Damage Control January!!!

Saturday was RWH LIHI legs with DH, he about died. Sunday was XT CBS and abs. This morning was XT legs w/ barre and XT BS chest only. It's an XT week. Tonight will be Ride and tomorrow will be XT B&T. Wednesday will be CLB.

Beth, I love Imax 3, haven't done it in a long time. DS and I did one MM body part every day last week. I really loved it, especially the shoulder and chest sections. How is the weather where you are? We're dipping back into freezing temps. C'mon spring!!! :)
No wo Saturday ran outta time. Yesterday I did XTrain CBS premix rounds 1-4. At night. I really don't like working out at night but... And here again it is night and I'm about to head down. Looking for short HiiT with abs. So it might tabatacise and core 1 for 29 min. Or aolih with core 1 at 32 min. Unless I find there is a sweat with icy core that fits in my timeframe.

Hubby is not doing great. Slowing healing. Off pain killers today and last night since his belly was hurting possibly from it. Not sure if he will go back to work tomorrow.

Beth- I know what you meant about long rotations! 3 years ago I did the XTrain undulating 3 mo but it took me 4 mo and I was burned out of XTrain for a while. And just coming off of RWH for 2 mo, I'm burned out of the circuits. So I'm just making it up as I go alone one week semi planned at a time.

Diana- enjoy your trip!
Hi Tina!

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Nice job keeping up workouts, LL. I bet your legs are feeling good! Tina, so nice you work out with your DH and DS. I don't think we'd have the room here. DH and I struggle to do some of the yoga moves with straps without bumping into each other. It's freezing here. On the plus side when it's this far below 32 I don't have to scrape at 4:45 in the morning!

Today I went old school and did Cross Train Express All step with shoulders and abs. I did it on 8 inches and it was a good workout. I lifted the heaviest I've done in a long time for my shoulder-12 lbs for over head presses. So far, so good. I find all the metabolic workouts really work my shoulders so today was just a good heavier lifting for them.

I'm off to dinner...hope Diana is having fun!

Hi Ladies,

I had a super-fun long weekend with the girls. They are just so delightful. When I got home I unpacked, did laundry and re-packed. I made my way to the UK...2 planes and 3 trains, but I'm here now. No workouts to be had so far. There is a really nice fitness center across the street that we get free access too. It has a pool, tons of equipment and classes. I can't wait to go check it out in person. I brought my swim suit, cap and googles...and some workout clothes!

Beth-I'm looking forward to trying some of the muscle meltdowns. IMAX 3 is a goodie, I love that w/o!!! Keep up the good work.

LL-how is DH doing? Have you been able to w/o, or just take care of DH and the boys???

Tina-What are you up to??

Hubby is still pretty bad. The nurse thinks he has dry sockets so he started some black paste that they gave him. She said there is clove in it other than that it sounds like she really didn't know...hopefully that will help.

Rest day today. I was planning on doing 30 min of yoga max because I was feeling stressed, out from 8:45 and straight to the mechanic since I was close to having a flat, then classes and music lessons for the kids all day. Thank goodness I had a soup in the crockpot, we had 30 min for dinner and then off to a basketball game, with the 3 younger ones. JTrain and youth group tonight. Little K isn't very much fun at a game. But I fell asleep when I put him to bed so...I didn't workout. I've just been on my iPad for a couple of hours doing random stuff!

We are supposed to get some serious snow this weekend! 12-18"! I'm thinking about taking everyone and a friend of JTrain's skiing on Monday. I'm just not sure I want to be on the bunny hill with Little K all morning and leave the others alone all that time.....in the after noon Little K goes into child care.

Beth- I don't have cross train express, I hear they are pretty good!

Diana- enjoy your time! Glad you had good time with your girls! I've been able to do both. [emoji4]

Hi Tina!

