters. It shocks me that retailers haven't figured out that the cost of flattering lighting is a bargain when factoring in the increased sales that result. If you look like H*ll when you try something on you're not going to buy it. Even worse, if the store lighting is a downer you won't even want to shop there.

So it's not just you. But it really is a drag when you KNOW how hard you've worked on your body and all you see in a dressing room mirror is how much you STILL have to do. I think most of us are there. It takes a lot to keep it from messing with your head. Don't quit working at it.
Doesn't ATL have the BEST mirrors? And the best part is, when I actually wear the stuff and look at myself in other mirrors, the outfits still look good. Off topic, but have you noticed the past couple of years though that their sizing has changed? I'm down from a 4 or 6 to a 0 or 2 and BELIEVE ME I'm not a "0" ... but they are sizing their clothing different.

They are definitely known for vanity sizing, but I still love them!!!
Nordstrom's dressing rooms have the worst friggin lighting in the world. One need a shot of the good stuff just to walk into one of their horrid "den of fatty deposits!"
Whew....so I'm somewhat relieved you all have had the same experience and that I'm not crazy. Because over the years, I've never been happy in any dressing room situation, even back in the day before kids when I was asked to put on weight! I know what I look like when I leave the house, I don't look this bad, do I? Its gotten so that I avoid all mirrors when I'm out and about, and horrors if I walk into a full-length mirror unaware. Maybe we are being too hard on ourselves.

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