Do any of you roadtrippers happen to have


pics of my "5 minutes of fame?" I have none & it's a souvenier I was really hoping to come home with. If you do let me know & I'll get you my email. Thanks in advance!
I think Emily (materialsgirl) or Angie (finsgirl) has it. I could have sworn I saw it on one of their cameras. :7
Yes, Laura, I have a few pics of you doing the 5 minutes of fame. They may be blurry and small though, since I was standing in the back of the crowd. Email me at [email protected] and I'll send them to you. (I thinkI have 2 or 3) :)
Laura - I will look and see if I have any of yours when I get home tonight.

Does anyone have one of my "5 minutes of fame"? (I was wearing a yellow tank)The ones I have are blurry :(

Hey Laura!

I know I got at least one picture of you on that missing camera of mine (I e-mailed you about it-I think I left it in your car Saturday night?). Hopefully, I'll be able to help out!

I think SNM people will be posting some more pics of the '5 minutes' group. They were taking stills the whole time we were up there.

If anyone has any of me (pink top/grey pants/grey hair LOL) I would be ever so grateful if they could share them with me. My pictures are getting developed now but once I get my pictures back I will share too. I took lots of the other trippers when they were up there.
Laura (still getting used to that) -

I don't have any still pictures but I have a video of you and a few of the others. I haven't previewed yet and I'm not sure how to convert it to a regular size VHS tape but when I figure it out (after my Disney trip this week) I'll PM you for your address!

Hey Laura!
I am pretty sure I got one of you as you were hugging Cathe....I have to get the pictures developed and I'll let you know as soon as I get them.

It was great meeting you!! I had a blast and let's go shopping again soon ok??

BTW, I had no idea Glassboro was that cosmopolitan either, LOL!!
Hi Laura (and the rest of the 5 minutes of fame winners),

I "filmed" each of your routines and gave them (and all of my pics) to Chris. I hope he can convert them into .wav format for everyone. If not, I'll see if I can figure it out...
Hey Laura,

Would you mind emailing the picture you have of my 5 minutes of fame?

I sent you a PM too.

Here's my email:

nick21496 at yahoo dot com

Thanks so much!
RE: 5 minutes of Fame

We have pics of everyone that participated. We're going to try to post the pics later tonight

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