My stray cat that adopted me a couple of months ago has a not so appealing habit of drooling on me usually in the a.m. when she's feeling a bit amorous. She snuggles up to me and excretes her drool on my shirt or if I'm in bed, on my sheets. She's purring and kneading and is affectionate (one of the very few times she actually is) and I don't want to discourage the behavior just the saliva! I'm soaked when she's done! I've tried having a towel handy and putting it on me but sometimes she catches me off guard or will move to spots where there is no towel. I am now avoiding those moments with her because it's just plain gross! I'm thinking there's not much I can do about it except to not allow her around me when she's "in the mood." Do you have this same problem?
I just hope my bf doesn't start displaying this habit because one of them would then HAVE to go -------- I'm just not sure which one!
I just hope my bf doesn't start displaying this habit because one of them would then HAVE to go -------- I'm just not sure which one!
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