**Damage Control** October


Good Morning Ladies,

GGGRRRR:mad: My pc shutdown for windows updates while I was posting. I should at least get a warning before it shuts down.

Today will be some kind of Cardio/Abs tbd. Why don't I know what to do...because Wendy keeps posting all the BR w/o's and I spend too much watching them instead of just doing them.:D

DH and my laptop come home today. It has been pretty easy going with just Jerod and I. It's so easy to cook dinner for 2, less laundry, only run the dishwasher every few days etc. A taste of what I have to look forward to when the boys leave.:)

Laura-It definitely sounds like you were due for a rest day. Hope you had great plyo class!!! I really want the dip station but will probably hold off until Christmas....when I ask for both the dip station and UGI!!! I preordered the new P90X2 w/o's and they should ship in December. I've done about 15-20 min of BH Core w/o and really like it.

Wendy-I have to say I'm quite intriqued by your BR results and it's tempting me to strongly consider a BR rotation. The shorter w/o's would be great for weekday mornings and I could do longer w/o's or weights on the weekends.

Wish Lori and Jacque would come back....miss you ladies.
Diana:: I think you should try it! You could always add on if you feel the need. Try doing BR + one BP per day. That was a great rotation! Not as short but still pretty brief depending on what weight lifting series you use!
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Hello ladies .. TGIF

well I had to go to another office to fill in .. and the fffn air is out .. and it is hot as h### in here .. @#$!#$%#%@$%^ .. :mad::mad::mad::mad: dang it ... oh well this office is not as busy .... but dang it is gonna b a long day w/this freaking air out .. last night class was great .. I got there .. and they wanted step cardio .. I compromised .. did step circuit w/plyo segments in between .. TUFF .. harder than i expected it to be!~ :eek: :D I may go for a walk today at lunch - around town ... there is no running trail here .. and I wont get to this afternoon - and tmrw we are going to Biloxi .. woot woot . .. send some winning vibes my way pplease!! Taking some friends we havent been able to hang w/in a while .. the ones we went to MX and Vegas with .. so I am excited ...

Di - go ahead and try a BR rotation.. I am dying to know what kind of results YOU get -

Wendy - that does look like another goodie workout .. I would do it today . but it is too freaking hot in here .. it is a lot cooler outside than it is in this fffn building .. ugh

I miss Lori and jacque too ..

OK .. better run .. have a great one .. and a great weekend ..w orkout for me some b/c I will be playing .. eating and drinking :eek: :cool: Oh and WAAAAAAARRRRR EAGLE .. I will be watching the game while playing slots!!! or drinking CABS in bar while watching game :eek: we play FL .. HOPE WE GET OUR ACT TOGETHER AND WIN THIS WEEKEND ....
Hi Girls:)

Checking in sometimes is better then never at all, isn't it???:rolleyes:

Not a whole lot new here. Im still growing...as I should be...Im not sure when I will stop growing but I have discovered that the scale is not my friend! I have atleast 30 lbs on now but most people tell me I don't look like it. And then there are other's who think I should have had this baby yesterday! LOL Im not worried about it. I haven't been getting as much exercise in as I would like. The weather hasn't been the best so I haven't been out walking and I only did one workout last week! Hopefully this week I will get more in. If I can keep it up for a while I think it will help me bounce back quicker after baby.

I soooo need a kick in the arse as far as my certification goes. Its so hard to study when my mind is racing and I have to work. If I could stay home and just study, that would be ideal, but I can't. There are always things that need to be done around the house and then before I know it I am back to my week at work and that week is a complete write off. Esp between DS's appts! Instead of studying last week, I figured painting my room and bathroom was more important so thats what I did! Someone had to do it...and I did a good job if I must say so myself. My dad is going to paint the babys room but I am already thinking about painting the downstairs bathroom with the remaining paint this week!:eek: Nesting is setting in and studying isn't a priority.

