Damage Control

Have you looked into the psoas muscle? It's under the ribs and connects back through leg in the front. Mine had a charlie horse in it and Monday at therapy he got that out and I felt a lot better. Unfortunately, I tried a 10 minute treadmill walk last night and ended up throwing both the SI joints out of alignment. I woke up to spasms and severe pain. This morning I had PT and he has ordered a brace for me. He's off next week, so it's just stretching until I get the brace.

You need to get away and relax! Your condo is the perfect spot for that! We having no plans to travel until December to see Aaron. I talked to him this week and he's good. He said he's moving the weekend after our visit. He had thought he would be sharing his current place with the last girlfriend and has decided it's too expensive. He wants to go somewhere that has good Asian food. I worry about him driving out there, but have to let it go.

I'm thinking about taking $1000 and trying some professional mental health therapy. I need to come to grips with my parents.

Anyway-check out the psoas muscle trigger points and see if that could be contributing to you abdominal pain.


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