De-Clutter Check in Week of 2/7

Ellie-here's your push. The very FIRST thing you are going to do today, my dear, is to MARK THE AIR FRESHENER WITH A SHARPER MARKER big enough for you to see! Make sure it says AIR FRESHENER! So you can read it without your glasses on! After that, the rest will be easy!


(I'll let Ellie explain that one to all of you! LOL) it's a weekday again. That means for busy-time, but STILL enough time in the day to take care of some clutter. I have 2 projects I'd like to do:

***my digital picture frame. SO bought me a nice one for Christmas and it's still in the box (albeit OPEN box) in the kitchen on the FLOOR, of all places. TODAY, I will install the software on my PC and set this frame up.
***my laundry room. My washer and dryer are a hot spot for clutter. So today I will clear them OFF!

Time to get the kiddos ready for the bus! I'll BBL to check in with you all!

Ellie......ohhhhhhhhhhh, you smell goooooooooooooood! :p:p:p

Okay, 49 items gonzo! I got rid of my xmas wreath, misc toys, an ugly candle & liqueur (sp?) glass, some make up and get this--a whole bag of leftover halloween candy! :eek: (I didn't bother to count the candy--why tempt myself??) Almost halfway to my weekly goal....:D
I love the Veni, Vidi, Visa!!!! Too funny.

I have 2 bags of outgrown boys winter coats and boots which I am taking to Goodwill this afternoon. I feel better already.
I ate all the leftover Halloween candy!!! Hey, it counts as de-cluttering!!!!

I WILL make my goals this week. Should i try for 100 items a week. And what counts? Is one pile of mail 1 piece or do I count how many in the pile???

Happy De cluttering

Should i try for 100 items a week. And what counts? Is one pile of mail 1 piece or do I count how many in the pile???

Happy De cluttering


Hi Ellie,

I'm not counting mail in my de-clutter tally, but I think I'm starting w/ a whole lot more clutter than you! :D In other words, you can create whatever rules suit you. I chose the 100 number out of the air. It's big enough to make a difference, but it's not out of reach on a weekly basis.

I'm up to 64 items as DS went thru the magazine pile in his bedroom. :)
I LOVE this, you guys! I really do!

So.....from my to-do list today, BOTH things got done. The only thing remaining on my dryer are 2 racquetball racquets that need to get exchanged and I'll do that this week. My digital picture frame is set up by the PC and the box and packing materials are out in the trash!!! WOO HOO!

Here's a funny decluttering task I'm taking on starting THIS WEEK! I'm going to start decluttering my freezers. I have 3 in all....2 on top of the 2 fridges I have and a large chest freezer in the basement. I need to defrost the basement freezer because it's got that 1-inch layer of ice all around. In order to defrost it, of course, it needs to be almost empty. It's not even CLOSE to empty right now. SO......we will start "eating from the freezer" over the next few weeks. I PROMISE I WILL NOT ADD ANYTHING ELSE TO THE FREEZER until I defrost it, then I can begin to re-stock. This is in preparation for this summer. For the first time, I bought a partial share in a CSA (community supported agriculture), where i pay $x.xx for my share of fresh veggies straight from the farm. Since I'll be eating mostly fresh stuff for at least 20 weeks (which is the minimum I'm guaranteed), I won't be needing to eat too much from the freezer besides, say, chicken or fish. So.....all that to say I'm beginning to empty out my freezers! lol (although, if it got cold out just one more time this winter, I can save all this just by taking the stuff outside for a few hours until the freezer is warm enough to get that ice off, but would that be defeating the purpose? What do the decluttering Gods say about that one?)


You guys rock! Imagine how much STUFF we're all collecting!

Gayle, I just decluttered my freezer this weekend. We only have the freezer above our fridge and it was way full so I went through it and inventoried everything in excel and printed out the spreadsheet and put it on the freezer. Now I know how many packages of chicken, hamburgers, etc... that I have in there. I am going to cross things off as we eat them. I hope it works.
Hi everyone,

I would love to join you but I am CPA and tax season is in full swing. So I won't clean anything until April 16. My clutter is all hidden put away stuff. About 10 years ago I stopped buying "stuff" and made sure no one buys me any presents unless they are flowers or candy. Now that I'm losing weight I guess it is just flowers. (I take that back I just got a lot of equipment for STS, but that doesn't count.)

