Home from work, DH came home early and made supper so I didn't have too.
Having a quick break and then off to do KPC. Will check later to see if Cathe posted the October rotation.
Jeanette Yup, already planning Thanksgiving weekend, it's only 10 days away!
Wendy Oh, yes, that tendonitis thread, I'm not going back there. Yikes! The fact that people try to self diagnosis on the internet just scares me, the poster is getting info regarding muscle tears, tendonitis, tendonsynovitis, etc which are all totally different diagnosis with different types of treatment for each and each healing stage. I suren't even open those type of threads they just drive me crazy. All that "it sounds like what I had". The fact that she can't go so a health professional due to the cost is just mindboggling to me.
Have fun at the soccer game! Do your kids play?? How are the biceps today??
Debra HOpe the knee is doing okay? Are you watching CNN due to the election? Thursday night is our political debate and according to surveys more Canadians will watch the Americain VP debate than the Canadian PM debate. LOL I guess everyone is intrigued with this Palin, our election is very very dry this time around, okay maybe it's always dry.
Patricia Cute ds story! My kids used to "eggercise" with me when they were younger. DD does occasionally still.