***Coolers, Finally Friday****


Morning girls,
It was supposed to be Step Fit today, but I subbed with 25 minutes of Rhythmic Step, then 20 minutes of Christi Taylor's step from Cardio Collectibles. Nice step workout. I finished with some stretching for this old bod. Or shall I say old broad. Tomorrow is woodcutting, maybe in the rain per my DH. Sunday looks nice so for sure I'll be out loading and stacking wood so probably no bike ride :(. Oh well, this grasshopper doesn't want to be outside during the winter looking in at the ant's nice fire and cozy house.

Got up this morning and baked the chile relleno casserole. Smells great. DH took it off to work already. I made an extra one for us to eat. Ours is a little spicier as we both like spicy food.

Hope today is better than yesterday at work. Seems like everyone in the institution was on edge:eek:.

Will check back later.
Kim... Best wishes on your job interview today!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!

Jeanette... Mmmmm. I will have to print out your recipe! Yes, I did KPC in its entirety!!! I didn't want to do it. Believe me, a couple of times I had thoughts of skipping a drill or combo. But, I just told myself a few more. It's been awhile since I made myself do something as produced. I get bored very easily.

Tonight is ds' football game in the freezing cold. Phil is bringing up our coats, scarves, and gloves. I'm going to take a rest day since we won't get back from the game till after ten o'clock. I might do some weights with BM2 if we finish school early.

Thanks for posting the recipe!! It looks awesome...I will definitely make it soon! :p

Sending positive interview vibes your way!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D

Try to behave yourself today! :rolleyes:

Back later to catch up some more...Have a great morning!
Hey there Debra... Don't worry about little ole me. I've purged the nastiness out my Cathe life!:D You can rest assured that I'm behaving myself now.;)
Hey there Debra... Don't worry about little ole me. I've purged the nastiness out my Cathe life!:D You can rest assured that I'm behaving myself now.;)

*yeah right*:rolleyes:

Oh no- did I just post that???? ;)

OK You Coolers...Just popping on to say I'm Watching You! No nasty posts Okie Dokie!!??!!??

Miss you all & hope everyone is healthy, POSITIVE & gettin' whatever they need from whomever they need it from! *mwah* mwah*mwah*

~ Keep it real!
Traci!!!!:):):):):):) It's all good. It's all goooood!!!!:):):):):):) Phil's coming tonight. Here!:eek: I mean he's physically coming up here!:eek: Oh! Get your mind out of the gutter!!!!:rolleyes::D:D:D
Ohh, thanks for all the good luck vibes, I am quite nervous. I have to remember that I do enjoy the job I have so it really doesn't matter if I get this one, I'm not even sure I want this one. I'm checking them out as much as they are checking me out.

Hi Traci! Nice to see you pop by!

Wendy What exactly have you been up to?? I guess I need to cruise the OD to see what's up, I tend to avoid all the controversial threads. Enjoy the football game!! Ds's team had their last game last Sunday, they didn't make the playoffs.
Your poor ds, it must be hard to hear him being so homesick! When will he be back??

Jeanette Thanks for asking about ds. He still complains about the occasionally pain but mostly when he's tired. We see the orthopaedic surgeon again on Monday which will be 6 weeks, maybe he'll get his cast off.:D But we're not getting our hopes up because they figured more realistically it would be 8 weeks. But it's good to get an xray and check things out! Yummy, the casserole sounds great. I love spicy food.

Debra How did the piano lessons go??

Patricia I forgot you were doing Habitat for Humanity, good for you! Did work give you the day off to go? I only watched half the debate but it was interesting. DH watched all the Candian debate and the watch the repeat of the US debate. He took economics before he became an accountant so he is very interested in all the discussions.

Morning Coolers,

Took a 1/2 day of vacation yesterday, to help out at the cc meet. DD did a great job. She came in 5th with a time of 15:28, which busted her pr of 16:12. She couldn't believe that she had done that, and neither could I. Had a great time helping out at the meet, I was able to hand out all the metals to the runners.