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LL, sorry to hear about the dry sockets. They are not fun. The clove oil should help. Skiing sounds like fun. I never did get off the bunny hill even after the boys did! Your crazy schedule is in full swing with basketball! I broke my crockpot out over the weekend and made creamy wild rice with chicken soup. We've been eating it all week.

Diana, glad you had a good trip! How is your leg feeling? Any soccer news where you're at? Are you in London? What do they think of the American's fascination with D. Trump?

Hi, Tina! Are you ready for all the snow?! I think we're in far enough to only get 1-6", but the coast is calling for a lot more. Shovel Max may be in store for you!

It's my day off, today and I woke up with a terrible headache again. I did some deep breathing and it seemed to help. I hate feeling this way. I worry so much about things: getting fat, losing my job, losing family health care, family members dying (doesn't help being around death all the time at work), the boys getting jobs after college, etc. etc......DH thinks I put too much stress on myself and that I do do a good enough job and am thin enough and that whatever happens, happens. I just internalize everything. I think I should quit Facebook. It is so much comparing myself to others (in my head) and I never do/have as great a life as they do. I'm rambling... Today I'm doing Chiseled Upper body and making DS1 chocolate waffles. He started his last semester on Tuesday!

Hi ladies,

It was a very long day at the office. After work my co-worker and I went to the gym. I did 30 min on the spin bike, some free weights and abs. I didn't know they had an entire floor of free weights, benches and a squat rack. Next time I'll go down to the weight room. My eating is completely off, it's really hard getting in my protein. Tonight we didn't eat dinner till 9ish. I don't like eating that late.

LL-good job keeping up with your w/o's! You are doing amazing! Hope your DH heals quickly!

Tina-I can't believe you got your DH to do LIHI Legs...and he almost died...LOL! It is awesome that your family will work out with you.

Beth-I'm sorry you are so stressed right now. Please don't compare yourself to others. Be the best "you" you can be. You are unique and there is no comparison. Don't get hung up on the little stuff. You eat right, exercise and are healthy-that's what's important. Be healthy! Throw out the scale if it is stressing you out.

Hi all,

Diana, it sounds like you have a great workout place! I would love to try a squat rack some time...and a spin bike for that matter!

I took Wed. off and did CUB on Thursday. Friday was 4DS Kickbox, Legs, and abs. I'm hoping to do 4DS Bootcamp with Bi's and Tri's today. I like that series because I can get all body parts done in 4 days!

I'm off to work now. I'll be back later to see what the weekend has on tap for everyone. Although I think Tina and LL are probably digging out and skiing maybe!

Today is a rest day/work day. We'll be doing GS this coming week, so I'm going to do follow the other workouts that are in that series for the week. We are not supposed to get any snow from this storm, which is a huge relief. I hope the rest of you aren't clobbered by it.

Diana, sounds like a great workout facility! :)

Beth, I'm with Diana, everything looks glossy on social media. In reality, everyone has something they're dealing with. Our book group was just talking about this on Tuesday. I love my book group ladies, we're all going through similar struggles. And the way you're keeping up with your workouts, your body image isn't in line with your thinking. You've been killing it with the workouts! :)

LL, I hope DH is feeling better. Dry sockets are the worst! Good luck skiing. :)
Quick update here: I'm about to go out and shovel for the second time. The first time I plowed and shoveled about a foot with the older 2 boys from about 9-11.

We have another almost half foot. JTrain is already out there with the snow blower (thanks to my dad who gave us his old one!)

No wo for me yesterday. But I hit my 10,000 steps already today!

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Hi Ladies,

I'm so tired. Yesterday (Saturday) we walked downtown and checked out all the shops. In the afternoon we took a taxi to visit a cathedral in the next town over. It was amazing! The cathedral was right off the shopping district so we got in more shopping. Today we planned on visiting a nearby castle, thankfully the hotel clerk informed us that it was closed before we headed out.

