CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Good evening,

I did Jenny Ford full body workout today.

Roxie - good job on your run today.

Nora - fantastic job today.

Debbie - glad you enjoy running :) I really enjoy running too.

Good night, ladies.
Today I did Cardio Coach #5. This one was a tough one for me, not sure why? I'm tired so that might be why. Challenge 2 about killed me. Glad I did it, though. The more I do this one,the more I like it.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran almost 3.5 miles and burned 385 calories which I think is wrong.Treadmill said 536.

Roxie - Glad I could inspire you! Nice run yesterday.

Belinda - Nice workout!!! You're kicking it with your steps lately, too!!!

Nora - Nicely done yesterday as well! You rock your workouts all the time. :)
Good morning,

I will do JF Cardio Interval and abs today.

Debbie - I have to keep up with you:p Good job on your run this morning. I am still sitting her drinking my coffee.

I will be back later.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Shape Up- Workout #2 = 32 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 393

KCM 30MTF- Homestyle Gym Intervals- Bonus Waistline Abs= 9 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 61

PiYo- Define Lower Body= 25 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 171

Total calories burned = 625

I decided to focus on getting in good cardio in a shorter workout, then ab work, and finally PiYo to balance it all out. I am trying to get a good workout in but not over due it with surgery on Wednesday. The PiYo really seems to help with relieving pain and soreness in my glutes which is awesome and it seems to help with stress, so gotta love that. Please think healing and good thoughts and prayers for me in regards to this surgery and for everything to go ok and no cancer anywhere. Thanks in advance!:);)

Have a blessed weekend girls and know that you are all in my prayers!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool::D

Hey girls,

Quick check in : I did a stretch today :) That's it!

Nora - I will be thinking about you Wednesday :) Great plan, girl.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.
Hi everyone!

I am going to start Body Beast again and do the Lean rotation. Today was Build: Chest & Tris. Had a great workout. I really love this series, but I will miss doing my cardio on the treadmill. I will have to try and work in a CC workout at least once a week. I think I can do that.

This is what I did:

Dumbbell Chest Press: 15's/25's/30's/25's - 15/12/8/8 reps

Super Set:
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 15's/20's/25's - 15/12/8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Pres: 20's/25's/30's/25's - 15/12/8/8 reps

Giant Set:
Close Grip Press: 15's/20's/25's - 15/12/8 reps
Partial Chest Fly: 15's/20's/25's - 15/12/8 reps
Decline Push Ups: 10/12/8 reps (these were tough)

Tricep Extensions: 12's/15's/20's/15's - 15/12/8/8 reps

Super Set
Single Arm Kickback: 8#/10#/12#/10# - 15/12/8/8 reps
Tricep Pushups: 14/12/8 reps

Super Set
Dips: Did what I could
Ins and Outs: Did what I could

Love this series and workouts. I can't wait until they do another one.

Hope you all have great workouts!!!
Good afternoon,

JF Marching w/Moves and ab workout is done :)

Debbie - glad you enjoy Body Beast. WTG, on your workout this morning, looks good.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi girls!

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:
Cardio Coach Volume #1 = 38 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 477

Warm up, Challenge 1, Steady state 1,Challenge2, Steady state 2,Challenge 3, Cool Down.Plus Volume 3 Stretch & Coaches Notes.
Distance in Miles= 3.35

That's it for me today, I have to try and get insurance to fast track my authorization for surgery. Have a blessed day everyone and have some great workouts today girls!:);)

Please pray for me that this gets authorized so I can get the surgery as planned and that all goes well and that there is no cancer. Thanks in advance.;)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Today was Body Beast: Build - Legs. Had a great workout, I like this one. My right knee was hurting a bit, but I still did well with it. I also walked one mile on my treadmill.

This is what I did:

Sumo Squats: 20#/25#/30#/25# - 15/12/8/8 reps

Super Set
Alternating Lunges: 12's/15/s/20's - 15/12/8 reps
Step-Up to Reverse Lunges: 12's/15's/20's - 15/12/8 reps

Giant Set
Parallel Squat: 15's/20's/25's - 15/12/8 reps
Bulgarian Squat: 12's/15's/15's - 15/12/8 reps
Straight Leg Deadlifts: 35#/40#/45# - 15/12/8 reps (used barbell)

Giant Set
Single Leg Calf Raise: 12#/12# - 30 second each leg
Seated Calf Raise: 12's - 30 seconds
In and Outs: 30 seconds

Nora - My prayers are with you this week. You will be fine!!!

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Good afternoon,

JF Full Body workout is done.

Debbie - nice job this morning :)

Nora - continue prayers :)

Roxie - how is your vacation going?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi girls!:)

I finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30 MTF- Circuit Burn- Workout #1= 33 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 383

KCM-30MTF Circuit Burn- Abs Only= 6 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 41

PiYo- Strength = 22 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 210

Total calories burned= 634:cool:

This is my last workout for about 3-6 weeks so as per my doctor to recover from surgery. Speaking of which my surgery is for tomorrow at 8 am we have to be there at 6 am for check in so I have to get up about 3:30 am to shower,change sheets so we can drive about 45 minutes to get there. Please pray for me that all goes well and for me to be cancer free. SO, please pray for me send me well wishes etc, all are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance girls!:D

Debbie- Aww, don't ya just love Body Beast, its so good. Glad you're enjoying revisiting it. Way to go girlfriend awesome job on your workout. No worries I worked in some Cardio Coach too it is doable. Have fun with your workouts and a blessed day. Thank you for your prayers I do appreciate and welcome them. I will check in during my doctor mandated off time from workouts and see how you all are doing and let you know how I'm doing too! Have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- Nicely done with JF Full Body workout! High fives girlfriend way to go! Thank you for your prayers and well wishes I welcome and appreciate them. Surgery is tomorrow at 8 am so I am glad to know you all are praying for me to have a good outcome and to be cancer free! Thank you in advance for that!

