Did you ever notice Lorraine in KPC?

I love the little mistake in Cardio and weights...I think its in the third step combo(maybe the 2nd) its right after the power scissors she was suppose to say cha-cha but she says leg extentions instead(while there doing the cha-cha)! when I hear that mistake it means the combo is almost over:D
I love the little mistake in Cardio and weights...I think its in the third step combo(maybe the 2nd) its right after the power scissors she was suppose to say cha-cha but she says leg extentions instead(while there doing the cha-cha)! when I hear that mistake it means the combo is almost over:D

Every time I'm getting close to that part, I tell myself I'm not going to let her catch me off guard and do the wrong move, but about half the time I still do. LOL
I just did KPC a few days ago, and you're right, Lorraine does show irritation with herself for messing up. I also saw Jai sort of glance over at her. But, it just let me know its okay when you slip up. I'm glad the editors leave those in.
I was also thinking of the Cardio & Weights segment where Cathe says leg extension instead of cha cha. I've often wondered if they missed some errors or mis-ques or if they do leave them in on purpose. Just goes to show no one is perfect! It doesn't bother me when doing the workouts - I think it's kind of cute that they are there!

Cathe was once asked if she ever does her own videos, and she said something to the effect of, "No, because I would be too busy catching all of the little technical glitches that happened to enjoy it."

I think they rehearse and rehearse so that they all are in sync for the most part, but I think they will film a workout straight through because it flows better that way. And because of that, and because even our heroes - Cathe and crew - are merely human, stuff happens. :p

In Imax 2, on the last combo, she says the 5th time is the final time, then on the 6th time she says, "And the last final time" or something like that. It cracks me up. I keep thinking that Blast # 9 muddled her head by that point.
I noticed and the first thing I thought was They are normal too, how nice!! Sometimes it is disheartening when those you are workingout with are so perfect so to see they struggle just like me shows that they are just as normal as I am and yes we can do this. This is a reachable goal!
I noticed that too! I thought when I first saw that when I was doing KPC for the first time was, how nice they are normal too. It is dishearting when you are workingout with profection, so to see that they mess up as well makes it easier to realize these workouts are reachable goals, we can all do these workouts.

We all have are moments and to see the crew have their's too is nice to see they are as normal as the rest of us. I am sure they rather us not see that, but it makes them human makes it easier to relate to them and helps us realize we too can do these workouts.
Re: KPC haven't noticed that one before, will have to go pop it in & take a look. I have noticed most of the other ones mentioned. Makes me giggle too. Unless I'm to winded.
nope-not straight through!

[QUOTE: I think they rehearse and rehearse so that they all are in sync for the most part, but I think they will film a workout straight through because it flows better that way.]

Actually, they don't film all the way through. I remember in one video that they all have resistance bands on their step stools waiting to be used, and most of them have fallen off onto the floor. And then all of a sudden, mid exercise, all the bands are magically all back on their respective stools. I don't mind flubs - it makes things interesting - but I guess I kind of mind that Cathe is half-killing me while she takes breaks off-film! Makes me even prouder that I can keep up, I guess.
I noticed that the first time I did B&G that Cathe had a different shirt on halfway thru the workout and it looked like Cede's hair changed too. It made me not feel so bad for taking a break in the middle.
The best to me is in Step Jump and Pump when Brenda keeps flubbing on the Hi Lo Portion, it's at that exact time that I am flubbing all over the place too. I always think It's Ok to mistakes because mistakes burn calories too! :p

Near the beginning you're doing "over face and over" on one side, that progresses to the diagonal (corner to corner).

Then Cathe switches to the other side and says "over face and over without the turn." She meant without the diagonal, because it's impossible to do that move without turning!

I like LowMax, now that I've learned the step routines. It's grown on me, and I make it more intense by wearing a weighted vest during the intervals (except for the last one -- it would throw me off balance).
That's funny I dont post that often but I have to say I'm always counting on pub shoulders to see if it was me or her who messed the # of reps.. I just add on one rep. Their is another video were cathe says the wrong move before its time I think its step blast but dont quote me. But now when I do the video I'm waiting for that part to happen it also helps me to know how much longer or at what point I am in my work out.

Yes - she says leg extension when you have to do a little cha cha first - she makes this face, just for a second, that lets you knows that she is mad at herself for screwing that up. Really, it is like the 5th of 6th repeats so the miscue has never messed me up - but like you, I am always waiting for that little gaffe too. She is a perfectionist and that is why we love her and her videos so much!!!
flub on bm2

on the concentration curls i believe its j that uses the non working arm to raise her working arm. she must have been trying with a heavier weight than she could finish with but havent we all?

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