I've worked out 3 days now, but it's just not the same as what I can do at home. This morning was 50 minutes on the elliptical and abs. Yesterday was 30 min on a step machine and 30 minutes of weights. I ended up doing 3 set of 12 reps for bicep curls, tricep oh extensions, and shoulder press. I also did standard squats, curtsy lunges and regular squats. The gym has 3 squat racks but they were all being used by big burly guys. I was the only girl in the weight room, the rest were either taking a class or on the cardio equipment upstairs. Yesterday I got over 16,000 steps and today over 18,000 steps. Tomorrow is back to work so there won't be as much walking around, other than to and from work. It's about a 10 minute walk to the office.

I'm tired of eating out breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've been trying to track in myfitnesspal but am not sure how accurate I'm really being. It's close, but not as good as if I were at home. Also, when you eat out it's hard to calculate everything correctly.

Beth-I think a spin bike would be great too. I'm not sure how much I would use it though. I'm actually not in London, about 3 hours away. I did see part of a soccer match at a nearby sports bar. It would be awesome to see a live game! I think there may be one next weekend. We are looking into that.

Tina-What do you think of ICE? I think you're the only one who has done all of them. I did the kickbox w/o, but can't really give an opinion since I can't shuffle...it wasn't a great w/o for me. I would like to try the Muscle Meltdowns and see what I think. I did one other ICE w/o, can't recall the name, but I do recall it not being as hard and also having more breaks. Just my opinion..

LL-I'm sure you are burning tons of calories with all that shoveling.

Hi all,

Diana, I feel the same way in gyms. For one thing I have to pin up my thin hair in a really odd way nowadays to get it to stay up. I end up doing one of Cathe's weight routines anyway-your 3 sets of 12 reps sound a lot like MM! Your weight workout sounded really thorough plus look at all the walking you're getting in! If you're not snacking a lot you're probably doing fine with your food intake. You might want to stay away from the fish and chips to avoid fried foods-but I'll admit to having them a few times when I was in England because they are sooo good! I think it's actually better to be away from London-you get a feel for the culture without all the touristy stuff. I hope you have a good week of work.

Today, I'm starting the Ice and X train rotation. My shoulder feels good enough to get some heavier weight work in and I like that the workouts are all around an hour or less. Days off I might add in the blizzards if I feel like it. But days I work the workouts are short enough to just get it done as is. So today's workout is Rock Em with abs 1!

Hi Ladies,

No workout to report for today, just walking to and from the office. I'm in the 6,700 steps range today. We were in the office from 7am to 7pm with a short break for lunch. Things are going quite as well as anticipated, but we are accomplishing our tasks. If necessary, one of us may need to stay a tad longer. I wouldn't staying a bit longer if necessary.

We don't have to be in the office until a bit later tomorrow so the plan is to go to the gym at 6am. I just downloaded an interval timer app on my phone and will try a bodyrock circuit of sorts. If it's too busy in the gym, then I will just use the elliptical.

Beth-I may join you on the Ice/Xtrain rotation. I think LL may be doing this same rotation. I know I like Xtrain, just haven't done ICE. I do pretty good on the eating, but am definitely not meeting my protein grams and am over the carb grams almost every day. This doesn't bode well for the transformation challenge I'm doing. I'm not familiar with their gym equipment and don't want to look like a fool trying to figure it out and waste the little time I have.

Hi to LL and Tina...check back when I can.
Yesterday I did To The Mat and today I only got in 17 min of ICE Total Metabolic.[emoji37] had to go find Little K in the snow. No one knew where he was and I was checking in on him every 20 min. But when I got all my gear on, I found him with his brothers and neighborhood boys in the front next door, I had left him in the back next door.

Needless to say I didn't start Xtrain and ICE rotation, maybe I will but I find it hard to stick to a rotation. I was just doing my own rotation of those two series...

Diana, your time in London sounds great even if you did have a 12 hr day today! Hope you make it to the gym tomorrow!

Beth, how did you like Rock Em? I thought it wasn't bad. One thing I noticed today is that all the warm ups are so long with ICE, did you notice that? To the mat is the shortest and only one coming up under 5 min. I like the shorter warm ups and stretches that come with RWH.

