'Evening and a Belated Merry Christmas! Our visitors have left and dh and I are recovering! Just Kidding - well, somewhat. Bundled up and went for a long walk, I was so cold after getting home, it took me quite a while to warm up. Did JS small ball pilates workout and loved it.
Deb, your celebration sounds like a real workout to me. Did you have enough oven space? That's always a concern with me too. I have only one oven, but also use the toaster oven and microwave. So smart to get somethings catered. Did you get many grandparent gifts?
Belinda, your celebration sounds like a lot of fun. I hadn't thought to look on IG for games. Some of my neighbors decorate their boats with holiday lights, trees and banners. I think some of them get competitive with it. Hope your shoulder is doing better.