Damage Control August!!!

Yay, I finally got a workout in this morning!! I did BR Day 12-leg focused. I also messaged my coach to join The Vote challenge from my previous post. Time to dial in my eating and w/o's and focus on me now that the girls are gone and my work travel is behind me. I was notified though that I may be needed back in the UK. We'll have to wait and see if that goes anywhere.

bbl to see what y'all are up to.
Hi ladies,

Today's random workout was ICE kickbox with the BB. It was fun! Eating has been a bit bad lately-all my families at work know I love mini peanut butter cups and they are always giving me some! I've been reading about Intuitive eating and thought I would try it this weekend. Basically, you wait until you are hungry to eat and then eat until you're full. So far it's ok. I had a much smaller breakfast than what I'm used to. I haven't felt the need to snack yet. I'll report more Monday after I've done it for a few days.

Diana, when do you start the challenge? How is the eating going?

LL, how is school going? Are you going to do Cathe Live? I prefer dvds still. Old school, I guess.

Tina, any more remodeling plans in the the works this fall? How is your biking going?

Hi Ladies,

I did the Color Run this morning with my tri-training partner. It was so nice to hang out with her for a bit today. We walked the whole 5K as did most everyone. She has hip injuries and can't really run anymore. After I got cleaned up I went to the gym for the informational meeting on the challenge. I had my before pics taken in my w/o shorts and jog bra. I'm scheduled for weigh-in and stats on September 6th at 5am. Yes, A.M.

DS1 and his GF drove from DC to Chicago yesterday. Today they are driving from Chicago to Denver. I'm anxiously awaiting their arrival. They are still about 6 hours out. A very long 2 day drive for them.

Beth-I got the book in the mail yesterday. Thanks. My eating has been average at best. Mostly eating whole 30 with the exception of the Fage 0% greek yogurt that I add into my protein shakes. It's the snacking...I need to make some healthy snacks and ditch the chocolate. Although I really like my 72% dark chocolate, I don't like how I feel after eating it. For the challenge, I will have to follow their nutrition plan in order to participate in any prize winnings. The challenge includes weekly weigh ins and pictures, weekly motivational meeting etc. I need to get out of the house more and this seems like a winner to me.

LL-Is school back in full swing for you, or do you have until after labor day? What did you decide on Cathe live? I wish all these live/on demand w/o's were available on netflix or youtube etc, something that I already have. I don't want to pay for Beach Body on demand, Cathe on demand, Bodyrock has live workouts now on Sweatflix etc. Each one of those has a fee, which why I'm still using dvd's, pay once and use them forever. I see the benefit in the on demand w/o's, I just can't bring myself to pay for it. Also, I don't think the on demand has the premixes (I could be wrong), and that you would have to use the workout blender.

Tina-how are things going for you. Is you DS still in school? Have you started back yet? How's the stable job going?

Hi all!

We started school last week so I couldn't get on.

But here is what my workouts looked like:
M- X10 low impact
Th-unintentional rest day
F-GS Legs timesaver 1
S-Imax 2 premix 6-10
Su- rest day, felt sick all day, stomach
Today- Low Impact Curcuit premix upper body sculpt

My place is to be MWF weights, TTh HiiT and S whatever I feel like, step or circuit maybe for this week. Next week I'll be down he shore so hopefully I'll be able to take my bike and ride the boards every day. I'm not sure I'll take any Cathe videos this time. The only thing I can think of would maybe be travel fit. But I would rather just do strength with bands since I'll be biking.

Food as been up and down. Bummer stuff with boot camp, he still charged me for September, but wasn't supposed to, but the contract says 30 day notice (which I don't have a copy of) but I've trying calling, emailing and texting to ask him if I can come for the 30 days and be on the FB closed group and he has not returned anything. So I'm out $147 unless I file a claim with Wells Fargo...which I really don't want to do to him because he is a nice guppy with a young family.....

I'm sort of looking for a sports nutritionist....

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Hi Ladies,

My food this weekend has not been good. I'm back on track today though. Gearing up for the upcoming challenge. Yesterday was a rest day. I spent the early morning visiting with DS1's GF before he had to take her to the airport. I sort of missed my window of opportunity to work out. If I don't do it first thing, it just doesn't happen.

This morning I did Insanity Max 30-Cardio Challenge. I only had 30 minutes and this fit the bill perfectly. I maxed out at 7:56 and hope to improve that. Max out is when you need to take a break, and then get right back in to it. I'm trying to fit in PLB today. DS3 moved my HR monitor when cleaning and I spent too much time looking for it. Now I've eaten lunch and will have to see if I have any time between meetings this afternoon or evening to fit it in.

