Do You LOVE Your Job?

LOVE my job. I'm a beside nurse for 25 yrs., the last 20 in labor and delivery. Incredibly stressful, on my feet most of the time, lousy hours etc. When it's sad, it's the worst. For the most part, the outcome is a good one thank God.
I'm incredibly fortunate to work so closely w/ people at such a pivotal point in their lives.
:) are so funny...aren't you supposed to be at work today missy.

I love my job on FRiday. But I'm with Nancy on the billables, hate it. So when I hate it alot, I go back to nursing a couple days, that makes me feel very spoiled at my other job. So it works out.

But most importantly I have been trying to direct my 22 year old DD into finding something she likes, money or no money. Unfortunately, 4 years, many thousands of dollars later, she still doesn't know what she wants to do and will be graduating with a Biology degree. Just graduate I beg, with pockets flapping in the wind empty!! Ask her what she wants to do with her degree, she doesn't know. So what the heck...keep going? Why not.

I try to reassure her that sometimes it takes a long time to figure out, it took 10 years of college and 3 careers for me to find out I was just they type who bores easily.

So, are you sorry you asked...and yes Suz I'm at work.:) :)
I don't know if you could say I LOVE my job, but I really really really like it a whole heckuva lot! If I were an artist or designer or writer or nature photographer, I would probably love my job.

But, hey, I'm pretty darn happy with where I am. I am an Executive Assistant/Office Manager/Jack-of-all-Trades for the best boss in the whole world! I can honestly say that if it weren't for my boss, I wouldn't like my job nearly as much. He is an idea person - a thinker - a catalyst - the glue that holds our office together. And he believes in having fun, but also getting the job done. We make a great team because we think so much alike. He comes up with the idea, and I "make it happen" or build on it. I'm quickly becoming the "Make It Happen" girl in my office! Ha ha! Because no matter what task he issues, no matter how hard or easy, I find a way to pull it off. We also have this ability to feed off of each other's ideas and create a synergy around them, building an idea or solution that is grander and greater than anything we could have come up with without the other's input. He allows me to think, he accepts my input, and he doesn't micromanage me. His management style is exactly what I need, right down to his criticisms.

I think one of the other reasons why I like my job so much is because from day to day, I never know what I'm going to be tasked to do. I have my regular daily functions, but the bulk of my day is spent working on special projects, each one different from the last. I mean, we're talking about running the full spectrum here. I've worked on office construction projects (helped coordinate activities and design), building signage (internal and external), developing new templates for PowerPoint presentations, creating flyers, and right now I'm planning a fabulous Open House Casino Night for this coming Saturday, just to name a few. And I'm consistently tasked with items that dwell on my strengths. I'm an excellent business writer, and my boss has gotten to the point where he says, "I need you to write me a letter..." and then goes into a couple of key points he wants covered, and the gist he's shooting for, then he sets me free and I work up a masterpiece for him that hits the nail right on the head better than he imagined. I'm a lot more concise in my business writing than I am on here. It's nice to be able to let it go free here on the boards! :7

Yup, I was at work, but if you'll notice I only posted while at home (for a change - hehehe!). I felt that was only right when posting about work. :) You make a good point about kids. It is so hard because so many of them don't know what they want to do when they get out of high school or even out of college. And as adults it can take us our whole lives to figure out what we want to do.

This thread has really got me thinking about my future plans. And that certainly wasn't the intent. I was just curious. I may be heading back to school for some classes so I can teach elementary school. We'll see. I need to see how much I need to catch up on. I was planning to retire in 10.5 years at 55, but maybe I'll switch careers then and teach for about 6 or 7 years. Wouldn't that be just crazy? Retiring that young was freaking me out anyway although DH assures me we can do it. The whole health insurance thing had me worried. And if I finish school faster maybe I'll teach sooner. Since I already have my degree, hopefully I'll mostly only have to take education classes. I had looked into this years ago but the schedules were awful and I would have had to drive over the summit to take them and the roads close due to snow all the time and I had to work days and...

So thanks to all of you for getting me thinking. This has been fun reading.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

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