Do you consider yourself high maintenance?

I am SOOOOO NOT high maintenance!! LOL

I am not quite a tom boy .. b/c I like my frilly things too .. but I like to hunt, fish and hang w/the guys. I never wear makeup when I hunt or fish .. or on weekends unless we go out. But I do wear makeup at work and dress professionally.

Nails .. HA!! (I wish I could grow pretty nails) I am on the computer 50 hours a week .. and sometimes I handle cash .. then work w/weights so my nails are a mess. I keep them short and never painted! My feet are a little different .. low maintenance in the winter .. but spring and summer time for the pedicures!!

I am a fanatic about skin care and quality makeup .. so that is the one thing I do kinda tend to lean towards high maintenance.

In all it takes me about 30 - 40 minutes to get ready .. make up is easily applied in about 5 minutes! And although I love high heels they don't love me .. I would much rather be in a pair of flops or tennis shoes!!:7
Low-maintenance gal here. I do like to look nice, get new clothes, etc. But when I'm out walking the dogs in the a.m., I'm anything but glam.
Ha! My current 5:30 a.m. walking the dogs outfit consists of my pajamas with a pair of fleece pants and my SO's HUGE orange hoodie over top, then my coat, snow boots, gloves and a schleppy hat. Very attractive. All I need is a shopping cart with a bunch of junk in it and I'm all set.
Heck no. No makeup, no work on my nails, very little effort with my hair, even going to work. After years of struggling, I finally learned that the hair behaves best if I let it do its own thing. So quite often I walk out the door while it's still damp. My clothes are basic and fairly plain. If it wasn't for taking care of the dog, it would take me about 30 min from the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until I walk out the door - and that includes eating breakfast.
I get up a 2:30 to be at work at 4am. There is no way in heck I am getting up any more early than that so I get things to a min. I take care of my skin but I do not wear a lot of make-up. Most days I just wear jeans, a sweater and non athletic sneakers. However when I go out with my friends on the weekend I do dress up nicer and wear full make-up. So I guess it depends on the occasion.
I'm not high maintenance at all. It takes me about a half hour to get ready in the morning. Less if I don't have to wash my hair. I let my hair air-dry, though. I rarely wear make-up on the weekends unless we're going somewhere special. I HATE high heels. I prefer flat shoes or sneakers. :) I've had one pedicure in my life and never had a manicure. I usually only wear foundation, powder and lipstick. I hate plucking my eyebrows and do it only when I HAVE to.

One thing is I won't go outdoors with my glasses on or without being dressed decently. I would never walk outside in a robe or anything I wouldn't want to be seen in if I was locked out of the house. :p
Yes and no, I used to spend hours on facials, manicure, pedicure, etc. but since I had my kids and dogs, my focus (and time available) shifted a little bit. Before that noone would ever see me without shower, hair washed and blow-dried, make-up on and dressed nice.

Now I work from home a lot, so there are times when I am still in my sweaty workout clothes at noon (good thing noone sees me like that :) ). I go to the dog park very early in the morning, without showering first, in old clothes and a baseball cap. Boy, things have changed!

It does take me a long time to get ready though when I meet with a client or have to go to my office for a meeting.

Well based on most of the above posts. I probably am considered high maintenance. I can get ready to leave and be presentable in 35". (If I scrunch my hair) I do wear make up every day. I get my hair colored every 8 weeks and my nails (acrylic) done every two weeks. I wear high heels every weekend, (yes even to my sons hockey games) but usually lower heals on days when my schedule requires a lot running around. At home I wear work out clothes.

I will wear work out clothes to grocery shop, but I have to have make up on.

PS I have never had botox and do not get facials. But I would get my teeth whitened in a heartbeat if DH agreed.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Based on Judy's def I would say ditto for me. I get my nails done biweekly (gels) my hair cut and colored every five weeks. I just like to feel good. Whether or not I look good, well, Ford modeling agency hasn't called yet.
In regards to health/exercise/care I am high maintenance, I suppose, in that I make sure to eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and use more expensive products as supplements. But looking at me, you'd never know it.

