Hi everyone 
I'm doing my 1rm tests for STS. I am confused about deadlifts, disc 2. Here are my two questions:
1. The pdf lists the classic deadlift, exercise # 108 (with barbell). But in the online workout manager, this exercise isn't in the list, while dumbbell deadlifts are. Is the #108 on disc 2?
2. More confusing to me is the video for #108 deadlifts. I had assumed it would be a "classic" deadlift form, similar to this:
(Where you sort of squat down, knees bent, to lift the bar. Knees bending in various points of the move is an integral part of the move, versus the form I saw in video #108, which looks straight-legged)
#108 deadlifts look very similar to stiff-legged deadlifts that come later in STS. Can anyone clarify form on this one, and its difference from stiff-legged form? I noticed most of my DOMS from doing #108 were in hamstrings/behind knee as opposed to lower back and traps.
Thank you!
I'm doing my 1rm tests for STS. I am confused about deadlifts, disc 2. Here are my two questions:
1. The pdf lists the classic deadlift, exercise # 108 (with barbell). But in the online workout manager, this exercise isn't in the list, while dumbbell deadlifts are. Is the #108 on disc 2?
2. More confusing to me is the video for #108 deadlifts. I had assumed it would be a "classic" deadlift form, similar to this:
(Where you sort of squat down, knees bent, to lift the bar. Knees bending in various points of the move is an integral part of the move, versus the form I saw in video #108, which looks straight-legged)
#108 deadlifts look very similar to stiff-legged deadlifts that come later in STS. Can anyone clarify form on this one, and its difference from stiff-legged form? I noticed most of my DOMS from doing #108 were in hamstrings/behind knee as opposed to lower back and traps.
Thank you!