Damage Control August!!!

I've been trying read and stay caught up but I've been frantically getting ready for school. I finally purchased my last poem for the school room on Monday and everything is set in the school room except some random things like office supplies that I need to find a home for. Then I will throw myself into purchasing the rest of my materials needed for the year.

I've been sticking with the July rotation. I'm on the last week and only have two days left! RWH CUB and RWH LIHI Legs. And I'm thinking about quitting Boot Camp. It's been almost 6 months and I'm not seeing results like I'd hoped and it's very expensive and I like my cathe workouts better. I may decide to get on demand to get STS, live workouts (for extra variety) and workout blender. But I would also need to purchase a cord to make it work with my old tube tv or dedicate my old iPad to it. But it might prove to be unreliable. And I'd like the new tower and new DVD releases.

Also tallying up all the tuition for co op classes. And I'll be joining back up with Young Living next month and I might be better off finding a nutritionist who will give me a real customized meal plan based on my beliefs. I'd rather pay $100 once and be done. Plus I haven't been to Boot Camp since before my vacation and it's just hard getting there even tho it's only 10 min away. $147 a month!!

Today was X10 Hi:Lo. I couldn't do all the push ups on my toes I just didn't have it in me.

Diana- sounds like your workouts are going really well especially with those add ons!

Beth- we are so not into the Olympia around here! My hosts down in NC are but thankfully I left the second day after they started!

Beth- I'm looking forward to The new series too!!

Tina-Wow! Biked Mt Washington!! I hope to start school a week from Monday, but I don't have all my materials. Thankfully all the co op classes don't start until after Labor Day, while we are on vacation, down the shore. But I'd like to have 2 weeks of momentum and math and reading under our belts!

Off to clean up the kitchen and finish the schoolroom.

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Hi Ladies,

I was mentally drained from the funeral and just sad...and never got around to working out yesterday. I did go for a 30 min walk with DS1 and the girls. Today was much better. This morning I did BR Day 8 and GS BSB. I'm even toying with the idea of going to the "Happy Hour" class at the gym!

LL-You've had a busy summer for sure! You are doing great keeping with a rotation. I keep thinking about going back to the rec center, but my home workouts are just as tough. For me, it would be nice to get out of the house. It's really hard being home all day...everyday. I would like some adult interaction and going back to the rec ctr would give me that.

Tina-Woo Hoo for vacation!!! It definitely sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation...on the go the whole time! Cize is all about dance! How did you like it? It looks like a ton of fun, but I'm naturally uncoordinated.

Beth-I've been staying up late watching the Olympics-swimming and gymnastics mostly. I'm planning on starting another round of whole30 after the girls leave. It will be my version of Whole 30 and will include wine. I finally stopped buying my dark chocolate. Guess what, not having chocolate hasn't killed me...who knew one could live out chocolate. I haven't lost any weight from not eating it...GGRRR. I'm keeping with occasional glass of wine, but will be increasing my protein and veggie intake on a more regular basis. Have you checked out Well Fed? They have a blog with weekly meal plans that you can prepare on the weekend for the week ahead.

Hi all,

Hazy, hot, humid, rainy-it's the dog days of summer here. I took Friday off and did RWH CST on Saturday and Crossfire today. DS2 is coming home (with his dog) for a few days. So getting ready for that. The cat has been relegated to the basement to see for her safety. I'm off to cards soon.

Diana, I like your version of whole30! I'm trying to stay with it as much as possible. I can't lose any weight either, but feel good and am working out to my max with weights and doing good, hard cardio. I've really gotten to like having eggs for breakfast. I had a piece of cherry pie (horror-I know) and felt kind of sick afterwards. So pie's going the way of pasta-makes me feel too poor to eat anymore. The oat bran the other day was ok, though. Maybe it's just foods that start with "p"? (Kidding!)

Tina, glad you had a fun vacation! Did you like Cize? Dancing always worked my abs when I used to go out dancing...seems so long ago, now! What kind of music was it?

LL, good job with your rotation! RWH is no joke. I'm sore today from the upper body yesterday and I was doing push-ups on my knees.

Hi Ladies,

Well Friday I did make it to the Happy Hour class at the gym! I really miss that place and hope to start going to more classes there once the girls go home. Saturday I did GS C&T. Oh my, it was tough for sure after GS BSB, BR and the HH class. Oh, and it was supposed to be Leg day. I'm not sure how I got that wrong. I pushed my way through it.

Today was a lazy day of haircut, laundry, and going MIL's. I ate ham, coleslaw, red peppers and cucumbers...and peanut butter brownies for dessert. The girls are spending tonight at my SIL's and tomorrow night at my MIL's. It will be a quiet couple of days.

Beth-Wow, you are getting in some awesome workouts! I'm so sick of the heat and am looking forward to cooler weather and running. It will be nice to have your son home for a while. I've looked at cize on youtube. It looks like a ton of fun but am not sure if it's for me.

Happy Monday Ladies!