Hi Tina!

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Hi ladies,

LL, I like Rock Em. Yesterday was only the second time I've done it, but I had a good sweat going by the end. I did wear my 12 oz gloves for about 1/2 of it and I did the fake jump rope move during the little breaks. Sunday I did Muscle Endurance because I felt like I needed a total body that day, so yesterday I did the main workout with the blizzard and skipped the abs. I generally like to keep my workouts around an hour. Today is CBS from X train-51 minutes. I'll probably take a walk, too. I know what you mean about the longer warm-ups with ICE. I don't really mind them though. Tomorrow's workout is Ride, which I don't have. I've been thinking about doing PRS2 or Cardio Supersets-but I'll see what state I'm in after work. It seems like I love to do punches after work so I may end up doing a kickbox!

Diana, I can't believe you have to work 12 hour days! They should be taking you guys out for upscale dinners or at least having you over for a decent meal. There is a lot of Indian food in England-have you tried any curry dishes? I remember having a lot of Dahl when I was there. Do you have an expense account for meals? Could you go to a grocery store for some good stuff? 12 hours is hard. I do it as rarely as possible-even with the boys both in college it's just too hard on me physically. Glad you have a gym nearby so you can unwind a bit. The timer sounds like a good idea-you could do circuits in your room! Or just do as many rounds of those sits ups and push ups that Cathe likes us to do after Hard Strikes! I go much slower than her and just try to get all the rounds in!

Tina, how are the gym styles coming? Did STS move you up in weights? I wrote down the weights I used in Xtrain for CBS and will be interested to see if I can do them today. I will probably use my step though instead of the ball for heavy chest-I don't want to strain my shoulder at all.

Have good workouts all! I'm off to the post office to mail Hammer and Chisel to someone who needs it more than me! I did keep the containers in case I ever want to follow the food plan. So I made out ok.

I did ICE Metabolic Total Body timesaver mishmosh today, 31 min. I did all the push ups on my toes!! 2 sets of 10 and then 5 two count. That was really hard!!

Beth, I wish I had the containers!! What didn't you like about H&C?

Hi Diana and Tina!

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Great job on the push us, LL! I didn't like how short the H & C workouts were and they all felt very similar-like all total body metabolic. I also don't have a pull up bar. I know beast uses one in body beast, but it's not everyday, which is how this series felt. That being said, I did like the dvd Chisel Balance. It reminded me a lot of the low impact series legs workout where you are standing on one leg with two weights and alternated putting them down. I like that move to help improve my balance-so important the older you get to minimize falls as much as possible. So, if I want to do that move, I just do that workout!

Hi Ladies,

My coworker and I went to the gym this morning at 6am. It was really busy so I did 45 min on the elliptical and abs. We are planning on going tomorrow morning too. It's much better going in the morning, that way we can stop and eat dinner on the way back to the hotel from the office. I didn't go downstairs to the weight room so I'm not sure how busy it was.

We've been requested to stay here a bit longer. I really like it here and wouldn't mind staying. Of course this request would have to go through our manager and the client would have to pay...and I would have to discuss that with my DH. I guess we'll find out by the end of the week.

LL-Oh no, how scary losing little K. I bet your heart was pounding. I'm really missing my Cathe and BR w/o's.

Beth-we actually ate dinner at an Indian restaurant last night. I had Chicken Tikka. I'm not a fan of curry. My coworker is vegan so it's much more difficult for him. He's been eating naan, toast, bread, French fries, salad, veggie burgers etc. I've been sticking to eggs, chicken and fish. The food has been delicious. I have a corp cc for my expenses. We are in a downtown area with tons of shopping and little restaurants to choose from. Of course there is Starbucks, McDonalds and Subway. We haven't had to eat at the same place twice so far. We scope out different restaurants on our walk to and from the office.

Tina-what are you up to???


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