Good morning,
Yesterday I did GS Triceps and IMAX2. This morning I did GS Back & Shoulders, and tonight I will do GS Legs. This is my first time doing GS Legs, and I'm looking forward to seeing what all the hullabaloo is about. People really seem to like this workout. My upper body is getting some nice DOMS from the Gym Styles.
Robyn - Have fun with KickMax. Hello to you, too!
Denise - that 360 move is the one I like the least in SB. Probably 'cause it "takes your breath away"
Have a good workout today.
Wendy - good subs for your workouts today. If you have MIS, that makes a great substitute for MM, as well. You asked yesterday how long I've been working out at high intensity. I've worked out regularly for, gosh, about 16 years now (I've just surprised myself; had no idea it's been that long!). Over the course of that time I've had better phases than others. For the most part I did cardio, (a couple of short stints of weight training), until 3 years ago, when I discovered Cathe's weight workouts. It wasn't until I added regular weight training to my workouts that I was able to kick things up a notch. Having a strong core and good postural muscles really helped me perform my cardio better and avoid injury. Another thing that helped me was the short period of time that I swam on a recreational team, with a coach who constantly challenged us to go harder. I learned all about "going anaerobic" during her sadistic drills and interval workouts. I swam for years after that, and I think it really helped my lung capacity. I also ran with someone for a while who liked to do interval training once a week. So, I learned how to push out of my comfort zone there, too. And of course, when I discovered Cathe's cardio workouts 8 years ago, I was challenged yet again. I think interval training combined with weight work has been the most effective thing for my personal physical development. Boy, this has turned into a book! Your workouts are pretty intense these days, Wendy. All that interval training will do wonders for your cardio capacity and stamina.
Conni - hi!
Becky - I salute YOU!! Good work!
Shelley - IMAX1 on a 6" step is still a very intense workout, as most of the drills (the hardest ones, especially) are all done on the floor. Good for you for finding a way to do your workout.
Shannon - all those legs presses didn't toast your legs enough? LOL! Great job. I always find the set of leg presses after the bicep work to be the hardest, because I can barely hold onto the dumbell.
Teddygirl - why not compromise? Since you already did LG last night, why not do MIS upper body, and IMAX2 intervals 6-10 (the premix)?
Have a great day!