Don't know if I should move on to Meso 3


Hi everyone,

This is my first time doing STS and I'm on the 3 month rotation.

I'm on my last week of Meso 2, and am finding that with some moves, I'm really struggling.

So my question is, should I repeat Meso 2, then move on to Meso 3? What do you guys think?

Hi Melanie!

I'm still an STS newbie (i'm just finishing up my first round of STS) so please take my advice with a grain of salt. :) In my opinion, you should move on to Meso 3. It really is so different than Meso 2. Because of the longer rests/lower reps, weights I struggled with in Meso 2 I was able to quickly surpass in Meso 3, and Meso 2 completely kicked my butt! :eek: I say give Meso 3 a shot, and if you don't like or feel you are struggling to much than take a few days off and repeat Meso 2.

HTH and good luck! You're going to do great. :)
This is my first go round with STS too but I agree with Katie and give Meso 3 a shot. In the last week of Meso 2, I failed before hitting the last rep on quite a few sets. So far, I am almost done with week 2 of Meso 3 and am feeling super strong with no issues.

Hope that helps!
Hi Melanie,

I just did the first disc for Meso 3 today (fyi, this is my first round of STS) and I survived!!! Anyway, I agree with the others that you should give it a try. Because of the rest period between exercises and alternating muscle group focus (chest, rest, back, rest, chest, rest, back, etc...), even with the heavier weight, you will find it more manageable. Good Luck!
I think that your weights were a bit heavy and that is why you were struggling maybe...but I would definitely move on to Meso 3...I liked it oodles more that M2! I also think a change is good! And really, you can always go back after 3 and do 2.
Thanks everyone for your responses - I really appreciate it!

After writing my post I decided to read the STS check-ins for some of the Meso 2 workouts and saw that other people too struggled with some of their reps.

So I'm going to just keep on plowing ahead - now I'm really looking forward to Meso 3! :)

Thanks!!! :)

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