Work is getting on my nerves to. We kind of all work our own schedules but the guy I work with keeps telling me that the other two girls keep asking when I start my day. They start their day earlier, so they can go home earlier, while I do 9-5 b/c DS has preschool. I don't know why they care so much cause I don't care what they do. And I know for a fact one of them isn't here as much as she likes to pretend she is! Anyway...I am just going to ignore the both of them b/c its highly unlikely I will be back here when my mat leave is up.

How is everyone? Keeping up with your workouts I see! So jealous! I can't wait to be able to run again without exhaustion or tightness! LOL Thanks for the compliments on the pic. I figured it was time to post one. I can't wait to hit the 30 week mark so I only have single digit weeks left!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Hi Ladies,

Saturday was a rest day for me. DS's team won their football game 28-0. The game ended up starting an hour or so late due to PSAT testing. I purposely didn't sign my kid up for this date due to the football game. The other school only had 9 players to start so we had to wait for the rest of their team to arrive....made for a long day.

Today will be another circuit, HST is sounding good right now. BR has definitely earned a spot in my rotation. I love that they are short but intense.

Lori-thanks for popping in.:) We were all wondering how you were doing. Here's your kick in the pants to complete your certification....if you don't do it now, it will be much harder with a new born and a toddler. Seriously, it will be much easier to finish it up now. My house needs a fresh coat of paint...hasn't been painted for almost 12 years. We painted the whole house before we moved in and all the bathrooms and 3 of the bedrooms have been painted...a couple of times. The main areas of the house need a fresh coat, it would sure brighten the house up. You get 1 year of mat leave...right??? So jealous, I only had 6 weeks with each of my kiddo's.

Laura-hope you are having a great time...and winning in Biloxi!!!

Wendy-how are you spending your weekend?

UGH!!!!Does that answer your question, Diana? LOL I am spending my weekend PLANNING on being productive yet getting NOTHING done!:rolleyes::eek::confused::(

I ended up not working out y'day and still haven't done it today....

I'm supposed to be getting housework done and that isn't happening either....

I did, however, manage to go shopping and buy a new pair of Lucky jeans though! :D That was today.

Y'day DH, DS and I went out to lunch, walked a mall (no purchases made there) and then went to my mom's for dinner.

Today was food shopping (yes, the ONLY thing I accomplished so far!:rolleyes:) and a visit to the outlets where the new jeans were purchased...oh and we ran my car through a car wash so I wiped down the interior afterwards.....

Recently woke up from a nap as if I needed the rest :p and I am now drinking coffee trying desperatley to talk myself into a work out. OY! :eek:

K, off I go. Hope I come back with some good news later!:confused:

I did my work out!


1) 500 reps of jump rope.

2) BR Amazing Fat Burn Work Out: BODYROCK.tv | Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | Bodyrock.tv -modified the second part of this w/o b/c I do not have a sandbag. I used a 30# db and held it with ends facing out in front of me for squat tho I did alternate which side of the body I put it down on. Also instead of counting reps I just set my timer for 10 mins and did as much as I could in that time. I can really suck at counting reps for compound moves like this and after doing a couple I just knew it wasn't going to happen for me that way. No big deal though. I worked my azz off just the same even though I have no idea how many reps I did!;)

3) Abs from Extreme Cardio Kettlebell Work Out by Keith Weber-most moves done with my UGI with the exception of the half get ups for which I used a 15# bell.

Now it's time for dinner and laundry...
Good Morning.

Today's work out was supposed to be the "You Push Me" BR but I couldn't find it! :confused: That being said I opted for Intensity Hi HiiT 2x thru + my own short ab routine.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.


ETA:: Okay well I just googled the BR work out and found it no problem. This morning I was using the search box on the website and coming up empty. IDK why I didn't think to try google sooner. Oh well. Atleast now I have it for the morning! :)
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Hi ladies,

No workout for me this morning...booh. I just can't seem to get back into the groove of my 5:30 am workouts. I'm going to the rec ctr at lunch for heavy leg training and abs.