I've never taken much time to get ready. I've always just let my hair air-dry, put on some makeup, concentrating mostly on eye-makeup (5, tops), and wear some nice, but not fancy, clothes. I felt fine about how I looked because I'd taken care of my skin and my body, so getting it ready wasn't a huge effort. I had a lot of fun with my clothes once I got over my body-image issues of high school :).

But in the last year and half my acne has exploded, and I just look plain gross. It has made me lose all desire to give a rat's a$$ about how I look, because no matter what I do, all anybody is going to see is the blood and puss on my face. It's so bad that I have open sores all of the time, can very rarely put any makeup on, and even when I can, it doesn't cover much. I never do my nails, try to take care of my feet in the summer somewhat, and wear very little jewelry.

So, I can shower in 5 minutes, brush my teeth in 2 or 3 minutes, dry and put my clothes on in 2 and I'm out the door. The one thing I have to do is put quite a bit of serum in my wet hair to keep it somewhat tame.
>So how does one define "high maintenance" since this is such
>a vague term to me?

I had the same question. I always thought that high maintenance meant a somewhat demanding and petulant personality type but apparently, this thread is talking about high maintenance in the looks and upkeep department.

I am not high maintenance in the appearance department at all. I do my own manicures and pedicures and it takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to get ready in the morning. Makeup is clear mascara and lipstick or gloss. I do like to dress nice if I am going somewhere but I think I only have about 5 colors in my entire wardrobe and I don't venture much outside of those color realms. I also only buy two colors of or shades of brown. I just don't see the point in buying shoes to match every outfit. Then you can only wear those shoes with that outfit or with that specific color. I just really don't want to put that much thought into getting dressed. My wardrobe is pretty mix and match and I like it that way.

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."
Makeup is clear
>mascara and lipstick or gloss.


Where do you find clear mascara? I was searched all around to get it as a gift for a friend who doesn't wear makeup. I thought of getting her the clear mascara to help keep her eyelashes curled when using an eyelash curler.
I used to be way more so than I am now but never so high maintenance that I couldn't go camping, hiking, etc.

However, I'm really big into high quality skin care,hair care and makeup and will only use the best. No drug store brands for me.

I also usually only shop at whole foods market for the best foods.

I love heels but really only wear them out to dinner or a night in the city.

Was getting my nails done every 2 weeks until one split from the they look like crap til they grow out. I do get my toe nails done every 2 weeks so I can slip on heels or flip flops at a moments notice and not have to worry about my feet.

Takes me approx. 30-40 minutes to get ready with blowdrying hair and makeup which I wear almost everyday. I've got my makeup down to a science and can get it done quick. I will also go to the store with baseball cap and sweats with little or no makeup.
Wow, I never thought I was high maintenance until I read this post. I take a hour to get ready everyday and I never leave the house without makeup. I get my nails done once a week but I do them myself. I self-tan twice a week and I color my hair every 4 weeks.

I do save $$$$ though since I do almost everything myself.

I just don't feel good about myself in public without the bare essentials.
OMG I am high maintenance, but not for any of the reasons you listed, LOL!

I can play the diabetes card and say that I need to change my pump stuff (give myself an insulin refill), but basically, I'm always late because I believe I can be ready from sweaty to out the door in 20 minutes... but it actually takes 25. }( I wonder how many years it will take me to recognize that?? Probably a few years after it starts to bother me that I'm always 5 minutes late, LOL... }(

ETA: I just read everyone's posts... and realized you were actually talking about hair, makeup and nails!! Dear me, I have no time for such things. Long hair is my savior. 85% of my life is spent in ponytail. I miss the days it was long enough to tie in a knot and stick a pen through it! :p
None of the above, but guilty as charged. I submit the following evidence:

1. I won't go camping because I don't like bugs and I need soft toilet paper.
2. I don't like to travel because I don't like to wait in airports or schlep around luggage.
3. I send back food and wine at restaurants if it doesn't live up to my standards.
4. I won't load the dishwasher because I refuse to get my hands dirty.
5. I don't do anything I'm not in the mood to do.

The prosecution rests. :p :p


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