Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Had a shower for my nephew's soon-to-be wife this afternoon and just got in Slow & Sweaty ub now. I'm fried!

Deb, we're going to have salmon, rice, and a salad. It's only dh, eldest ds and maybe my tio this year, but we eat closer to 1:30.

Belinda, the rv looks beautiful! Safe travels and hope the washer and dryer work smoothly.
Happy Easter!

We are home again until we pick up my car in NY. Hopefully the part comes in soon.

Debbie - I hope all is well.

Cookie - great job on your walk. Glad you had a nice dinner. Thank you.The washer and dryer worked smoothly. I was impressed.

Good night.

Happy Easter!!!

Yesterday we went to NYC to see A Beautiful Noise (Neil Diamond's story) it was really nicely done. Enjoyed it. By coincidence DS & DIL saw a play Water for Elephants so we met for dinner. It was a nice dinner.

Today I brought dinner to my Mom's and it went well.

Belinda - Your RV is beautiful!! Maybe going back is a good thing you can have any questions you might have answered.

Cookie - Your Easter dinner sounds yummy & healthy too:) You have lots of parties to attend, it's great your family lives close by.

Hi everyone,

I did a dance workout this morning.

Debbie - thank you on the RV. We love it too. Yes, going back is a good thing. I am sure we come up with questions we might have. The Neil Diamond’s story sounds interesting. Glad you enjoyed it.

Cookie - I agree with Debbie. Your Easter dinner sounds yummy and healthy. Glad you live close to familiy.

'Evening! Got in a long walk today and saw the Iowa-LSU basketball game. They are incredible athletes!

Deb, how great that you met up when you were all seeing plays! Heard the Neil Diamond one was very good and glad you enjoyed it. How is your mom doing?

Belinda, I do have a lot of family and a good number live in the area - I'm lucky. Tomorrow I get to drive a great-niece back and forth to track practice, and it will give me a chance to spend a bit of time with her. Deb's comment was really good - going back will give you a chance to ask questions that might have arisen.

Today was a walk outside before the rain. We also went to the airport for an interview for Global Entry. The person who interviewed us looked so much like Louis Gossett Jr. (even his uniform & attitude) from the movie An Officer and A Gentlemen. He was giving DH a hard time in a funny way. Afterwards DH said he felt like the officer was going to say "Mayo give me 10 push-ups" (a similar line from the movie). I was laughing because I knew DH was stressed and it was just the way the interviewer was.

Belinda - Nice work getting a dance workout in. Does Sadie like the RV? I'm sure your kids will love it too.

Cookie - Great job getting a long walk in. DH follows March Madness but I really don't know much about it so only see parts of it. My Mom has been having good and bad days, but seems like more good.

Good morning,

I did Sydney Cummings Prime D1 Full Body and D2 Strong and Sculpted Arms & Abs today. I think I will stick with her rotation for awhile, I really liked it.

Debbie - great job on your walk outside. I also walked Sadie before the rain yesterday. That is funny what your Dh felt like the office was going to say afterwards, lol. Sadie likes the RV. My kids haven‘t seen the RV yet, lol. Glad your mom has been having good days.

Cookie - great job with your long walk. You are very lucky have your family so close by. Mine are all in Germany, my husbands are all over the US. Have fun with your niece today.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Was able to drive my niece around, get work in, take Tio to dinner and do two Essentrics workouts today, but now I'm fried. Didn't sleep well last night so am hoping I tired myself out enough to sleep very well and long.

Deb, lol at your dh and the officer! It must be hard seeing your mom with the bad days, but tg for the good ones. How is she doing emotionally with her recovery?

Belinda, I forgot about Sydney! There are so many instructors to choose from. Lately, I've been sticking with Cathe, Jessica Smith and Essentrics. Sadie seems very easy going. You're right, I am lucky to have so many of them nearby, and that's one of the reasons we moved here a few years ago. I also have a lot around the country and in Mexico, Spain and Germany, who I miss greatly.

Today was ICE Chisled upper body. I didn't walk too much rain, hard to drive in too. More rain tomorrow:( but on Thursday we go back to FL. Yesterday, they boarded up the deck on the condo (we were able to see on our camera). We will see how it goes and come back early if it doesn't work out.

Belinda - Great job with Sydney Cummings workouts, I have never heard of her. I'm sure Sadie will enjoy your trips too! My Mom's neighbors across the street have had an RV for many years and love it.

Cookie - A busy day but sounds like a lot of fun things! Great getting in your Essentrics workout, and hopefully a good night's sleep. My Mom is missing her volunteer work at the hospital. I'm trying to talk her into going back even it's for 1/2 a day. I think she agrees because she feels down staying home all the time.