Just got back from the doctors office, and was told I need to start taking a multi vitamin. You know I always have every intention of taking those dang things, but always forget. So I guess I better start taking them religiously. I received a tetanus shot, and had my blood drawn for thyroid. My mom has a thyroid problem, so they always check. Now I need to make an appointment for a mamogram, and more blood work. Sucks getting old! :(

Workout for today was BBS Timesaver #4.

Jeanette, WTG on creating your own mish-mosh. :D Your casserole sounds good. Oh the fun of cutting wood in the rain. I don't envy you at all. :) Wonder how that recipe will go over with my family. Only myself and oldest DD like spice, DH and youngest are chickens. :p

Wendy, Thanks for reminding me that about the cool weather and the wedding. The boat is leaving Navy Peer at 7:00 pm. Hopefully this is an enclosed boat, it would almost have to be wouldn't it? Guess I better prepair for anything. Maybe I should find a wool cocktail dress! LOL :eek:

Debra, Did the Diva enjoy her piano lessons? I have only had the basics of the piano. I know where middle C is :eek:. Oh I guess I know a little more than that. :)

Kim, Good luck with the interview today. :) I'm sure you will do just fine.

Patricia, Nope no debate watching for me. I was to busy running around after the cc meet. Had to take the oldest to Walmart because she needed to pick some stuff up for spirit day! Homecoming is this weekend, and of course you have to wait until the last minute to do things! :eek:

Have a great day!

Wendy - I was just making fun of your response from that other thread. Of course I agree with what you said...
Checking in... BM2 double upper body premix minus a repeat of shoulders and chest is done! I'll tack on the abs before I jump in the shower.

Laurie... LOL on the wool dress. Ya know, there's always wool tights. I remember seeing them at Cabellas for a lot of money!!!!

Kim... Let us know how the interview process goes. You'll do fine one way or the other. I'm just proud that you took the initiative to consider another position despite what your co-workers may have thought. Eldest ds may come home at Christmas. It depends if he gets the time off approved. He should know sometime next week. I'm also happy that he's back together with his ex-girlfriend. She's the one who lives in the same town as me and watches the girls on occasion.
Hi all! How is everyone?!? I ended up doing part of 10-10-10 plus back and abs from CTX and shoulders from SH. Nice and toasty. :):):) Tomorrow will be a rest day for me...well, kind of. It is CBL's bday weekend, so we are headed to Chapel Hill to see Carolina play football and spend the night. :D:D Should be tons of fun...but we will also be walking a lot...but I imagine that the alcohol intake will counteract any loos of calories!! :eek::rolleyes: Anyhoo, DD's piano lesson went well last night. We are having a keyboard delivered on Monday. :rolleyes: She is really excited about taking lessons...Her goal in life, at this point, is to be Miley Cyrus when she grows up! :eek::eek::eek:

Sounds like you had a great workout today!! :) So glad Phil is going to be with you the rest of the weekend...I know it isn't fun to be away from your spouse all week. :( So sorry that DS is feeling so homesick. I know that must be hard for you to hear. :( I watched plenty of CNN today to catch up with the debate and bailout news.....CBL came by unexpectedly last night...and, again, didn't want to watch the debate with him...LOL!! :rolleyes:

Glad you enjoyed your step workout this morning! Hope everyone liked the chili relleno casserole today. :):) LOL about 'this old broad'!!!! :D Sorry about missing the bike ride on Sunday, but at least you will be cozy this winter...LOL! The weather was bad the weekend I was supposed to go antiquing with Mom...and it was an outside show. :(

Your daughter is doing so great with XCountry!! :):):) I guess it will be a busy weekend with homecoming! It is no fun going to the doctor after 40 is it??? :rolleyes::eek: Why the need for multivitamins?? I know your eating is completely clean! :confused:;) I think the problem is you haven't had enough red wine lately! I took piano, too, when I was in high school...I am hoping DD is much better than me!

I am hoping your interview went well! It's at least nice to know that someone else is interested, whether you decide you want it or not. :) I will keep my fingers crossed that DS's leg is healing well...:D...Is there a possibility of a soft cast if things have progressed? Are you expecting him to have to have any physical therapy once he is well?

Okay....think that catches me up for today! I won't be around tomorrow...and probably not Sunday either since it will be a recovery day for me!! :rolleyes::p:eek::cool:

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