Do you consider yourself high maintenance?


Does it take you forever to get ready? Do you refuse to leave the house without make-up or your hair "done"? Do you wear tight jeans and high heels to your kid's soccer game? Does a broken nail send you running in a panic to your manicurist?

Just wondering :p
oh, god, no.

My stepmom is like that, though. I've never seen anyone dress so "fancy" or wear so much make-up just to meet for a cup of coffee in a diner.


No kids so no kids' soccer games, but "no" to wearing high heels and tight jeans to any sporting event.

No manicurist and no panic over broken nails. I'd be panicky all the time b/c I do so much yard work and messy indoor work that broken nails are pretty common for me.

DH would say that I'm high maintenance, but I don't know where that's coming from. Maybe it's like in Bill's most recent post--the guys find a way to get it wrong.:p

Well, I don't take forever to get ready. The thing that takes longest is drying my flippin' hair, because it's so thick. On the weekend I usually just stick it in a ponytail. I live for Fridays and the weekend when I can dress in jeans or casual pants or yoga pants. I do wear make-up every day, because otherwise I look like I'm dead:p I neglect my nails horribly. Sometimes I remember to pluck my eyebrows. In the summer I constantly have dirt under my nails from gardening without gloves and my hands are always dry from doing chores with no gloves on. So, definitely NOT high maintenance:p
Nope, not me! My MIL is though. You could show up at her house at 5 a.m. any day and she will be in full Sunday dress (dress, stockings, heels, etc...). I am definitely not like that. ;)
I'm not high maintenance all the time, but I have to say that I enjoy wearing nice clothes and getting made up to go out somewhere nice.

My everyday look is less maintenance, but I still wash and dry my hair and put on make up.
I get my gray roots done every 5 weeks, I get pedicures every two weeks cause I am weird about feet (nasty feet drive me nuts). I also have to wax my "moustache" every two weeks or else its just ugly.... I used to dress to the nines when I had an office job, but since I work from home now, I put my hair in a ponytail--I am terrible at blowing out my own hair,and live in Juicy sweatsuits :) I just heard a groan....hey, they are comfy guys!! Plus it takes me 30 minutes with a shower to get ready each day.

As far as makeup? I am more interested in skincare, my bathroom is littered with every brand of skincare, masks, etc....its awful! yet I hate to tweeze my eyebrows and do the manicure thing. But everyday I do manage to apply the mascara-lip gloss, tinted moisturizer...

But I am the first to schlep to the grocery store in my sweaty workout clothes and my baseball hat!!

I always look at those women with perfectly blown out hair, perfect makeup and perfect clothes and think, "That will never be me!" How the heck do they manage to be so stylish, so pulled together??? sigh. They are like a different breed or something!:)
LOL...OMG I am sooooooooooo not high maintence! ESPECIALLY since becoming a mom!

I have no trouble going out in sweats with no make up. I've never been big on make up but am even less interested these days. Don't get me wrong...if I am going out at night I make the effort to put some on, etc but to do daily chores, errands and what have you?...Nope, can't be bothered.:p

I don't get my nails done anymore...I used to and I liked it but it got to be expensive and a pain in the neck so I stopped. I just keep my nails cut/filed short and neat looking these days. In the summer I paint my own toenails so that I can wear flip flops/open toe shoes.
I'm not high maintenance yet, but that is my goal for this year. My husband says that it is not in my blood but I am going to give it a shot. It is my turn now, lol.
I'm more high maintenance than I used to be. Mainly because of the hair color and the nails. Otherwise, I will leave the house without makeup or even washing and fixing my hair if the situation calls for it.

Also, since entering menopause, I am more choosy about my skin care and hair care products. The better products have made a big difference at this stage of my life. At least now I can afford them :)
Not really.

I do wear make-up most of the time. It takes me less than 5 minutes to put it on though. I get a pedicure in the summer once a month. I don't own a blow dryer and I color my own hair. I am a jeans girl and do not even own high heels. One thing I have to have when leaving the house is a big cup of green tea. I also have to get my workout in or I will be a bit grumpy. I would say that I am fairly low maintenance compared to a lot of moms I know. And, my girls wear jeans and t-shirts most days of the week. I am not one to dress them up. Good question Shelly:)

It really drives me nuts when people call me high maintenance, but I guess I am. Just look wise. Used to do, nails, feet, facials, eyebrows etc....any beauty ritual out there I was trying it...but I have chilled a little bit....but now into expensive beauty rituals like restalyne....oh and I LOVE HIGH HEELS! I wear them everyday (love boots especially!) Will definitely go to the store w/out make up and bb hat though.
Yes and no. I spend a lot of time on skin care & hair care so I DON'T have to spend a lot of time on them in the morning or in the future, if that makes sense........I do spend a lot of money on facials, botox, haircuts, & other salon services.

It takes me about an hour to get ready for work in the morning, including shower, lotion, makeup & hair. If I'm in a pinch I can get ready in 30 minutes if I don't wash, condition & dry my hair, which I guess tells you what's highest maintenance about me.

That said, I have no qualms leaving the house in sweats, ponytail & no makeup for grocery shopping or whatever. And I DO NOT primp to go to the gym. Unless I'm going from work I don't wear makeup or make any other efforts to look pretty.
No way. I mean, I take pride in looking nice for work (when I did, now SAHM) or going out or whatever, but I am the furthest thing from it. I have no problems going out in anything (well, no PJs..) and hardly ever wear makeup. Just not me. The only indulgence I have is coloring my hair but lately I do it myself because of expense. I think being a mom also made me entirely less maintenace than I already am. Maybe when the kiddo gets older I'll convert on a few things here and there ;)


Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas.
--Paula Poundstone
Oh sometimes, sometimes not. I am a SAHM so during the week I never wear makeup. On the weekends I am high maint. mainly because I don't get "dressed up" during the week. I never mind going out w/out makeup though. So, I am only high maint. on weekends!
Pretty much no. I pride myself on being a rough, tough breed of woman who enjoys camping and backpacking. I do fuss with my hair, but it's short and the fussing only takes 5-10 min. I wear minimal makeup and only had my nails done once, because I won a manicure. I don't go out in public much in sweats, but jeans and a nice top are what I usually wear.

My DD takes hours to shower, do her hair and put on makeup. I wonder where she learned it all.
Definitely not. I take only 30 mins to get ready including showering, getting dressed and hair. My idea of makeup is lipstick. I wash my hair myself most times and allow it to air dry. My legs are always overdue for hair removal. I can't tell the last time I got a manicure or a pedicure. So I am very low maintenance. Having said all that though I like nice clothes even if its casual and I usually pull off looking decent.

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