Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Lift with HIT it Back, Biceps and Shoulder. We also took a walk outside.

Debbie - great job with your walk on the beach. Spring break in Fl is very crowed.

Cookie - yes, we are excited about the RV. Not looking forward driving up state NY. Long drive. It was in the 70’s here today.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. We also spent the day on the beach. Ugh, I accidentally sent an Amazon order meant for FL to NJ. I’m going to ask my SIL to pickup.

Belinda - Nice Lift and Hitt workout. Beautiful weather you are having. How long are is the RV class?

Cookie - it sounds like nice weather for walks. I heard a big snow storm is coming to Denver. Hopefully the Northeast is done with big storms.

'Evening! Met my friend for a walk and talk during lunch. Boy, do I love doing that! She is a most interesting and kind person.

Deb, hope we're done with the cold weather also, esp. since I packed away winter sweaters this morning! Nice that you were able to spend the day on the beach. Hope the package wasn't something you needed right away.

Belinda, I'm in upstate but have to go the southwestern part of the state for meetings. Drive safe and enjoy the new vehicle/home.

Today was a walk on the beach & spent the day at the beach. We are trying to stay local to avoid traffic.

Belinda - You must be getting ready for your trip to get the RV. Will it have WiFi?

Cookie - It’s nice to have a friend to walk with and enjoy their company! You also get your workout in:). The package was backup everyday SPF face moisturizer & a mitt to remove sand. Not sure if the mitt will work but worth a try.

'Evening! Managed to get in a lot of steps but not a workout.

Deb, glad you're enjoying the beach. Sand can be so anoying when it gets inside the house and clothing!.
Belinda, good luck with the rv tomorrow. Enjoy!

Today was a walk on the beach. The construction is very loud from 8:00 - 4:00 so we try and stay outside that time. I thought about earplugs:).

Belinda - Good Luck tomorrow!

Cookie - Lots of steps, great!

'Evening! Upper body and Essentrics. First weight workout in 6 weeks - finally!

Deb, oh wow! I would want to stay away from the sounds also. Hope the weather stays great for your walks on the beach.

Belinda, did you get the rv? Hope it is all terrific.

we never left our house. We packed up the car and everything was packed for us to leave early Thursday morning. We just come from the ER. DD haven’t been feeling well since Wednesday, my husband and been with our daughter since Wednesday night. Thursday we took her home with us. She been having chest pains, irregular heart beats and dizzy spells. Today I took her to the ER here in WV. Her blood pressure was over 200 plus her she had irregular heart beats. After the EKG and very high blood pressure the nurse took u to a private room which I was very thankful since the waiting room was full of interesting people. Scary. DD was hooked up to EKG and blood pressure monitors for 6 hours. DD’s blood pressure came finally came down. They also took a serious of blood tests to make sure they are not missing anything that would cause her blood pressure to spike. After 6 hours of monitoring her, the ER doctor felt compfy to release her. If DD experiences the same with her heart, they want us to bring her back to the ER. DD is resting. I am afraid to leave her at the condo alone, for now she is staying with us. If it’s not one thing is another.

Sorry I am so tired to responds to personals. I will try to catch up tomorrow.

Belinda - I’m so sorry your family is going through so much. Hoping she feels better real soon. I agree best to stay with DD, till she is feeling better. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

Cookie - It must feel good to get a weight workout in. How is your eye feeling?

We walked on the beach, the humidity is high.


Today was a walk on the beach. We went to listen to music at lunch.

Belinda - Good to hear DD is feeling better. I heard it was warm weather in the Northeast.

Waves hi to Cookie


XTrain Legs is done.

Debbie - it was warm until yesterday. Not sure what happened today? It’s cold outside.

Waving Hi to Cookie.

Have a great Monday.
Sorry for being MIA. Been busy with eldest son this weekend. Went to a great concert of Vivaldi's Four Seasons yesterday. Today was a a very long work day and just finished a mtg a few minutes ago.

Deb, it got damp and colder up here also. Listening to music at lunch - how nice! Was it for St. Patrick's Day? How's your mom doing?

Belinda, I'm also so sorry to hear about your dd and all that you and your family have been going through lately. That must be pretty scary. Glad you're staying with her.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was overcast and cool out. We leave tomorrow it will be cold here but I’m sure much colder home.

Belinda - X-train Legs sounds good. I hope DD is feeling better each day. I heard it’s supposed to be cold in the North as well as FL this week.

Cookie - Sounds like a nice concert. I’m planning to go see my Mom on Wednesday and take her to the store. She doesn’t feel pain until 4pm and throughout the night. She is frustrated with how long it is taking to heal.


XTrain Chest,Back and Shoulder is done.

Debbie - I wouldn’t mind walking on the beach. It‘s so cold outside. Enjoy the weather in Fl. Thank you, DD is doing much better.

Cookie - thank you. It was very scary. She is so young. We had a share this year. Hopefully that is it. Glad you had fun with your son and at the concert.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
'Evening! A walk today and it was cold and windy.

Deb, safe travels back tomorrow, Bundle up, it is chilly.

Belinda, glad and relieved your dd is doing better. Any idea what might have caused it?

Today was cleanmax before we left the condo. Easy travels but busy airports. When we arrived saw snow flurries. The weatherman said it has been warmer temperatures the last 2 weeks, hope I didn’t bring the cold weather;)

Belinda - Great job with X-train chest, back & shoulders. Good to hear DD is feeling better each day.

Cookie - Must be tough to walk after having Springlike temperatures last week. We must keep our warm weather clothes close by in March.


This morning I did a belly dance w/the veil.I probably will do another one later.

Debbie - yikes on the snow flurries. Glad you home safe.

Cookie - kudos to you for walking in this cold and wind. It’s very chilly here too.

Happy Hump Day!

Today was an upper body workout at the gym. Afterwards I went to take my Mom to run errands. She seems to be doing better but still lots of pain in the evening and when sleeping.

Belinda - I just read an article how good dancing is for your mind. I should take it up:) I'm hoping this cool weather goes away quickly.

Waves hi to Cookie

'Evening! Another windy walking day. Saw Les Miserables this evening - wow, I forgot how great that is. Leaving tomorrow for a nephew's wedding in TN. DH and I are driving w/one of my sisters and her husband. Breaking it up over two days should make it bearable.

Deb, sorry your mom is still in pain. Wonder why it is more in the evening? I know and can understand how it bothers sleeping. I think you did bring the cold and snow with you!

Belinda, very happy to hear your dd is doing better. Great job on the belly dancing.

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