Did You Workout Today?

Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I'm thankful for lots of things, including having my Cathe DVDs and being able to work out today. I've felt bad off and on for over a week. Last night I did not feel well at all, but today was better. Late this afternoon I did the warmup, sections 1 and 2, and the cooldown from Rhythmic Step, along with PS C,S&T. I wanted to get some cardio in but didn't have time to do a full cardio workout and the strength workout. I'm so glad I worked out. I've felt great ever since! :7
Happy Thanksgiving all! I did Boot Camp today!!

I went cardio crazy to help burn off the extra calories I knew I would consume...tee hee. I did Step Blast and Intervals 6-10 of Imax 2. Woo hoo! Then I ate a BIG Thanksgiving dinner folks! Yum! Yum!:7
Yes, I did MIC in it's entirety for the first time today!!! Then went and had turkey with all the trimmings at my sil's house.

:7 :9
Had a great workout. Did Step, Jump & Pump, and then 10-10-10 from CTX...burn out my tri's...loved it though..Carole
I did the cardio premix from Cardio & Weights. I love the choreography from that workout and it moves into each combo with no break from the one before so it's really intense. My daughter was making Chocolate Mousse and kept asking me how many TBS in a 1/4 cup, how many grams in an ounce. I had to start several combos over until I finally snapped, "I can't talk (think and convert, more like it) and work out. Then she had the audacity to laugh at my blunders. Kids, these days!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nosmile/peacesign.gif
I had no time to workout. Oh well, I didn't eat that much anyway, I was so tired from all the ccoking and cleaning, adn intertaining by the time we ate, I only had one serving of everythin, and kept it very small.
Bobbi, I know the feeling, my DH comes home from work everyday and tries to talk to me when I doing cardio, and I always tell him I can't atlk right now. Then I lose my footing for a few seconds and he understands. It's just too ahrd to concentrate on what they are saying and what teh video is doing. Plus I'm a little out of breathe too, so that doesn't help at all either.

I did S&H Biceps and Tri's, the hi-lo portion of MIC and the kickbox pre-mix from BootCamp. It was a lot of fun.

Actually I've not worked out this entire week but did plan for it . After working out for 3 months (5-6 times per week) straight with no rest time ...I really needed it. My body was getting overworked and since I knew I was having family over for the holidays I took this week off for my rest time. I'm still watching my WW points so I'm good. I'm ready to jump into a new rotation Monday though.
On Thanksgiving, my sister and I ran the "Turkey Trot"--a 5K run.

It was a lot of fun and we even beat last year's time by over 3 minutes.

It must be that all of these Cathe tapes have me in good shape!
Last year we ran it in 29:14 and this year we did it in 26:12!

We were pretty happy with that. Especially me because I almost didn't run it at all due to a miserable head cold I came down with on Wednesday!

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