Do you wear make up when working out?


I have to ask, . . . .do you wear make up when you work out at the gym or during classes? I mean I sweat like a mad woman so I never bother. I wear sun screen when I'm jogging and maybe some chapstick, . . but that is about it.
Only if I was already wearing it and forgot to take it off before I started my workout. Sweat running in your eyes is bad enough, but sweat AND makeup, yuck!! :p
I have to tell you that I have seen more younger women at the gym (back when I went to one) that would have impeccable makeup on! That doesn't really matter to me, but the perfume! Please! It was always so difficult to breathe on the treadmill when someone wearing it got on the one next to me! It always seemed like they had poured the whole bottle on their head! It was awful! :mad:

I really don't miss those days! Of course, running on the bike path, there was always at least one with perfume on and I had to deal with the cigarette smokers, too! I'm glad to be running through the city more now. I don't run into that anymore!

It's hard having asthma/allergies around people like that, but what do you do? Can the gyms really tell people they can't wear cologne or scented lotions, etc? It would be impossible to enforce. Just one more good reason not to spend money on a gym membership!

All that and I totally didn't answer the question! :eek: That's an emphatic no! :D
If I workout after work then I wear whatever makeup I wore to work (usually tinted moisturizer, mascara, and of course chapstick!). If I work out in the morning, no. If it is hot and humid, I won't even wear mascara to work. Now that summer is here and my students are gone, tinted moisturizer with SPF and chapstick are my only forms of makeup and the chapstick is more like an obsession than makeup.

Only if I'm to lazy to wash my face before my workouts.

I workout in the evening, cause I already get up around 4am just to get to work by 6am, and sometimes I just don't get my face all washed up for my workouts.
If I'm working out first thing in the morning, never. The only exception to that is that I wear a bit of mascara and lip gloss for the workouts on Cathe's Road Trips. People are taking pictures left and right so I feel like I need to TRY to look somewhat respectable! :eek:

If I'm working out in the evening, I just leave on whatever makeup I wore for the day because I'm too lazy to wash my face before and after the workout.
I have to tell you that I have seen more younger women at the gym (back when I went to one) that would have impeccable makeup on! That doesn't really matter to me, but the perfume! Please! It was always so difficult to breathe on the treadmill when someone wearing it got on the one next to me! It always seemed like they had poured the whole bottle on their head! It was awful! :mad:

That bothers me too! It's OK to smell like sweat--after all, you ARE supposed to be exercising here, people! I also get really annoyed by strong smelling chewing gums and mints. If you were on the treadmill next to me and had bad breath, I don't think I would even be able to smell it, but strong chewing gums and mints will knock me out!
I have to admit I always wear full makeup when I work out.

The reason has nothing to do with wanting to look good or anything. It's just that in a moment of complete abject desperation I made a deal with the universe that I would take care of my appearances if this dire wish was granted...and it was...within 8 hours. Really I don't want to go back on my word to a universe that powerful.

Okay without getting lengthy here I have been going to a cardio/weight class in town 2 times a day. Well the teacher who I love keeps trying to convince me to be an instructor, . . and I keep telling her I'm a follower not a leader and that I just couldn't do it. It has not stopped her from bringing it up everytime though. Well the other day she makes a comment about how she's opening up a new gym and that she would expect her instructors to wear make up. She's made comments about how I should get my hair fixed too so, . . .and I could be wrong but I feel like she's indirectly trying to convince me to fix myself up. All the other girls in class are full on make up. I'm starting to have a complex and feel like I should girlie up a bit but I have kids. I work out 2 times a day and I work from home. I just don't see a need. I'd much rather spend the money on getting a massage than getting my hair and nails done. Ugh I feel like I'm in high school again trying to fit in with all the "cool" girls. :(
Try running a 10K in 90+ degrees with 100% humidity and see how mascara feels running in your eyes. Owie!!! That will cure you of ever doing it again, trust me! :eek:
the only time I wear make up to work out in is if I happened to wear some to work (which is rare, really) and didn't wash my face first.

Just like in high school Janie, you do not need to fit in with the "cool" girls. I think you're pretty cool as you are, even though you don't wear make up while you work out :)

If you don't want to teach a class, don't. If you are interested and if she really wants you she'll have to accept you as you are . . . sans make up, or she can find someone else. A made up barbie doll working out is an ugly sight when the make up starts to run. . .

I'd much rather spend the money on a massage too!
I used to be all hair and makeup done every day! Only for work, of course! I got so tired of it! It took up at least 30-45 minutes of my morning every day! I just stopped. My skin was so much healthier without all that garbage blocking my pores! My DH loves my au natural skin and doesn't care whether i wear it or not!

I like the natural look! Janie, don't let anyone tell you you have to be "pretty." Make up and a nice hairdo do not the beautiful woman make! It's what's inside that shines outward that matters and girl, you SHINE! :D

Okay without getting lengthy here I have been going to a cardio/weight class in town 2 times a day. Well the teacher who I love keeps trying to convince me to be an instructor, . . and I keep telling her I'm a follower not a leader and that I just couldn't do it. It has not stopped her from bringing it up everytime though. Well the other day she makes a comment about how she's opening up a new gym and that she would expect her instructors to wear make up. She's made comments about how I should get my hair fixed too so, . . .and I could be wrong but I feel like she's indirectly trying to convince me to fix myself up. All the other girls in class are full on make up. I'm starting to have a complex and feel like I should girlie up a bit but I have kids. I work out 2 times a day and I work from home. I just don't see a need. I'd much rather spend the money on getting a massage than getting my hair and nails done. Ugh I feel like I'm in high school again trying to fit in with all the "cool" girls. :(
I always work out after work, so I just take a tissue to wipe off some of whatever foundation might still be left at the end of the day (I use it very lightly). I always wash my face very well after I work out, and I'm afraid that washing it before as well will upset my ph balance. Although I'm sure having some foundation getting into my pores while I'm sweating is not good either. So it's sort of a matter of being between a rock and a hard place.
Janie, tell her that you never put crap on your skin, you're not about to start, and you're not sure why she would encourage anyone else to! If your style is "not a good fit with her organization" then it would never work for you to teach for her. Tell her you enjoy her class but you can't work for her. I find it kind of rude that she would drop those kinds of hints on you.

Even at conventions for fitness professionals, many of the female presenters don't wear make-up for active sessions, and they might be teaching 100-200 people in a session. I have never, ever heard anyone comment on a presenter's lack of make-up. I probably wouldn't even notice - the instructor's ability and personal style far outshine his/her appearance in my opinion.

I'd much rather spend the money on getting a massage than getting my hair and nails done. Ugh I feel like I'm in high school again trying to fit in with all the "cool" girls. :(

You *are* a cool girl and the fabulous thing about being an adult is being able to say, "Thanks for the compliment!" (she thinks you are great enough to want you to instruct after all) and walking away leaving the rest of the crap behind. If you don't have the time, energy or inclination to teach a class, the makeup thing is a moot point. If you do want to teach a class, then go ahead and do it and screw the makeup. If that's really the biggest issue for her, then you probably don't want to be working for her anyway. JMHO ;)
Awe thanks everyone!! We need to have someone invent a "beam me up energizing machine, . . Star Trek style" that can transport everyone from across the world so that we can all work out together, . . either that or a Cathe Cloning device. I'm so jealous of all the people who live close enough to her gym and get to work out with her. :) I want to work out and sweat, feel the pump, and get stronger. Thanks everyone.

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