Does your cat drool? Ewwwwwwwwww!


My stray cat that adopted me a couple of months ago has a not so appealing habit of drooling on me usually in the a.m. when she's feeling a bit amorous. She snuggles up to me and excretes her drool on my shirt or if I'm in bed, on my sheets. She's purring and kneading and is affectionate (one of the very few times she actually is) and I don't want to discourage the behavior just the saliva! I'm soaked when she's done! :eek: I've tried having a towel handy and putting it on me but sometimes she catches me off guard or will move to spots where there is no towel. I am now avoiding those moments with her because it's just plain gross! I'm thinking there's not much I can do about it except to not allow her around me when she's "in the mood." ;) Do you have this same problem?

I just hope my bf doesn't start displaying this habit because one of them would then HAVE to go -------- I'm just not sure which one! :D

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I have one cat that does. Pretty much the same as yours she the only time she is affectionate is in the morning. She either comes to the bed of follows me into the bathroom. She doesn't drool as much as it sounds like yours does but she does have a way of aiming for my face :(. The rest of the day we almost never see her. DH recently read somewhere that it's a sign of affection. I know it's kind of gross but I would just continue to keep a towel handy. However if a cat that doesn't normally drool start doing so it could be a sign of illness. But it that case they would drool all the time, not just while cuddling, so I don't think that's the case with your kitty.
I have one cat that does. Pretty much the same as yours she the only time she is affectionate is in the morning. She either comes to the bed of follows me into the bathroom. She doesn't drool as much as it sounds like yours does but she does have a way of aiming for my face :(. The rest of the day we almost never see her. DH recently read somewhere that it's a sign of affection. I know it's kind of gross but I would just continue to keep a towel handy. However if a cat that doesn't normally drool start doing so it could be a sign of illness. But it that case they would drool all the time, not just while cuddling, so I don't think that's the case with your kitty.

Yeah, it's just when she's affectionate. My mother freaks out if the cat goes into her room in the a.m. She makes her get off the bed if she jumps up. I hope there's nothing contagious in the drool. You're lucky that your cat doesn't drool like mine but isn't it funny that she aims for your face? Awwwww, she loves you and wants to give you kisses! :D

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Yeah, it's just when she's affectionate. My mother freaks out if the cat goes into her room in the a.m. She makes her get off the bed if she jumps up. I hope there's nothing contagious in the drool. Your lucky that your cat doesn't drool like mine but isn't it funny that she aims for your face? Awwwww, she loves you and wants to give you kisses! :D


I've had my drooler for over 10 years now and have not contracted anything. :p If she were affectionate any other time I might not put up with it but I do because I believe she needs the attention. I also believe that my lifelong exposure to kitties has made me immune to kitty cooties. :D
I've had my drooler for over 10 years now and have not contracted anything. :p If she were affectionate any other time I might not put up with it but I do because I believe she needs the attention. I also believe that my lifelong exposure to kitties has made me immune to kitty cooties. :D

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Too funny!!! I hope I am too! :D

Yep,m one of mine sure does, but that's not nearly as annoying as what the other one does. I won't get into it, in case anyone is trying to eat while checking out the forums, but it is truly gross.
Hi Bam,

Ah, please continue to love your kitty in that way. It's important for the poor thing. They need the attention, petting, and love. Seriously.;)

It washes off really nice. If it's once a day, be prepared to take a bath/shower afterwords after the love in session. :)

This kitty must love you to pieces. By the way, I have one too that drools.

Too funny! Our kitty only does it when he's getting a really good under-the-chin scratching, which he absolutely loves! That's when he drools up a storm!
Yep,m one of mine sure does, but that's not nearly as annoying as what the other one does. I won't get into it, in case anyone is trying to eat while checking out the forums, but it is truly gross.

O.K. I'm in a need to be grossed out mood. Spill!!!!! (If need be, pm me. I's gotst to know!!!! :D )

Hi Bam,

It washes off really nice. If it's once a day, be prepared to take a bath/shower afterwords after the love in session. :)

This kitty must love you to pieces. By the way, I have one too that drools.