This morning was a quick but intense BR workout and after work I did CTX Leaner Legs & Abs. What's everyone else up to?

Hi all,

Diana, we must be on a similar page...I did Leaner Legs and Abs on Monday too!

DS2 is home with his dog. So I've been dog walking a couple times a day-she has endless energy. It's good I took this time off work. He's staying until Wed. now. We got his semester in order, got most of his wash done, and had a big family dinner last night.

I'm still sore from RWH CST. Today is supposed to be GSCT but I've got to change it to either a Back and Bi workout or cardio. So nice to be off work and that's my biggest decision of the day!

Finished the rotation! Today was RWH LIHI Leg and I did the premix with blasts an abs. It was basically the whole routine with abs mixed in but it was both abs 1 and 2! First time doing this premix. Great workout!

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Hi Ladies,

Yesterday I did a 60 min BR w/o and today I did Tabatacize. I should've done GS BSB, but when I only have time for one w/o, I prefer doing a cardio or circuit. I can say my legs were feeling it today during the all the jumping.

I read an article that talked about training your mind to be strong. Just like we train our bodies to be strong, we need to train our minds. Basically we train our mind to help make better food choices, stick with a plan, etc. I would call it will power, but its more than that. Once you train your mind then you will be making the necessary decisions to help you reach your goals.

LL-great job finishing the rotation? Do you have another rotation in mind?

Beth-I'm sure it's nice getting outside with the dog for a bit. I The girls and I are going out after dinner. I will be walking and they will be riding their bikes. How's the weather in your neck of the woods? We have been in the mid to high 80's forever. Its dropping into the 70's this weekend and then back up again the following week.

Tina-how are you doing? Have you had any other job leads?

Hey Ladies,

What's everyone up to?

Today I did TTM Extreme in the am and GS BSB after work. My biceps are so weak, but the bicep work in this workout is the best IMO. Unfortunately, I haven't been getting in my 10K steps lately. For me, I see more body improvements with weight lifting.

Hi all,

Yesterday was clean max after DS2 and the dog went back to school. I also did GS CT but subbed all the triceps for burpees. It wasn't any easier, just different. I'm starting to get psyched about the STS coming in Oct.

Diana, I did BSB a couple days ago and agree-it's the best. The tricep work yesterday was really thorough as well.

My vacation is over...off to work in a few minutes.

Wednesday was RWH low impact 2 and yesterday was RWH LIHI chest triceps shoulders no finishers. Today is walking all around Hersheypark!

Diana, I'm not sure what rotation I'll do next.

Hi Beth and Tina!

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Hi Ladies,

I've been staying up too late watching the Olympics and it's time to get back to my normal schedule. I went to bed at 10:15 last night and got up at 6:30 and started my w/o at 7. I feel so much better! This morning was LIHI Legs and Abs #2. This will probably be my only w/o today.

It's the girls last day here. They fly home tomorrow morning. Today I'm getting all their laundry done and they will be packing and cleaning up their room. I'm sad that they are leaving, but happy that I can move my desk back upstairs! They will be back for Christmas though and I'm looking forward to it. They already asked for laptops. They use 2 of ours all the time. DS1 also said he's planning on moving to San Diego around the 10th of September. I will miss him so much. I already have a trip planned to San Diego for my Global Entry interview in October.

My MIL wants to go to Ireland in the spring. As far as we know, it will be me, MIl and SIL. My 2 nieces want to go but are not sure if they can or not. One of them is in nursing school so it is dependent on her school and work schedule. The other one is saving money to buy a house.

Beth-yes, the GS series is amazing! I still struggle with biceps, my weakest body part. I have to drop to 12lbs for the bonus section of the concentration curls. I'm just now getting to where I can use 20's for the "up 3 down 1".

Waving Hi to LL and Tina!
Hi all,

Rest day for me. Tomorrow is Kick Max-can't wait!

LL, doing Hershey again-you lucky girl!

Diana, what is Global Entry? Ireland will be nice in the spring! Glad you had a good summer with the twins.

Tina, what are you up to?!

Just leaving Hershey. Got here at 9:45 18,544 steps! And I had to take off my Fitbit for the water park! I've only hit 20,000 a couple of times.

So who has Cathe On Demand? Do you do the live classes?

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Hi Ladies,

I wasn't feeling like working out but got it done anyway. I just finished GS C&T. I was up at 5:30 this morning to see the girls and DS off and am ready for a nap. DH and I spent about an hour and half trying to get my new laptop to work this morning. I'm so frustrated. Every few days it displays an error message indicating No Boot Drive Available. DS2 has resolved it a couple times. I may just return it and get something else. I'm back to using my 6yr old dell laptop...that DS3 is going to need for school.

Beth-enjoy your rest day! I'm not a fan of kickmax, but do enjoy KPC. Global entry allows you the short customs process when entering or returning from international travel. It also includes the TSA precheck, so you can bypass the long security lines. You apply online, and once that piece is approved you have to schedule an in-person meeting. There are offices at most major airports. My airport doesn't have any interview times available until next. Next I checked the Portland airport since my girls are there. Since DS is moving to San Diego, I checked that airport and they had tons of times available.

