Belinda - I'm sure you remember we put our cat, Bear, down right before Christmas. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The doctor came here at our house and put him down and I also feel guilty about doing that. One reason is because they had to give him the shot that put him down twice. His heart was still strong and I feel like I may have jumped the gun on all of it. BUT, he was not eating at all and he was skin and bones. He was very aggressive towards the other cats and really didn't want us to pet or hold him. I believe he was in pain and I'm sure it would have just gotten worse. My DH buried him somewhere in our backyard and to this day I don't want to know where. I cannot stand the thought of him being in the ground. We put him in a pretty large plastic container and wrapped him in his favorite blanket. I just don't want to know where he is, I would cry every time I seen it. Stupid, but that's how I feel.
You are not alone, we've all gone through it at some point in our lives. It's hard to lose our friends but remember, Brawler would not want you to be sad. You've given him a great life and I know he loves you for that. When you feel up to it, go get another friend. You have so much love to give another animal so I hope you do that when you feel you are ready. Hugs to you!
Debbie, I remember your posting about your cat Bear I am so sorry to hear the doc had to your poor baby the shot twice. I can't imaging how you felt I felt exactly the same as you did with Bear. I am so sorry you had to go through all this with Bear. Thanks for your kind words. I wished I could have done more for Brawler. I also felt like maybe I jumped the guns too fast? Lots of regrets. I always wanted Brawler to cross the rainbow bridge at home The vet clinic they don't have tables they have dog beds instead in every room.The doctor was on his knees when he gave Brawler the shots. There were a lot of new doctors and assistances besides us in the room. Yesterday my son handed me a card with condolences and they all signed by every doctor and everyone that works at Veterinary Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Group. I thought that was really nice. Brawlers doc also wrote something really nice on the card. We have another dog name ChuChu, he is only one month older than Brawler. We also adopted him from the same place we did Brawler. ChuChu doesn't get along with other dogs. He was always very aggressive to Brawler I think when the right dog comes, I will open my heart again. Brawler was special and a sweet boy. I miss him so much. You are right Brawler wanted me to be happy not sad.