Wendy-I previewed the workout you did yesterday...wrote it down...but didn't do it.

Laura-how was your weekend?

Lori-sounds like your pregnancy should be smooth sailing from here on out. Have you picked out names? We talked about names before each of the kids was born, but never definitively picked anything out until after they were born.

Jacque-come back girl....we miss you.
Diana...We knew what we were going to name my son before I went into labor. It was easy b/c we decided to name him after both Grandfathers. My only advice to you in regards to that BR work out is...JUST DO IT! ;) Have fun with heavy leg training today!
Laura:: FYI-I emailed CS about the status of my dip station this morning. Got a response back in a few hours! This is what it says....

Hi –

The dip bar was on backorder but did arrive at our warehouse late Friday. Your order is currently in the warehouse for shipping. You will receive a confirmation email containing the tracking number when it ships.

Thanks again
Hi Ladies,

I'm so tired...not much sleep was had last night. I got my butt up but need some coffee before I can start my w/o. Oh, I finally got on the scale after about a month and am up almost 5# ACCCKKKKK. I knew it was up but I'm definitely going back to daily weighing. Although most experts advise against daily weighing, it was working for me.

This morning will have to be a short w/o, probably HIIT DWP. No leg DOMs yet but expect to have that soon. I've been going a bit lighter with my leg training trying to build back up to where I was...and I should be back at those weights next week!

Wendy-Woo Hoo...another new toy to try out soon. Just think, we might all have our new w/o's by this time next week too! Mine probably won't arrive until mid to late week, but I'm looking forward to them just the same.

Hi Lori, Laura, and Jacque
Good Morning!

BODYROCK.tv | Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | Bodyrock.tv

You Push Me BR is done! Good work out! No add ons today.

I have mucho DOMS in my hamstrings that started last night I guess from HiiT! :eek: Made some of this morning's moves quite interesting! :p

I also have mucho DOMS in my abs! Especially the uppers! Yeowza~

Diana:: Daily (or almost daily) weighing is the only way to go for me. IDC what the so called experts say. It's not a one size fits all solution. Do what works for YOU! :) Buckle down a bit and you'll get those 5 pounds off PLUS some! :)

ETA:: I just checked my email! Not only has my dip station been shipped but it's being delivered TODAY!!!!:D
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TUE that is a MOn for me .. UGH

DOUBLE UGH .. crap!!! I love MON off .. but crap TUE is a biatch!!! :eek: :p

had a BLAST - wonderful gettaway - w/wonderful friends - boy have I missed those guys!!!! There are no workouts to reports but my abs got a workout from laughing .. I dont think i have laughed that much in a LOOOONG time!!! :p I am a LOOSEr tho .. but boy did DH have a good weekend - he won enough to cover my losses and THEN some :D we went fishing ystdy - and had a blast - I whooped his butt - even tho he will NEVER admit it!! :p today back to reality!!!

Lori - welcome back - and YES KICK IN THE PANTS/BUTT here - DO IT NOW - when your bundle of joy comes you will be sleepless and grumpy and tired w/dirty diapers, laundry, bottles, throw up etc to deal with !!!! Get in gear girlie - that is an order :p ;)

Wendy - I was LOL at your getting nothing done this weekend but you SCORED the lucky jeans and a car wash - hey we have our priorities right??? :p:p got my shipping notice .. the dip station .. it says should be delivered tmrw :D:D

Di - I cant get up here lately either - hoping when my dip station comes in it will inspire me to get up and get some short BR w/o done .. it is FREEZING in my house in the a/ms tho .. brrrrrrrrrr ..the bed sure is nice and cozy!!! :p

OK .. tonight is gonna be circuit mish mohs .. SIL taught for me last night :)...kickboxing .. so I was thinking tonight weights and plyo and core and pushups ... and I may be dilated b/c i have my re-check w/the eye doc this afternoon ... if so may be a core/mat w/o .. :confused:

