Damage Control

We've been dealing high 90's and a couple triple digit days and 4 wildfires. Two are near me (we are not in danger) but the smoky smell and poor air quality is keeping everyone inside. I was able to get out and mow but really need to spend some time pulling weeds. Perhaps tonight if it cools down.

I've had a few good workouts. Today was back and it was a goodie. I've been getting about 4 days per week in, sometimes more.

The girls have been gone since last Wednesday. They have been in Oregon with their Mom for their Great Grandma's 80th birthday. Oh, and also a baby shower for one of their Aunts. They will get home some time late tonight.

Regarding your shoes, have you tried orthofeet. I bought a pair a while back and have been pretty happy with me. I have a lot of foot pain due to hardward in both feet and multiple surgeries. They were a bit pricey but they really help. Oh, and they aren't that attractive, but I don't have any pain when I'm wearing them. https://www.orthofeet.com/

Most hybrids do not need to be charged as they are not fully electric, they also use gas. They self charge the battery through regenerative braking. You get much better gas mileage since it uses both the battery and fuel. The battery is charged more when city driving and braking rather than highway driving where there isn't much braking. Replacing hybrid battery is much cheaper than replacing a fully electric battery.

How was the winery?

The winery was a good time. Dan apologized for making such a fuss about going. We had a fun table, good food, and lucked out on the weather. It was pouring when we left home, but by the time we got to the venue it was sunny.

We are still waiting to get our car back from getting repaired-hopefully Monday. It took a while to get the parts. Having just the one vehicle is ok. I'm trying to talk DH into just having one. Some days I take it to work and come home for lunch or he drops me off and picks me up. We'll see. Mazda has a 0% interest rate for 3 years and we test drove one that was comfortable. We didn't like the feel of the engine and need to test more to see if that is just the way they feel. I think Mondays are going to be car "shopping" days for a while. We will have to call the dealers though to make sure the cars online are still at the lot since most of the ones we earmarked to test a few weeks ago were not there when we got there.

I actually like the look of those orthofeet shoes! I'm on their mailing list and may try a pair at some point. Thank you for the idea. I'm still waiting to hear from my podiatrist about the next steps (ha ha). I'll probably call him Monday to set something up. He should have the results by now. Overall I'm managing my pain pretty good by doing what I'm doing so it's kind of scary to even try a walk. Weirdly I'm ok at work. Maybe because it's starts and stops? I don't know. It's just nice to not be in pain.

Today is the women's soccer gold match-USA vs. Germany. I plan to watch that, go to the pool for a workout, and get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow two of my aunts, my brother, and my parents are coming for lunch. My aunts live about 3.5 hours away and are just coming for the day. My dad is so confused now. He's getting more suspicious lately. It's part of the dementia. I saw it a lot at the nursing home.

Hope you are having a good weekend. September is just around the corner!

I had dr. appts on Mon/Tues. Wednesday I walked around the lakes in the morning. It was so beautiful. Yesterday I did circuit workout. I've really been feeling like getting more cardio, so the circuits work well for me. I have weights planned for this weekend. I want to give Iron another try when I get back from vacation. Just doing what I feel like until then.

The girls started back to school on Wednesday. They were dreading it. They are Juniors this year, time is flying.

I've been watching recordings of the olympics. I feel so bad female gymnastics. Jordan Chiles should get to keep the bronze. It's just so sad. They should all receive a bronze medal. To no fault of any the gymnasts involved, the scoring is causing emotional pain.

Did you find a car? Are you looking for a specific brand?

We have not found a car and now the good car is back in the shop. I'm feeling a little trapped in my town! Hopefully this week we get it back again and it runs.

Juniors in high school! Wow! Before you know it they'll be off to college. I've been helping my mom a bit with my dad. His cognition has dramatically declined in the past month. He kind of knows what's going on, but can't remember. He's lost the ability to do some of things he used to know how to do-like making a pot of coffee. We spent a nice day last Thursday together going to pick up my new glasses and shopping at Wal-Mart for a few items.

I'm still doing pool 2-3 times a week and did two short walks last week. My back/leg/foot feel ok. I'm trying to manage and listen to my body. Work is ok as far as walking and the pool is keeping me toned up. I may invest in a pool noodle. There is a You tube channel with lots of great tips and workouts and the latest was using a noodle to do push ups and planks in the pool. I tried it with some small dumbbell looking noodles and it definitely works your abs.

We cancelled our Italy trip. Between wanting to go to California to visit DS2 and concern for my dad it just didn't feel like the right time. We may still go to the beach somewhere closer in October just to relax. Flying and keeping track of all your stuff and not speaking the language just sounds stressful right now.

How was your weekend? I agree with you about the cardio-it just feels good! Per my watch I'm getting enough movement in to average 30 minutes a day during the week. That's enough for me now. The goal is to not hurt myself!

Hey! How are you? How is school going for the girls? How is work? I am doing fine. I've started doing the ICE weight work-one body part a day. Monday was chest, Wednesday was back. Shoulders-planned for Friday and Bi's and Tri's on Saturday (such small muscles I'm going to do abbreviated versions).

