Core Max - surprise


OK - I've done the first two workouts of Core Max and I have to say that I'm surprised that they don't seem harder. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I think they're easy...I just kind of thought I wouldn't be able to get through them the first time out.

I did have a bit of trouble with a couple exercises in the 2nd workout (with the ball). The long-lever exchange and the one where you put the ball between your feet and lower to each side. That one more because my room is narrow and if I go one way, the table holding the tv is in the way and when I go the other way, I hit the couch. I ended up having to shift around a little. I don't think I was doing those side chops right either, 'cuz I wuddn't feelin' nuthin' with those. (Don't ask why I wrote that like that, I just felt like being dorky).

I actually have a harder time doing the abs from Step, Jump, Pump than I've had with Core Max (so far...I still haven't done #3 with the medicine ball).

OH! And I really like the one reverse crunch where you hold the ball with your feet and butt. That's a good one!
I'm planning a core max segment tomorrow after upper body hardcore. I'm sure I will find it difficult, because my abs aren't that strong yet.
I've done the first two workouts on Core Max also. They don't feel "tough" while doing them, but the slow count has really helped m focus on squeezing my abs more and keeping good form. I feel a nice worked feeling in the core area the next day which I LOVE. I had difficulty with the pikes after all those roll outs. My hip flexors were exhausted. I had just completed GS Legs so next time I do Core Max #2 I will make sure I haven't worked my legs.
Thanks, I'll try the tough core next week. I still have to check out the medicine ball one, which I may do tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. I think I might do Stretch Max tonight.
I have done all three of them. I did the 3rd one first, then the 2nd, and the 1st one today.

I didn't think they were too easy! I really thought they were tough, without being so tough that I would never want to do them again! I think with these, I will be able to get a lot more corework done than I usually get. I usually just tack on about 5 or 10 minutes a day. But these will give me something a little longer and different to concentrate on...without being TOOOO long!

My core is pleasantly sore all around. One thing I was pleased with was my lower abs are a little sore. I am anxious to see how they feel tomorrow after doing #1 today.

Out of all three of them, I think my favorite is number 3. I love using the medicine ball and the stability ball. Next....I will try the pre-mix you guys are talking about!

You know it's funny, I thought the same thing (except for the levitation, where my feet and ankles WOULD NOT levitate), then the next day I started to get sore and the soreness got worse and then continued for 4 days! The workout seemed easy while I was doing it, but apparently my abs were worked harder than I thought. Particularly very high up in my abs, a place where I had never been sore before.

So I think CoreMax really works! Ouch!

i previewed this one last night, too! i can't wait to try one! i didn't have time after low max to add a 20 min abs on this morning *pout*.. i did do the levitations last night during the preview since there's been so much talk about them! i was fine until my dog decided to lay her head in my lap.. guess she wanted to make them harder for me! lol! (really she just wanted me to feed her!)

you must not have body fusion or high step circuit.. cut the reverse crunches with the ball on in both those add-on abs.. and yes.. they are my fave reverse crunches! (and my two fave/most fun abs workouts of cathe's!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I've had my DVDs for a couple of weeks now and the only Core Max segment I've tried is the no-equipment one. I was cruising along, thinking "this isn't hard" and then Cathe laid me out with those planks, especially the final ones where you roll back and forth on your feet.:eek: I like the slow(er) pace and the decision to move from lower abs to mid abs to upper - her cues on which part of the abs is being targeted help me to focus and feel the contraction where I'm supposed to.

