CRACY, STRONG AND LOVING IT January 2016 - January 2020

Hi there!!

Today I did Xtrain CBS, rounds 1-5. It was great revisiting Xtrain!!

Great workouts, girls!!!

Belinda, I am not of fan of country either! Or dancing! I'm glad you had fun though.

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Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Stepboxing 2 this morning I didn't like this one to much step not enough boxing so my workout wasn't that great. I got screwed out some of my half day so we couldn't go to the lake and its really hot today.

Debbie-good thing about work I only have to hang in until June when we move again. Good job this morning

Belinda-sounds like a fun set of workouts

Nora-good job today
Just a quick check-in for right now:

Today I did Leaner Legs from CTX and Lower Fix Extreme and 10 Minute Hardcore from 21 DFX. Oh my, I think I will only be able to crawl tomorrow. My legs are fried!

Belinda-you're tempting me about Country Heat! Haha! I like most country music but I am no dancer. But, I do love Autumn...:rolleyes::D
Today I did Cardio Coach 5 but only had time to do challenge 1 & 2. Got up late and then just couldn't get started on time. But had a good workout anyways, wish I could have done the whole thing.

Workout was 45 minutes, ran 2.61 miles, burned 283 calories (TM said 414, wth?) and went 5747 steps.

So my left hamstring is so tight I can barely stretch it anymore. Tonight I will start stretching it while I'm watching TV and use my foam roller. I need to do something before it tears, that frightens me. I'm having a hard time getting up after I've been sitting a while. Not good. I hate that I neglect the stretches I know I need to do. Just dumb of me.

Just for the record - I am NOT a country fan. Give me classic rock any day!!! :)

Have great workouts everyone!!!
Debbie - I am not a country fan either :p My ears bleed when I hear the music. CH is upbeat and modern country music, it's like club music. My DD new the songs. The workouts are fun and I got lots of steps. Good job this morning.
Debbie I like listening to Bon Jovi Poison White Snake and Def Leppard and throw in some Eagles that would be my perfect line up. I forgot Motley Crue Lover And Reo Speedwagon
Good afternoon,

I walked 5 miles, did X2 Base and Back (it was basically pull ups/chin ups + Pliyo) and T25 Lower Focus. T25 Focus Lower was great bodyweight workout.

Roxie - that is what I listen too :)

Debbie - just for the record..I am not a country fan either :p Every time I hear country music, I want to pull my hair out :( Even my DD liked them, she isn't a country girl.

Nora - great job yesterday.

I will see you tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Les Mills Combat- Extreme Cardio Fighter= 53 Min
MV= 7.50
CB= 543

T25 Gamma- The Pyramid= 29 Min
MV= 10.25
CB= 406

21 Day Fix- 10 Min Ab Fix= 10 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 68

Total calories burned= 1,017:eek::D:cool:

Debbie- Awesome, you did Cardio Coach 5 today and went 2.61 Miles and step count of 5747, bravo. FYI I think your calorie burn is hgher than what the treadmill says. Your Fitbit said it was 283? No way its higher than what the treadmill says. You rocked another workout today, hgh fives girlfriend!:);) I pulled my left hamstring now on two weeks ago and its better but still very tight so I am babying it and modifying if anything feels the least bit tweaky in my left leg. I am doing stretches and foam roller stuff to help but its still not 100% so I can't run and do Cardio Coach right now unless I walk them. It does bother me, but on the upside I can move and walk without pain now. It will take me a while to get back to running on treadmill again, as MS makes it slower to heal. Great workolut today, remember to stretch and foam roller daily, so you don't get injured. Ttrust me you do not want to go there.:);)

Hello's and waves to Chris, Roxie and Jodi. I hope everyone has a blessed and beautiful day.:);)

Hugs and blessings:);)

Did another Full Body workout today. This workout was the same as last Friday, only in superset format. High reps, I never feel worked when I do high reps.

Today's workout went like this:

2 sets/15 reps with 4 minute rest - warmed up with Muscle Max

SS #1
Weighted Dips - 40#
Calf Raises - 35's

SS #2
Lateral Raise - 11's
Band Pulls - 2 blue bands together

SS #3
Decline Dumbbell Press - 30's (the hardest part of this exercise is getting into position!)
Split Squat w/Bar - 40#

I also walked on my treadmill for 1 miles.

I did stretch last night with my foam roller and wow, what an eye opener. The pain stems from my left butt cheek muscle, holy crap was that tight. Once I loosened that up, my hamstring was better. I stretched my hamstring and quads out really good an today I am very sore in those area. I need to keep doing this until those muscles release a bit. Not sure why the left side of my body is like that.

Roxie - Why are you guys moving again? Where to?

Nice workouts everyone! So glad it's Friday!! :)
Did another Full Body workout today. This workout was the same as last Friday, only in superset format. High reps, I never feel worked when I do high reps.

Today's workout went like this:

2 sets/15 reps with 4 minute rest - warmed up with Muscle Max

SS #1
Weighted Dips - 40#
Calf Raises - 35's

SS #2
Lateral Raise - 11's
Band Pulls - 2 blue bands together

SS #3
Decline Dumbbell Press - 30's (the hardest part of this exercise is getting into position!)
Split Squat w/Bar - 40#

I also walked on my treadmill for 1 miles.

I did stretch last night with my foam roller and wow, what an eye opener. The pain stems from my left butt cheek muscle, holy crap was that tight. Once I loosened that up, my hamstring was better. I stretched my hamstring and quads out really good an today I am very sore in those area. I need to keep doing this until those muscles release a bit. Not sure why the left side of my body is like that.

Roxie - Why are you guys moving again? Where to?

Nice workouts everyone! So glad it's Friday!! :)

Debbie it was part of the agreement when we moved this last time that if a spot for DH opened up where we came from he would get it and we can move back closer to the kids and grandkids. Good job today.
Hi everyone!

