Desperate Housewives

What is up with the reruns of this show? I'm so sick of it I'm almost not even wanting to watch it anymore. Why do networks do this? Do they think people love to wait months for their shows to come back on for two episodes and then disappear for weeks on end? Very frustrating!

Rant over...
I agree that they wait too long before bringing new episodes and then disappear again. I always forget what was going on. It's so hard to keep up when they keep doing that!!! x(
Don't watch Deperate Houswives, but Debbie I am so impressed with your signature. I always peek in the open forum and noticed it there. That design is just so darn impressive. I don't know what I like best; those to die for guns or that artistic signature design.

I haven't watched DH for a while, and I don't miss it.
I first stopped watching when I was forced to--for about a month, my local cable company and the carrier that furnished ABC (?) programs couldn't come to a price agreement, so I was unable to get the channel. Luckily, it was back on when Lost returned (but I never went back to watching DH).
While were on the subject... Debbie, how much can you bench? I'm just being nosy if you don't mind my asking.

I actually stopped watching Desperate Housewives for that very reason. I'd bust my tail getting my four boys to bed on time to watch the show just to sit through a rerun. The payoff wasn't worth it anymore.

It kind of stinks because I really looked forward to a mindless yet entertainig wind down at the end of the weekend. Now I guess I'll just have to talk to my husband instead.:)
Because I can never discipline myself to watch a TV program when it's actually on I DVR all the DH episodes. In fact, I'm still catching up on last years drama. I haven't even begun to watch this years yet. I just make sure I don't read any spoilers!
I agree on the "What is up with the reruns on Desperate Housewives??" I know that Marcia Cross (Bree) was expecting twins. Not sure if that would have anything to do with it though. I don't seem to remember so many reruns like this last year. I still watch. I think the writing is hilarious.


BTW--Debbie--I am currently doing one of your rotations and am enjoying it. Many thanks!!
I agree, my dh and I are about ready to just not watch this show anymore. I remember when the first season came on, this never happened. Thats why I love 24, its a new one until it ends.

Cheryl - thanks about my signature. I can't take credit for it, I copied it from somewhere.

Kathy - I'm benching 110# for 5 reps now. On those days I do three sets.

Gin - Glad you are liking my rotation! :)
It's nice to hear other people complaining about this! My husband and I watch it every Sunday,except for the last reruns of course. It makes me mad. I even try to record it then finding out I've already seen that one. I agree that it makes you not want to support them! But I'm sure I will anyway!;-)
I know what you mean. Now I only ever watch this show on DVD through Netflix. Same with Lost. I'm just waiting for the new seasons to come out on DVD now.

I don't really like watching them on regular tv because of the commercials and waiting week to week and sometimes missing an episode.

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