***Coolers, Last Day Sept. 08****


Good morning,
Today was S&H Chest & Back, with supermans and planks. Tonite will be golf with the ladies. Good workout this morning. That chest work really makes me shake like a chihuahua! Of course, I skipped the pushups and also the deadlifts, to make it a little bit shorter workout.

Good morning all! Hope everyone is having a good day. I have been watching waaaaay too much CNN lately!! :eek: I am starting to drive myself completely insane with it!!! :p No DOMS yet from yesterday's workout, but I think they will arrive later today...My right knee is feeling pretty tweaky, though. Ugh. :(

I am working out with Jeanette today...except, of course, she has already done her workout and I am still in my pjs!! :eek::rolleyes: SH chest and back for me today, too.

I will bbl to catch up with personals...Hope everyone is feeling calm and centered!! :)
Good Afternoon Ladies

Just got home from my massage. She did a great piriformis stretch while pushing on three pressure points. I'm totally stealing that one! I'm going to probably do the second half of Imax2 before Eoin tonight. I have a soccer game to go to earlier in the evening. I'm not looking forward to freezing my butt off!!!

Hope everyone has a great day. BBL for personals.

Home from work, DH came home early and made supper so I didn't have too. :D Having a quick break and then off to do KPC. Will check later to see if Cathe posted the October rotation.

Jeanette Yup, already planning Thanksgiving weekend, it's only 10 days away!;)

Wendy Oh, yes, that tendonitis thread, I'm not going back there. Yikes! The fact that people try to self diagnosis on the internet just scares me, the poster is getting info regarding muscle tears, tendonitis, tendonsynovitis, etc which are all totally different diagnosis with different types of treatment for each and each healing stage. I suren't even open those type of threads they just drive me crazy. All that "it sounds like what I had". The fact that she can't go so a health professional due to the cost is just mindboggling to me.

Have fun at the soccer game! Do your kids play?? How are the biceps today??

Debra HOpe the knee is doing okay? Are you watching CNN due to the election? Thursday night is our political debate and according to surveys more Canadians will watch the Americain VP debate than the Canadian PM debate. LOL I guess everyone is intrigued with this Palin, our election is very very dry this time around, okay maybe it's always dry.

Patricia Cute ds story! My kids used to "eggercise" with me when they were younger. DD does occasionally still.

Evening All

Well pretty much completed PlyoX tonight minus the bonus part of course:D Not bad considering I worked 12hrs today:mad: Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity tomorrow so needed to get a few things done today.

Just finished watching a t.v. show I taped from last night and sounds like the tape just got eaten. I guess time to hook up the dvd recorder to our main t.v.

Jeanette - by the time you're finished you're w/o I'm rushing DS to eat his breakfast to get out the door. With winter around the corner I'll probably have to get him up a bit earlier too.

Kim - funny about the US election. I had a meeting with 2 people from the US last week and they didn't even know we were having an election next month but I bet 1/2 Cdn's don't either! I'm finding all the politics right now in the US quite exciting, probably b/c of all the financial crisis going on now.

Wendy - I'm sure it'll be a hockey arena where I'll be freezing my butt off one day if DH has anything to say about it!:D

Debra - 10am & still in pj's. Can I have your life:D:D I will probably be in safety boots (and of course work clothes) and pushing a paint roller that time tomorrow.

Laurie - hope you had a good day.

Its late and time to hit the hay.

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