LL-Woo Hoo...you are rockin' the steps!!! I do not have on demand or cathe live. I think about it often, but haven't signed up. I love my fitbit flex since I can wear it in water, shower, swimming, etc. I alternate between my Surge and Flex.

Hi Ladies,

Sunday was a rest day for me. Well, no formal workout anyway. I did mow the lawn, clean up the girls room and DS brought my work desk, computer, monitors, and printer back upstairs for me. I also did laundry and put all our pictures (you know the envelopes of pictures, remember those) in a container. I had some in an under dresser drawer, in a bookcase in my room, in a our family room computer desk etc. they are all in a tub in the basement now. I just remembered that I also have some in a bookcase in the basement. I need a professional organizer! I refrained from going them at the moment. Just trying to get like things together and will go from there. I hope to get all the kids school pictures and sports pictures into an album for each of them for Christmas.

I'm in the de-cluttering mode again. We have so much stuff. UGH. I have 4 boxes of partially used Christmas cards. Mostly we send out family picture cards and no longer use the standard cards. I'm thinking of putting what I can in one box and throw the rest out. Seriously, they are collecting dust. We have VHS tapes and a VHS player...DH doesn't want to get rid of them. UGH

At lunch I did Imax 3 and after work PLB is planned. My weekend food intake was terrible and it shows on the scale today. I made some very poor choices and it shows. I'm leaning towards another round of whole30. I bought and roasted a ton of vegetables that should last me several days. You can't change the past, just moving forward with better decisions!

Hi LL, Beth and Tina

Hi all,

Sunday I didn't feel like working out-got home at 3:30. Step Blast was on the rotation and it just wasn't calling to me. So I decided to do Imax 2 and just do as much of it as I felt like it. Before I knew it it was over! Monday I did a good bike ride with DH. The final road into town though was horrible. PenDot is working on it and there was no berm and work trucks. I was a nervous wreck by the end. We had lunch and bridge until 3 and then walked around town doing errands.

Diana, the book is in the mail back to you! Thank you again. I copied out the frittata recipe and feel like I'll have better responses when someone asks me: But why aren't you eating beans and whole grains? Yesterday I made a hodgepodge meal for dinner: cooked up some ground bison, threw in 2 chopped onions, a chopped yellow squash, a chopped zucchini, 2 chopped regular potatoes, a can of fire roasted tomatoes, a can of tomato paste, some chicken broth, and various spices (Indian flavors-cumin, turmeric, coriander). Even DH liked it and he hates squash! I'm obviously still in the whole30 mode too. I have a glass of wine a few times a week and don't worry about it being off the program. It's almost easier to not eat any sweets most of the time. If I'm in the mindset of "I don't eat that now because I'm doing whole30" it feels easier to pass it up. DH is really getting into it to. He's lost some weight and other than a few foods is doing it with me. I'm still reading through the 21 day cleanse. I like some the shake recipes! I don't know about giving up coffee, though. Do you give it up when you're on it?

LL and Tina, what does your week look like?

The 9/15 rotation I'm on has Pure Strength BBA today. It's only 42 minutes. I think I'll add something else to it. This rotation wraps up on Thursday. Friday is a rest day and then I'll probably just do what I feel like doing until after we get back from the beach (going 9/5-9/9).

Hi all,

RWH LIHI Legs done! Love that it's not too long and so much fun. Tomorrow is PS CST and then the rotation is done. I think I'll do circuits and biking the next week or so before we leave.

Bad day of eating...Starting over tomorrow!

What's everyone else up to?

Hi Ladies,

I've literally been in meetings the last 2 days. I'm so sick of sitting in a chair all day and being tied to my computer by my headset. I need to get a stand up workstation and wireless headset. No workouts to report for Tues or Wed and my butt is asleep from the all sitting!

My gym is having another 8 week challenge: The Vote Men vs Women. I'm going to the meeting on Saturday. We will be provided with a nutrition program, macros, etc. It's $35 and...
** Entry fees go back towards YOU!! Prizes along the challenge and CASH prizes for...
- Most weight loss by % (Men and Women)
- Muscle gain (Men and Women)
- Body physique transformation (Stats & pics submitted to outside official judge)
- THE VOTE!!! How good is your campaigning!? WIN prizes for getting the most votes with your pics and personal story!

In addition - this is a fun opportunity to see who has the most skill - the boys or the girls!! We will have fun challenges and prizes for the group that does the best! Find a guy or girl to compete against or with! Create fun 'campaigning groups' for even more fun.

Beth-you are doing great with your workouts. Circuits and biking sound like a great plan. We all have slips from time to time, just move on. I plan on doing mostly whole30 starting next week. I DO NOT give up my 2 cups of back coffee during the 21 day cleanse. I do the rest, but am simply not willing to give up my coffee. Let me know if you are interested in doing it. They have a facebook group for the live cleanse.

Waving Hi to Tina and LL!


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