Roxie- I hope all is well on your vacation and that you are having a great time. Have a blessed vacation. :);) Please pray for me regarding my surgery tomorrow, thanks. :D

Chris- I hope all is well with you and your family. I bet your workouts are fun and amazing, please do share. Have a blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Good Afternoon,

I did Cardio Supersets Premix 1-4.

Debbie-good job with your workout. I have reached my first goal of 5lbs but now I have no idea what to shot for any ideas?

Belinda-vacation is going ok.

Nora-thinking of you.
Today I did Body Beast: Build - Back & Biceps. Had a great workout. My bi's were really weak today for some reason. I just maxed out way before the reps were over. Not sure why?

This is what I did:

Deadlifts: 15's/20's/25's/20's - 15/12/8/8

Pullovers: 15#/20#/25#/20# - 15/12/8/8
Pull Ups: With 2 Bands - 3 sets/10 reps

Giant Set
Barbell Row: 40#/45#/55# - 15/12/8
One Arm Row: 20#/25#/30# - 15/12/8
Reverse Fly: 12's/15's/15's - 15/12/8

Close Grip Chins: With 2 Band - 30 seconds 3 sets

Seated Bicep Curl: 12's/15's/20's/12's - 15/12/5/8

1,1, 2 Hammer Curl: 10's/12's/12's - 15/12/8 (Love this exercise, it kills)

Barbell Curls: 20#/25#/30#/25# - 15/12/8/8

Airplane Cobra: Skipped

Have great workouts everyone!!!!

Roxie - What do you mean? You've lost 5#'s? I don't understand what you are asking.

Nora - Thinking of you. Prayers and hugs.

Belinda - Nice workout yesterday!!! Is it getting cooler there yet? It's only 56 degrees here this morning. Brrrrr!!!
Debbie-one of my goals was to lose 5lbs and have actually lost 6 now that I have reached that goal I don't know what my next goal should be.
Good afternoon,

JF Cardio Interval and ab workout is done.

Nora - hope all went well today (((HUGS))

Debbie - nice job on your weights this morning.

Roxie - wtg, reaching your goal :) Keep it up!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Today I did Body Beast: Build - Shoulders. Had a great workout and love this one. I really like the exercises in this series, they are so different than what Cathe does. I am so sore all over I can't even believe it. I do think I have to eat more,though. I feel very weak and I think it has a lot to do with my calorie intake. However, I've been staying with Myfitnesspal and I eat what it tells me to eat. However, I don't think it's enough.

This is what I did today:

Shoulder Press: 10's/12's/15's/12's - 15/12/8/8 reps

Super Set
Lateral Raise: 8's/10's/12's - 15/12/8 reps
Upright Rows: 25#/30#/35#/25# - 15/12/8/8 reps

Giant Set
Underhand Press: 20#/25#/30# - 15/12/8 reps
1, 1, 2 Front Raise: 3's/5's/8's - 15/12/8 reps - these are hard for me
Rear Delt Raise: 10's/12's/12's - 15/12/8 reps

Super Set
Standing Dumbbell Shrug: 8's/10's/12's/10's -15/12/8/8 reps
Dumbbell Scap Trap: Skipped

Super Set
Sagi Six-Way: 3's/5's/3's -12/8 reps
Tuck& Roll: 15/15 reos

That is all. Have great workouts everyone!
Good morning girls!

Well, I did it, my surgery happend. The sugery went well and n0 cancer.:D I'm very sore and will take the doctor's instruction. The general anesthiesa has really hit me hard. I could not walk on my own, The surgery meds have effected very hard probably havng MS tends to make me dizzy, and balance like drunk. So I will follow the post-surgery instructions. I'm so happy there was no cancer wooo hoo! Now I just need to heal and recover. I will check back with you guys even though no workouts for 3 to 6 weeks depending how I'm healing. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes.

Debbie- great job with Body Beast Build shoulders. You nailed that workout. I think Body Beast is great workout. Keep up the amazing j0b on all your workouts. High Fives!!!

I hope everyone else has amazing workouts and a blessed:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers,

Good morning,

JF TB weights is done.

Nora - I am so happy your surgery went well and you have no cancer :) Wishing you a speedy recovery :) Please, don't rush it. Keep us posted!

Debbie - reading your workouts makes me want to buy BB :) WTG, today.

Roxie - what are your plans today?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.
Good Evening,

I did a run/walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill which didn't help my vertigo any.

Debbie-good job you should stick with Body Beast you seem to enjoy it. We had a temp of 93 today.

Nora-that is amazing news.

Belinda-we just spent the day at the lake it was hot and windy.

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