Does anyone go to Cathe's classes regularly?


I was doing drill max today and thinking how incredible it would be to be able to go to live Cathe classes on a regular basis. I'm just curious, does anyone who visits the board go to her live classes? Are her classes as good as the DVD's? Does she do stuff different than what she does on the DVD's? Does her gym have spinning? If so, does she ever teach it? Are her classes packed? Are there other instructors at the gym that are just as good as she is? Oh, tell me everything, I want to live vicariously through you.
I actually should go since her gym is only 20-25 minutes away from me. I keep saying I'm going to but never do. I'd like to hear from anyone on this as well.

I would love to go and maybe should try sometimes, I only live about a 1 1/2 hrs from the gym...I am North of Philly.

Anybody think of having a get-together and meeting up at the gym for a workout?

I am about 15 minutes from her is gorgeous, state-of-the-art & absolutely immaculate. I've only taken her k'boxing class twice in the summer (when I am off from teaching). The class was packed and an intense workout - using some but not all of the moves in KPC and KM. Seems like she likes to change things up. I don't know about spinning or the other instructors.
Hi all,

I'd like to hear from anyone who's done Cathe's step/spinning classes as well.

About how many persons are in a 'packed' class?
What are the other instructors like?
Am I mistaken or did I read that Jai is also a fitness instructor? If so is it at Cathe's gym too?

The k'boxing classes I went to probably had about 25 people, including Cedie and Jai. It would've been tough to squeeze in any more in the room b/c of space issues, but that was a comfortable amount of people. Not too cramped. Sorry, I don't know about the other instructors, spinning or if Jai teaches there.
Is Cathe Our Well-Kept Secret?

I am blown away that Cathe only has 25 members in her kickboxing class! :eek: I would expect more like 125 members! It appears that the people at her club still have not figured out what a gem they have in their presence. Is she our well-kept secret? I would love to enjoy one of her live classes, so I am amazed by this news.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Is Cathe Our Well-Kept Secret?

I would be willing to meet up to take on a Cathe class. I live around 30 minutes from Glassboro in New Jersey. It would be tough, but fun.
I grew up in NJ so when I visit, I sometimes get down there. It's not often but it's a lot of fun to go and Cathe is always so happy to welcome me!
RE: Is Cathe Our Well-Kept Secret?

Maybe that is the only ones that can handle it... LOL..
I would love to do her classes. I will be at the next road trip. I want to meet so many of you. I feel like i know alot just from here.
It will be awesome....

Aka( Storm)
I am in New Castle, Delaware- about an hour from Cathe's gym.

I would LOVE to attend a live class with her. I don't know if she teaches solely on weekdays or sometimes on weekends as well? I work full time but I'd happily take a day off work (maybe a Friday would be best?) to attend one of her classes.

What types of classes does she teach? Can you imagine- drill max LIVE with Cathe. :)

Anyway- I would like to go - and especially like to meet up with some of ya'll.
From the home page, there's an option to take called 'our club', from there click on class schedule. You can find when and what Cathe teaches from the schedule. They suggest that if you do make plans to go to specifically workout with Cathe that you call ahead just in case of last minute changes.

I'm also in New Castle County, Delaware!
You guys are so lucky!!! I'm so jealous you're minutes away from a star! I would LOVE to attend her classes live. I'd prob be so intimidated though that if given the opportunity to say hi, I would prob freeze and pass out! haha!;-)
I hear you, Dani. I'm also really jealous. I think I would *gasp* join a health club just to take live classes with Cathe. LOL

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