Okay, here's a few hints and tips
I can't give away all my secrets at once!!!!!
For those things without a home- take a small tupperware container and label it MISC. place it in a handy cabinet or drawer. If you have say a bunch of fuses, put them in a ziplock bag and put a white label on it with the item name and place it in the misc. box. Do this with all those little things that end up in your junk drawer.
Get rid of the mail!!! Open it over the trashcan or shredder and anything that is not a bill or important notice THROW IT OUT!!!!
If it's a reminder or appt, write it on the calendar and get rid of the notice.
If it's a bill to be paid, put in in the bill holder.
Receipts, same thing.
Cancel magazines that you don't read.
Do you need 3 extra sets of sheets. It's much easier to own 1 or 2 sets and when you strip the bed, wash the sheets and put them right back on. Your bed is then done and your linen closet is not overflowing.
In my mud room I have a rack to hold coats and my pocketbook etc. Then I have a lower one for the kids coats and backpacks.
Make a "Nothing on the kitchen counter rule. Dishes in the sink or dishwasher, no piles of STUFF, no keys or loose change.
Once a month go thru the corkboard and remove all past dated things.
Invitations. RSVP write the date and time on calendar and get rid of the invitation.
Have fun