That's not the kind of love I'm lookin' for! :D And I'll tell you how much she loves me. I just picked her up (which she has mixed feelings about) and she just bit and scratched me. I think she's schizo! :eek:

OMG! lmao!
I have never seen a cat drool! My DH sometimes and my dog, but never a cat! That is the funniest thing I have heard today!
Let's just say that the cat has serious issues with knowing where her litter box is, but refusing to use it. For ANYTHING!!!! She recently got into something she shouldn't have eaten and severe gastro-intestinal results occurred. I have a light coloured carpet. I still haven't figured out how to clean it properly from this latest fiasco. This is an everyday issue, and I have huge plastic mats around two litter loxes, newspaper on top of that for easier clean up and she still manages to do her business on the actual carpet. This is the cat that also has kidney disease, so she gets saline injections by IV drip twice a week, special low-protein and insanely expensive food. She refuses to leave the bathroom and especially the bathtub for weeks on end; she has to be fed and watered in there. She has a growth on her neck that emits grossness all of its own; she was on antibiotics for that, but they didn't work so well and she is now too old and rickety for surgery or other drastic measures. I adopted her off the streets a few years ago and OMG, I have to say honestly that if I knew how much it would cost me in terms of time, energy, money and housekeeping, I would have thought twice about it.
Yup, I have one major drooler, and his sister, only on rare occasions. Same thing though, he starts drooling when he is super relaxed and content and purring, he does it every morning when he wakes me up, then at night when my DH and I are in the bed, he starts up again. I think it's hysterical, gross, but really funny and kind of cute in a way. He leaves these huge drop spots all over the sheets. I just feel like he is just SO happy and comfy that he can't help himself.

My vet told me about a cat she knew of, that was crazy friendly, but not only did he drool, he would start releasing that anal gland scent, and other bodily fluids, so I am thankful for just drooling :eek:
Let's just say that the cat has serious issues with knowing where her litter box is, but refusing to use it. For ANYTHING!!!! She recently got into something she shouldn't have eaten and severe gastro-intestinal results occurred. I have a light coloured carpet. I still haven't figured out how to clean it properly from this latest fiasco. This is an everyday issue, and I have huge plastic mats around two litter loxes, newspaper on top of that for easier clean up and she still manages to do her business on the actual carpet. This is the cat that also has kidney disease, so she gets saline injections by IV drip twice a week, special low-protein and insanely expensive food. She refuses to leave the bathroom and especially the bathtub for weeks on end; she has to be fed and watered in there. She has a growth on her neck that emits grossness all of its own; she was on antibiotics for that, but they didn't work so well and she is now too old and rickety for surgery or other drastic measures. I adopted her off the streets a few years ago and OMG, I have to say honestly that if I knew how much it would cost me in terms of time, energy, money and housekeeping, I would have thought twice about it.

Wow, you certainly have your hands full! That's a tough thing to be doing on a daily basis. I give you lots of credit for all that you do for your kitty. Did her troubles start right after you took her in?

I have a cat that drools every time she kneeds and purrs. Yup, I also end up with drool stains on my shirt; but they don't leave any marks/stains after they dry.
None of my current cats drools, but I used to have a blind tortie (black and orange) who would kneed, and drool, and purr like mad when she was in the mood. Once, I thought I was hearing someone mowing next door, but it was her purring (while kneeding some blankets on my bed all by herself) in my bedroom.

It was a bit wet and messy at times, but I never really thought of it as gross. It's just a sign of extra special happy.
Mine does sometimes. At first when he did it, I thought maybe he had been drinking water, then I realized he hadn't been. It is not excessive though.
Well it's nice to know that there are other droolers out there! :D I just don't know if I'll be able to get used to it. I was going to post another question about my cat and she came over to me as I was sitting at my computer and started doing her thing all over my nylon shorts. :eek: You know how thin nylon is. My skin is not appreciating what it's feeling right now. :mad: I give all you drooler owners kudos! :D


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