Yesterday was a busy day so I missed check-in. I did the Back segment from CTX and Cardio Fix Extreme from 21 DFX. I liked this workout and it wore my legs out too.

I am liking 21 DFX so much that I ordered the DVD with the two extra workouts on it. Should be here next week.

Today is a much needed rest day!

Debbie-great weights again! Hope your hamstring continues to improve.

Nora-awesome work yesterday! Sorry to hear your leg is also bothering you.

Belinda-was the footwork easy to catch on to in Country Heat? If it's anything like having to learn and follow step routines, I wouldn't want to get it. I'm very uncoordinated!

Roxie-moving closer to family sounds so nice.

Chris-hope you are doing well!
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Crossfire- Premix #9- Timesaver Fitness Blast/Plyo/Tabatta/Core= 33 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 405

21 Day Fix- Cardio Fix= 30 Min
MV= 32 Min
CB= 393

T25- Gamma- Rip't Up= 28 Min
MV= 9.75

Total calories burned = 1,171:eek::D:cool:

Debbie-Great job on your full body weight workout. Highfives superwoma, have a fit and fabulously blessed Friday:):);)

Roxie- Wow, that's exciting news for you. I wish you all the best with moving and I hope you find a nice place back where you were previously located. It will be nice to be closer to your DD's and GS's. Have a blessed day:);)

Jodi- What a fun workout combo of doing back segment from CTX and Cardio Fix Extreme from 21 DFX. I have both 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme. I decided to do that for this week or so doing the easier one 21 Day Fix since I'm still letting that left hamstring heal. So I had to back off a little until it feels ready. Have a wonderful blessed rest day. You will love 21 Day Fix Extreme its alot of fun but it is definitely harder than the predecessor. I love them both and glad to have them. I have wondered about Country Heat but saw the Infomercial with Carl and thought this is just to cheesy. Plus I am not a country music fan. I know most of the country music these days is more streamlined and can be top forty stuff not so hee haw stomp twang stuff, that I don't care for. Oh, I noticed in one of the clips cupcake is in it, so thats fun.

Chris- have a blessed and wonderful Friday and fun workout for today as well. Wish me luck I have a mamogram Tuesday and pray that all will be normal. Its an annual one but I'm nervous after all the stuff I went through last year resulting in hysterectomy last year. So I would appreciate well wishes/prayers for a normal mamogram.

Wow did you see the Olympics- Amazing results so far US in Swimming and Gymnastics with more great stuff to come. Well done US athletes!:D

Hugs and blessings:)

Hi girls...

I took my rest day yesterday, today was Xtrain Cardio Leg Blast intervals 1-6. I didn't have the room for 7-12 because my son was sleeping in the room I was working out in [emoji12]

Belinda, hope you're getting somewhere good in today! More CH?

Debbie, nice job on weight work!

Nora, kicking it up , as usual!!! Nice picks today!

Jodi, you've been getting to business too!! How could you even move after MEANER LEGS!!! [emoji50]

Roxie, that's great you're moving back to where you were. I'm not sure if I have done KCM STEPBOXING 2 before either. I got her new one in the mail today.... The live one!!!! Did you order it?

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Hey girls,

I did my workouts earlier, just getting around to post. I did P90X2 R.A.P Upper and Tracie Long Focus Series Power Up. I also walked 4 miles.

Chris - I did :) Maybe I do another CH with my friend this weekend? Good job, girl.

Roxie - that is great news! Good luck with the move.

Jodi - the footwork is very easy to catch on in Country Heat :) Like I said, I am not a country girl, had no problem with the steps. A lot of streps you probably familiar with from other workouts. She also breaks them down. They are a lot of fun.

Good night, everyone.
Good Evening,

I have been feeling physically drained lately so no workouts. I won't be moving anywhere until June when someone else retires.

Nora-good job with your workouts you rock.

Belinda-good job with your workouts

Chris-no I didn't order that one

Jodi-good job with your workouts
Hi girls,

I am done with P90X2 RAP Lower and T25 stretch :)

Roxie - hang in there, girl!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Hi all!

Today I did the Kickbox Cardio only premix from 4DS and the Blizzard Blast premix from Rock'm Sock'm. Awesome combination!

Roxie-I hope you get to feeling better.

Belinda-great job with your workouts!
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21 Day Fix- Dirty 30= 30 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 328

Les Mills Combat- Shock Plyo HiiT= 30 Min
MV= 10.0
CB= 410

Total calories burned = 738:) That was fun!!:)

That is it for me today, everyone have a great workout today/rest day and have a blessed day!:);):D

Hugs and blessings:);)

Great workouts, girls!!!

Belinda...I actually have P90x 2 and I never opened it! [emoji5] Have you done it before? How are you liking it?

Roxie, hope you get some rest!

Nora, Dirty 30 is hard/fun!!! As well as Les Mills Plyo HiiT!

Jodi, I love 4DS KB! What a good idea to add on Blizzard Blast!!!

I did XTrain Bi's and Tri's today. Had a good workout, it went by so fast!

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Good morning

Zumba -Exhilarate is done :p What a fun workout! I have almost 7000 steps :)

Chris - I had P90X2 for a few years and never done it before :) The warm up is almost the same in every dvd. I am only doing each dvd once and I got a little bored doing the same warm up over and over again. I did like the weight portion especially P90X2 RAP upper and lower. Those were really good, IMO! I don't think I could do an entire rotation :( Maybe you like them? I wasn't really for me. I always did Cathe's rotations and really never got around doing other stuff :( I really like going through all my dvd collection. I am also sorting out the ones I don't like/or too high impact. I am done with high impact :( Why hold on, right?

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

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