I'm still having foot issues, but was able to take a 40 minute walk on Monday without difficulty. The problems seem to be when I try to do leg work. So, I'm just doing upper body weights, pool, and bike. It's so hard figuring out what makes my foot tingly. My stretching has helped a lot and I feel like the whole situation is manageable right now.

We continue to car shop-finally got the "good" car back! Now the dishwasher broke. Always something! On the plus side we have a painter lined up for next summer to pain the top half of the house!

I've been baking sourdough, reading, watching soccer, and helping out my parents. My dad fell again on Monday and hit his head. My mom hates to make dinner so I've been cooking for them a few times a week.

Hope all is well with you and your family!

Hey Beth!! My job has been so stressful, many long days and not sleeping well. I tend to wake up between 12-2 and am up for a couple hours most nights. My workouts have been hit or miss. Getting 3 to 4 workouts each week. My company may be laying off folks so I'm stressed about that too.

I'm finally worked out this morning and it felt great. It was a circuit with jump rope, swings, snatches, squats, lunges, step ups, deadlifts, all the things. Then I mowed the lawn and sprayed the weeds.

I'm off work until Sept 9th and will enjoy every moment. It's my birthday weekend and I'm hoping to get in for a massage and facial will I'm off.

The girls are adjusting to school hours. The one that was always messy has started making her bed every morning before school. I think that is a great start for her. She's kind of hot mess. She loses stuff, can't remember where she put etc. She leaves her clean clothes in the basket for days. She is trying to do better. Her sister is organized, a place for everything and everything in its place.

I wonder if doing leg work causes tingling because you are standing on your feet for so long. Have you tried going barefoot? I'm not sure if that would help or not.

Oh my gosh, sorry you seem to having bad luck. It's true, there is always something.

I can check in more since I'm off.

Hi! I hope you are enjoying your time off! Are you guys going to your condo for part of it? I'm trying to talk Dan into going to Buffalo this coming Saturday to the second biggest art museum in New York state. They have some of the Impressionists works in their collection. I'm pushing for an overnight trip, but may have to settle for a day trip.

Workout wise the one part a day fell apart. I did Chest on Monday, Back on Wednesday morning, and then the ICE chiseled upper body on Saturday. I think Wednesday only happened because I was awake since 4 and then just got up at 5 and did it. I am also struggling with staying asleep and last night could not get to sleep. I'm glad I got 3 weight workouts in last week anyway. I've been feeling good and got a 20 minute walk in yesterday with no lasting foot issues. Day by day...

It's been great so far up here at our Condo. I've walked 9 miles 3 days and 8 miles one day. I usually start my day with a 6-7 mile walk along the reservoir. It is so nice and the temps are in the 70's.

DS1 has been up here with us which is nice. I have someone do to things with. We went to an art show, and walked around main street in the next town over. Yesterday we went down to the outlet mall. It hasn't really recovered after covid. Many of the shops are vacant. DS found some shirts in Columbia and I bought a pair of shoes. It's just nice hanging out with him. Oh, he went to a fancy 5 course dinner tasting and really enjoyed it.

My sleep is not good either. I usually fall asleep pretty easily, but tend to wake up for 2 to 3 hours most nights. Last night was pretty bad. I'm feeling a little groggy this morning. I may see if we can go home this afternoon. DS left yesterday and it's pretty boring for me without him to do things with. There are some short hikes nearby. I may do one of those today.

I had my annual physical before we came up here. My bloodwork indicates high cholesterol. I am to schedule a tele-visit to review the results. I've also been having this pain on the right side near my rib. There is an ultrasound schedule in a couple weeks to look at that. She said it is most likely gall bladder. I found it interesting since all my sisters have had ther gall bladder removed. They were all much younger than I am when they had it removed. The dr. said it does tend to run in families. The dr. said it could also be liver since they are connected.

My younger sister has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. She has scoliosis and other medical issues. She hasn't worked for at least the last 6 years. She's been dealing with chronic pain for years. She is not active and has been told that would help. You have to keep moving. She's been in PT for knee, sciatica, and piriformis issues.


It sounds like your foot may finally be on the mend. Just a little bit each day. It's hard to tell how far to push it so you don't suffer the next day.
I'm so glad you got away and had some quality down time at the condo. Did you sleep any better there?

I've been taking a 20 minute walk just about every day. I consider it my body's bone walk and so far so good. Did more biking for cardio this week since the weather was nice. This weekend is colder and rainy so I'll probably go to the pool.

We're still car hunting and are leaving in an hour for an appointment in New York. We've had good luck with this dealer before.

There used to be a mom and daughter who both have fibromyalgia that went to the pool quite often. Between the weightlessness in the water and the hot tub they thought it helped their symptoms. I hope your sister finds relief somehow. Every day can be different and challenging.

Not much going on here. Work was really busy this week since Monday was a holiday. Our office is big and if felt like we spent the week catching up from not being there on Monday. Tuesday we had the crash cart out two times due to life threatening emergencies-it was intense. I'm not sure if the one made it-they went from our office to the helicopter.

Have you read any of Peter Attia, MD? He recommends a statin and metformin for everybody-one to keep the arteries clean and one to keep blood sugar levels to a minimum. I've been on a statin for at least 15 years and haven't had any problem with it. My doctor won't put me on metformin though since I'm not pre-diabetic or diabetic.

Have a good week!


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