If I can pick myself up after Low Max, I'm going to try the stability-ball abs today.
I did all three back to back the day I got them. I expected them to be a lot more intense. I do like them though. I just prepared ahead doing the lower twist moves with a 12 lb dumbbell between my knees. I also did inline and decline crunches with weights so for me they don't sem incredibly hard. I can beef them up though when desired. I usually use much heavier weights for woodchops on the ball as well. I expected to be sore and wasn't. I have been using weights for some of my ab days for years though. I did have problems with the levitation thingy. I will get it because I am determined to do it;-)
Diane Sue
I'm kind of relieved to hear others' comments. I did the stability ball routine from CM this past Monday, and aside from some truly comical attempts at side-lying crunches on the ball (that caused the ball to squirt to one side of the room and me to the other) I felt the intensity was mid-range. (Loved loved loved the extended roll-outs, though.) I did the med ball one this morning, and same thing. Like others who have posted here, the Tough Core premix looks good; I'll be looking forward to others' reviews of this one as they come it.

I also posted some Ab Mish-Moshes on the Open Discussion forum a little while ago (can everyone tell I'm off work today? idle hands are the Cathe Forum workshop!), most of which incorporate the CTX Kickbox planks (prone and supine) and roll-ups, all of these MM's burn me still.

OK, I did the stability-ball abs section of Core Max today.

It WAS intermediate level - I was able to get through it with no problems, except my wrists were KILLING ME after the rollouts, then rollouts with twists, then pikes. For that reason my pikes were pathetic as I struggled to keep good form. I know in the future to vary the order of those three exercises.

I was surprised and not altogether happy about the lack of form pointers with some of the exercises. Any time I'm told to lie down on the ball, I would like to know how far back - shoulders and head supported, just shoulder blades on the ball, just tips of shoulder blades? Cathe wasn't very good about telling that. As a result, those side chops on the ball were really difficult to figure out how to do. Those also needed many more form pointers - do the arms extend straight over to the side at shoulder height or do they go lower? Hips still? Rock up on one shoulder or keep both shoulders pressed into the ball? After I was done with the workout I got down on my mat and worked on them to try and see what I needed to do to feel my obliques working.

Similarly, more tips were needed for the exercise where you have the ball between your legs and you drop your legs to one side. I had to try this one without the ball to feel how best to position myself to feel it in the obliques. There is a MAJOR difference if you have your legs at less than 90 degrees, at 90 degrees, or above 90 degrees (closer to your torso). It can also strain your lower back if you're not careful.

And finally, the exercise where you transfer the ball from between your legs to your arms: this is very hard to do without straining your lower back if you lower your legs all the way to the floor and keep them straight. I kept waiting for Cathe to say "bend your knees slightly to take the strain off your back" but she never did.

Overall I felt this was a good enough workout but the lack of form pointers was disturbing.

I am still somewhere between a beginner and intermediate level ab worker...or maybe I'm just wussin' out on trying to do ab work with a stability ball. At any rate, I am psyching myself out of trying any harder ab workouts just yet. I guess I would rather take it safe and gentle for a little while longer before hitting my core with a harder routine. I think I'm starting to "get there", but I'm not quite ready, yet. I'll save the harder ab workouts until later......and you know what'll happen? I'll get pikes on my first attempt and say, "Sheez, those weren't as hard as I thought." (I hope I say that). :D
These are supposed to be advanced workouts and are not easy for someone new. I would not expect a lot of form pointers as it is not a workout for those without a good base. If you have not done a lot of this type of workout I would start with core #1 and gradually work through that one first.
Diane Sue
I definitely spoke to soon on this...I did #3 with the medicine ball this morning and it was hard! The one where you balance on your butt and extend your legs out and bring them in while you're holding the ball at chest level....I probably only did about half of those.

I didn't really feel anything on a few of the oblique exercises, so I'm sure I wasn't doing them right. It will probably take a few times.
No, you did not speak too soon. I think this is a pratice makes perfect workout. I had DOMS in my upper abs after doing segment 3 and I have not had DOMS in my abs in years!

The premixes look awesome. I have done the Complete Ab premix..pretty good.

I think once we get our form perfect and learn which sections work best together....we will be "rockin'"

I am disapointed with Core Max.I did not find it that challenging.Thank you people for suggesting Tough Core premix.I actually found the core / ab work at the end of Muscle Max more challenging than any of the routines.I am also not a big fan of Stretch Max oh well overall it is the best series on the market.

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