Hi girls!
I just finished today's workout and will now check in.
Here's today's workout:
Jessica Smith- Walk On - 6 Mile Mix- Cardio Interval Abs= 15 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 164
RIPT 90 FIT- Body Fat Breakdown = 28 Min
MV= 7.80
CB= 298
JNL Fusion- Ballistic Backside= 39 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 479
Total calories burned = 941
Belinda- Nice workout yesterday with TB Hammer + 10 Minute Solution Blast OFF:FLAT BELLY FAST. Excellent combination of workouts. Have a great workout today as well and have a blessed day!
Hugs and pets to Brawler and friends!

Roxie- It sounds like you have your hands full with packing and getting ready to move to your new house. In case you forgot I count packing and moving as a functional fitness/strength workout so your good. High fives on Saturday and Sundays workouts of StudioSweat Pilates Abs & Core plus a 30 minute run/walk on the treadmill and Sunday a 30 minute walk.

I bet your GS was alot of fun to have over, so adorable at that age. I think Coffeyfit Raw and Studiosweat will be excellent choices to workout with the next few weeks while packing and moving stuff going on. Have a blessed day and becareful with all the packing and moving. Take care!

Debbie- Awesome workout today with Cardio Coach Volume 6 w/Candace opted out of challenge 3 due to time issues. High fives and WTG on your workout today!
Great fitness stats on your workout as well.

Jodi- Hello and Waves to you. I hope you have a great workout today. Yes, I second Debbie's comments about trying RIPT 90 FIT great workouts. Have a blessed day!
Hugs amd Blessings

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.
Here's today's workout:
Jessica Smith- Walk On - 6 Mile Mix- Cardio Interval Abs= 15 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 164
RIPT 90 FIT- Body Fat Breakdown = 28 Min
MV= 7.80
CB= 298
JNL Fusion- Ballistic Backside= 39 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 479
Total calories burned = 941
Belinda- Nice workout yesterday with TB Hammer + 10 Minute Solution Blast OFF:FLAT BELLY FAST. Excellent combination of workouts. Have a great workout today as well and have a blessed day!
Roxie- It sounds like you have your hands full with packing and getting ready to move to your new house. In case you forgot I count packing and moving as a functional fitness/strength workout so your good. High fives on Saturday and Sundays workouts of StudioSweat Pilates Abs & Core plus a 30 minute run/walk on the treadmill and Sunday a 30 minute walk.
Debbie- Awesome workout today with Cardio Coach Volume 6 w/Candace opted out of challenge 3 due to time issues. High fives and WTG on your workout today!
Jodi- Hello and Waves to you. I hope you have a great workout today. Yes, I second Debbie's comments about trying RIPT 90 FIT great workouts. Have a blessed day!
Hugs amd Blessings