HEY .. AUBURN WON THIS WEEKEND!!! WOOT WOOT!!! I was in casino playing slots found a TV w/it on .. people prbly thought I was nutz ..yelling at the TV .. but we beat out FL .. WOOOHOOOO!!!!! This weekend is LSU (I am very scared) - think they are gonna be ntnl champs this year ...ssooooooo .. ?????

have a great one!!!
Laura:: Ofcourse! I only accomplished the FUN stuff this weekend! :p Glad you had fun in Biloxi and glad DH won enough to cover what you lost! Love it when that happens but more fun if YOU would have won too right? ;) Yay for the dip station deliveries!!!!! You must do a BR when you get it!!!!!!:D

ETA:: My dip station was delivered a few minutes ago! WOO HOO!!!!!:D
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Good Morning Ladies,

I'm working from home so I didn't workout early. I'm doing the Circuit w/o from Hardcore Extreme this morning. Yesterday I ended up doing Original BC Cardio & Abs only, short but sweet w/o.

We are just starting the process of refinancing our house...again. We can get a lower interest rate for a 15yr mortgage and save ourselves about $200 per month.

Wendy-I like the looks of this BR w/o. How was the dip station?

Laura-glad you had a wonderful weekend! Yes, the dip station should be motivation to get you up for 10-20 min morning workout!

WED - Morning ladies ..

well had a good eye check up .> WOOHOO ... but afterwards got to class .. DH had taken my music out of my car .. I HAD NOTHING .. found a CD that i burned prbly 15+ years ago - that luckily played .. SLOW BPM .. so I did balls .. have to admit .. pretty tuff .. my legs and arms are sore today!!! :eek: I have got to make me some back up music and leave somewhere JIC ... today is forced REST day .. a friends bday ... MORE FOOD ... I have been way off track w/eats for past 5 days .. ugh ...

Wendy - so how was the dip station?? sturdy??? do tell ...

Hello to all that follow .. ok .. gotta get .. back log of paperwork calling my name .. have a great one!!! ;)
Di:: I am jealous of your ability to work from home. That's great. Enjoy your work out today! That's a nice savings you will get from the house refi. Good for you!

Laura:: Glad the eye exam went well. Why did DH take the music out of your car?? Did you give him the what-for when you got home? LOL Good job makin' it work though! No wonder why your students are so faithful to you! :)

Dip station-OMG. I am such a dork! After pulling out all of the pieces I literally read and re-read the directions and picked up each piece and stared at it for a minute or 2 like 3x over before I finally figured out how to get the thing together! :confused::eek: LOL It wasn't hard to put together once I figured it out but for some reason getting to that point took a while! :p
It's sturdy but the directions tell you that the way it is made it is wobbly and seems unstable when there is no weight on it but do not let that scare you. It tightens right up and is very stable once your body weight is applied to it. It's the way it's made so don't think there is something wrong with it, Laura! :) I haven't tried collapsing it flat for storage yet. After last night's fiasco I am kind of afraid to! Not sure my brain can handle it! :eek: LMAO. I will leave it assembled until I need the extra room I guess...:rolleyes: Oh and it's very light weight! Love that-a big plus!!!
Hi Girls,

Well HCX circuit premix wasn't as hard as I was hoping for. It was a combo of Imax3, HSC cardio and weights. I may try to get something else in at lunch....maybe even the BR Wendy posted. I prefer the ones with multiple exercises anyway.

Wendy-LOL, I'm not very good at putting things together at all. I always think "it can't be that hard"....then usually need some help anyway.:p Good for you getting it put together by your self!!:D Ah yes, it is nice to work from home. I only do 1 day per week but many others WFH 2 or 3 days per week.

Laura-glad the eye is getting better. I'm guessing DH took your w/o music by mistake. He was probably just as upset when got home, put in some relaxing music just to find out it was your w/o music.:p


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