Today I did D3 Legs. Loved it. What a sweat fest.

Here is the link of the rotation I am doing right now. Really like it. It‘s low impact too.

Debbie - great job on ICE Chiseled UB. No walk for me yesterday. It‘s still raining. How nice you going back to Fl on Thrusday. I will figure out between the car in NY and my doctors appointments when we can go. We had an RV for 14 years before this one, we loved it.

Cookie - I forgot about Sydney too. I saw her posting the new rotation yesterday, it looked good. I jumped right into it. So far, I am liking it. Wished I had family near by. At least, Alesia isn‘t too far. I can see her anytime. Now with the RV, we plan on traveling between my appointment.

'Evening! Super quick check-in since I have to run to book club. Got in an upper body wo today.

Deb, back to FL!!! Lucky you. Miserable rainy day here and snow is expected to start in a couple of hours. I often find that I get a lot out of being a volunteer - it makes me feel useful.

Belinda, thanks for the rotation link - I'll have to check it out. Glad you're enjoying it.

Today was ICE Chisled lower body, switched some exercises for some leg machines at the gym. Also walked the gym, so much rain. The only one's walking outside were the Canadian Geese:). It's looking like my house will be an island soon!

Belinda - I'll have to check out the rotation you are doing & it sounds like you are loving it. The weather should be getting better so nice time to have your RV.

Cookie - Which book did you read for book club? Hopefully warmer temps and sun coming soon. Sorry for the snow but hopefully it will melt quickly.


Today was a rest day from Sydney rotation. DH and I cleaned the RV top to bottom. I did clean when we were in NY, I couldn‘t reach the top cabinets without a small foot stool. There are a few things that needs to be fixed. We are very happy. Tomorrow we probably will work/organize the beach stuff on the garage. We have a lot of storage.

Debbie - great job on ICE Chisled lower body. Do you take the downloads with you at the gym. Unfortunately it rained all day today and it was so cold.

Cookie - hope your book club was great yesterday. Nice job on your upper body.

Good night.
'Evening! Rest day. Today is our anniversary, and dh and I went out to dinner to celebrate.

Deb, lol at the only ones walking were the geese! Great job with your workouts. Snow all day today - yuck!

Belinda, glad you're happy with the rv. Are you still planning on visiting your aunt in Canada?

Today was lots of walking at the airport just to get around. DH & I always say how hard is on elderly people to get around the airport. The airports are expanding and it is so much more walking.

Belinda - Sounds like you got in a workout cleaning RV. I didn’t think how great it must be to have so much storage on the RV. Sometimes I use the downloads but sometimes I like to write down the exercises.

Cookie - Happy Anniversary!! Did you have nice weather on the day you were married?

Good morning,

D4 Lean Arms & strong Abs AMRAP = 41 min is done. My abs are still sore from 2 day‘s ago. I a way she incorporates abs into the workout. This way they will get done. So far, I am liking the workouts.

Debbie - I always get lots of walking in at the airport. I agree with your husband on older people getting around. I love the storage. We will fill it up with beach chairs, cart you name it. Need to get ready for the beach. I used to write down my workouts too when I used the gym. Great job.

Cookie - happy anniversary! How long have you been married? I hope the weather wasn‘t too bad. We are still waiting for the part for my car, once we drive back to NY I plan on visiting my aunt in Canada.


Today was a walk on the beach. My phone was lighting up this morning, a 4.7 earthquake in NJ. My SIL said she ran out of her house and so did her neighbors who were home. It’s crazy a few years back I felt an earthquake that shook my house & it wasn’t as bad as today.

Belinda - Great job with D4 arms & abs! I’m wondering if there are RV parks on the beach? It sounds like it would be fun.

Cookie - Did you feel the earthquake? My Mom didn’t feel it but my brother did, they live South NJ.


Glutes and Abs D5 is done.

Debbie - great job on the walk on the beach. I saw the news about the earthquakes. That was a powerful one too. I am glad everyone is safe. Yes, RV porks are right on the beach. Some parks are closer than hotels you stay in, lol.

Cookie - did you feel the earthquake? I hope you ok.

'Afternoon! Sorry, yesterday was a crazy day. Today got in Essentrics and CL - strong ub on the ball. It was great.

Deb, glad your family was ok from the earthquake. We felt it. It occured when I was on a mtg w/someone from Philly and another from more near the Canadian border, and they felt it also. The Philly person was quite alarmed. We read This Other Eden, and it was very interesting. Enjoy those beach walks!

Belinda, you must be getting excited about a road trip with the rv! We've been married 43 years! Honestly, it is hard to believe, since I'm only 49..

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