My only hint is to not buy stuff in the first place. If you think before you buy something, how many hours will I have to work to pay for this? Most times it isn't worth it.

Another big savings in money and clutter is books. My dh and I are both big readers. It seemed when I went to library they never had any new books. I was always buying more. Now I request books on line. All the new ones are always on reserve and don't make it to the shelves.

My last declutter project was in January and I cleaned out pantry. I hate to tell you the date on some of the packages. At least it was easy to clean out. It went straight to garbage.

My husband put away all Christmas stuff this weekend. I hope that counts.

Good luck on all your projects. I won't have time to join in but I'll be lurking around.

Joan - great ideas. I love what you said about thinking about how many hours you will have to work to buy something. That will certainly put that in perspective. I also do the same thing that you do with CDs, books, and movies. I don't buy/rent them anymore, I just request them at our wonderful library.
So, I haven't checked in awhile, been busy...I did get the stomp room and the linen closet done this weekend! Got rid of some extra sheets, thanks for the tip Ellie. I had some from my childhood too!

Good thing I did the stomp room, we have a wooden bench in there that has a built in compartment where I keep extra scarfs, gloves and stuff like that. Somehow some water had gotten in there and was beginning to mildew! I don't know how long it could have been before I discovered that!:eek: EWW!!

So no projects on tap this week, my daughter has the lead in her 2nd grade play this week, and we are very busy with all her performances!

Next week they have a winter break and we are staying home so I will try to attack somethings than..
No major accomplishments to report as I am still in paperwork mode. But did clean out and organize church finance box and in bin. And today I finished the reconcilement on the last account. Tomorrow starts organize business paperwork in prep for tax filing. You know this leaves barely any visual impression, but sure does take a load off my mind. :D That junk drawer is still staring at me though.:confused:
Hi everybody! I've been doing little things here and there and declutter MAINTENANCE as the week goes on.....reminding the kids to put their dirty clothes in the hamper, pick up their toys/stuff when they're done with them, put the pillows back on the couch/chair (how do these ALWAYS end up on the floor? LOL), etc.

Last night, I DID say NO to more clutter. My AUnt from Boston was over for dinner and she and I are always trading books back and forth to read, and I can't say no to books! She came in with 5 books, none of which interested me. So I say NO THANKS, which I don't ever do to books, but I KNEW they would just sit on my bookshelf unread.

I've also been doing little things as they come up. Kids use the crayons or crafts.....and I weed thru and throw out the junk stuff. Put something away in the cabinet above the washer and dryer.....weed thru that and throw out junk. I cleaned out my cup/glass cabinet this AM as I unloaded the dishwasher and tossed all those old, unused cups, mugs and lids. What a SPACE I have in there now.

More, and bigger, projects to come this weekend!

I tackled the garage!!! It is by no means finished, but my car is in there!!!
Most of the stuff is kids bikes and toys but man they take up some serious space.

I am also doing the hanging clothes thing. Thanks Gayle

Everyday I am trying to wear something I haven't worn yet this year. If I hate it or the fit's not right etc, it's right in the goodwill bag.

I am also working on the kitchen cabinets. Now it's hard for me in this are because ALL my coffee mugs were given to me by DH from all his trips to other sates and countries. I'm a little sentimental about them. And I don't know where to start!!!! I may have to leave that cabinet for last

Good Luck
Ellie-how about using those coffee mugs for OTHER things....a pen/pencil holder, in the bathrooms to rinse after brushing, collect coins/changes in one spot of the house, etc. Seriously, just like sheets....HOW MANY MUGS DO YOU NEED? ;) And you're saying that the next time the boys and I come visit, I don't have to park you in because you can't fit your car in the garage? WOO HOO!


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