Days when you you are CONSTANTLY hungry?


Do any of you have days when you are constantly hungry? I know when I weight train I am like that. But, this morning, I got up for early serivce at church. Before I left I ate one cup of raisin bran and one slice of multi-grain bread w/1tbsp of peanut butter. An hour and a half later, I was ravenous. I came home an ate approx. 2 oz chicken and a banana. I am fine now but I ate all this b/f 10am. x(

How do you curb hunger on days like I had today. Normally, the cereal and toast w/pb would have held me.
Kim I do not think that you should try to curb you eating when you feel very hungry, this may lead to binge eating. Your body may be telling you something.

I know when I stick to my eating plan, and don't eat two to three hours before bed, I wake up the next day starving. Before my workout I eat a little carb/protein snack (whole wheat crackers with turkey).
As long as your eating habbits remain clean I think that you are OK.
I have those days--but in my case it's usually just before my period starts. Sometimes I even forget it's coming and can't understand why I'm so hungry and/or cranky. Then here it comes, and I think, "Duh, of course; now I know why I've felt this way." You'd think after so many years I'd be used to it already. x(

Anyway, as for curbing hunger on those days, I don't always do a great job of that. I do find that an egg at breakfast will hold me longer than cereal. Sometimes I'll have an egg and some oatmeal with unsweetened applesauce, and that will help me get to lunch.


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
This past Thursday night was like that (I was in heaven watching "The Office", one "Cheers" rerun and two "Frasier" reruns - better than that it doesn't get), and after a full meal I tore into my leftover salmon and veggies, then moved on to a half low-fat swiss cheese sandwich, THEN moved on to a bowl of very delightfully greasy and salty cheese doodles then polished the whole thing off with two thingies of Luigi's Italian ices. Felt like a derrick the next day. I don't get the Raging Hungries like that very often, but I do deliver myself over to it.

I tend to go in and out of days like this, but yes, before my period is the worst for eating alot!x(
Personally, I do not think that eating cereal, toast and the other things you mentioned before 10 am was too much at all, especially if you are training really hard. That is just your body telling you its repairing itself and needs the nutrients.:)

I tend to think when we have the "Cheesy Doodle" urges, its something else entirely though! But giving into to these urges every now and then is very normal, don't sweat it!:)
I agree with everything that's been said here. I have been trying lately to eat every few hours, so I don't get to the point where I'm feeling ravenous. I go for fruit or yogurt or oatmeal to fill me up and try to drink plenty of water also. Of course, the Cheesy Doodle attacks do happen. I say life's too short not to indulge now and then.


"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
don't try and suppress what your body is telling you. i have done this and everytime it leads to a binge. your body is saying that it needs more food. so just choose wisely and this will be a refeed day.
Like some of the others here, it hits me with PMS. I don't even bother to try and control my eating. It's not worth it, and I've never noticed any weight gain because of it. I do try to eat mostly healthy things, but if I want a monster-sized piece of chocolate cake, then I eat it. :7
Like many others here, I just go with it. Back in the days when I used to do Slow & Heavy, I felt that way every day, so I finally had to give up that workout because I wasn't comfortable eating that much every day. But once in a while, no problem.

As a general rule, I try to avoid empty calories as much as possible. My biggest downfall is ice cream, but I tell myself it has lots of calcium and protein. ;)

Don't fight the feelin'. :7
Hey Kim-

I get these days probably about once a week or once every two weeks- has no consistency & I can't figure out what is causing it. However, that being said this is what I have learned about these days...

Frist I stop & ask myself am I really hungry- does a salad, apple, veggies, etc... sound good & if the answer is yes then I allow myself to eat without "counting calories" as long as it is healthy food choices. I found out real quick that if I try to ignore the hunger and not eat something healthy then all I do all day is think about food b/c I'm so hungry & then end up eating way too much in the evening. I do think our bodies know best & if you are really hungry then don't sweat it & just pick healthy foods & don't stuff yourself. I also try to get up & do something for 20 minutes if I've eaten but still feel hungry- it always passes within 20 min if I am not really still hungry but after 20 min if I still am hungry I'll eat. However brownies don't ever need a 20 min wait to eat them!!! lol.

Hang in there, that is one thing I love about this board is knowing that there are so many others out there dealing with the same thing!
Thanks for the advice!!! I also had a craving for a mixture of veggies (if you saw my other post for ideas on how to fix them). I ate about 1 1/2 cups of the veggie mix. It later hit me that my body is trying to tell me it needs something. I am not normally a veggie eater and I had a hankering for butternut squash, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and onions. Go figure. I have managed to feed the bottomless machine with mostly veggies today. I think it may be related to PMS as it is about 2 weeks b/w cycles. I am used to the salt/sweet cravings. I never noticed this before. Our bodies are so amazing!!

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