Breakfast-protein shake with 1/4 avocado, 1/2 C fage %, protein powder, chia seeds, hemp hearts, barlean greens, fiber
Lunch-1 Can chicken breast chunks, 1/4 C green chile, 2 egglands best eggs, 1 C grilled red peppers, brussel sprouts, and mushrooms
Dinner-TBD Should a protein and more veggies!

LL-you are doing a great job keeping up with your workouts! For traveling, I like CCC and kickbox-no equipment needed types. Sorry about the bootcamp. I would think if you were charged, then you should absolutely have access to all that it provides.

Waving Hi to Tina and Beth!

Hi all,

Definitely in Damage Control mode here. I ate well until cards last night and then had beer, popcorn, and fudge. Today I'm back at it, too, Diana. Our meals sound similar except I had the eggs and veggies for breakfast! I've also been using Collagen Hydrolysate for about 6 weeks. It's got 11 grams of protein in 2T, which I add to my coffee in the morning. Directions call for 2x a day, but I only do it once. It melts and has no taste. From what I can gather it helps connective tissues and helps bones, skin, and cartilage. Obviously, I'm really hoping it helps my bones. Plus the extra protein is good.

Today's workout was one I found on Born Fitness mixed with Cathe. First I did the warm up and cardio blast section of X10. Then I did two rounds of a full body circuit of 8 moves:

1-dumbbell press x 15
2-dumbbell row x 15
3-dumbbell step ups x 12 each leg
4-dumbbell split squats x 12 each leg
5-walking lunges x 30 each leg
7-push ups-amrap (as many reps as possible)
8-reverse crunches x 15

I used 20 pound dumbbells except for the walking lunges-dropped to 12's. The second time through I did the plie squat move that Cathe does with picking up a weight, standing, putting it down, switching hands with a 30 lb. weight (Got to use them sometimes!)

Then I did the X10 hi/lo section and cool down. The whole thing took about an hour. I'm just going for some metabolic conditioning today.

LL, too bad about the boot camp. We are going to the beach next week too. Do you rent bikes or take yours? I've been copying off some body weight workouts to do. I hope we get good weather!

The Spin studio is opening here Sept. 11th . I'm going to check it out after we get back.

Have a good week!

Hi all,

Today I felt like low impact so I did Cardio Supersets with Step. It's probably the dvd from LIS I've done the most. I may be weird, but I like the music and always feel energized when done.

Diana, are you maxing out again? I hope to get that set someday. I think Shaun T. has some great moves. Sometimes I sub them for other moves (love that mummy one and the 1-2-3 one in Insanity).

Only 4 more days at work until vacation! Planning on doing wash and packing on Thursday. LL, I can only image the packing you must do for your family!

Hi to Tina, where are you?!!

Hi Ladies,

My work schedule has been chock full of morning meetings. I've only been having 30 minutes available to w/o and Max 30 fits the bill. Short but still quite challenging. Yesterday I was Tabata and I maxed in the 19 minute range. Today's workout will be Sweat Intervals. These are high impact and my knee is a bit sore, not too bad, but definitely feeling it. I need to get back to weights, I'm so off track. Next up is GS C&T.

I'm looking forward to the challenge at my gym, it will really make me focus on making better food choices. They provide the macro guidance and sample meal plans as well as numerous classes etc.

DS1 organized the garage, put together the industrial shelving unit we bought at Costco by himself. At least everything is off the floor now and we can start going through things and getting rid of stuff. I was able to free up an entire shelf in the glasses cupboard. I wish DH would help with some of this de-cluttering.

This is my last workday this week. I took tomorrow off for my birthday and then Friday off too. Who wants to take a Thursday off and then have to work on Friday???

Beth-Your mish-mosh looks great! It's nice to just mix it up sometimes. I love the 1-2-3 move also! Hope you have a fun time at the beach. I still feel like there are so many options with my Cathe DVD's that I haven't tried. Its the all the premixes that keep me with using the DVD's. I am looking at sweatflix, the new BR on demand w/o's. That may be worth it since they don't have any DVD's or premixes etc. Their new w/o's look amazing too! Plus, I think seeing Lisa's flat abs is motivating to me. :)

Gotta run and get my w/o in.

Waving Hi to Tina and LL!

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