Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Slow & Heavy Legs/shoulder is done. I can‘t remember the last time I did that workout. Great workout. I will go for a walk soon.

Debbie - I am so glad your mom‘s neighbor voiced her to go to the ER. Sorry about the fracture. Sending her lots of positive vibes. Sadie loved the spring like temps. She sits nice in her stroller. She lets me know when she is ready to take a ride. How are you feeling today?

Cookie - enjoy your walk today. How are you feeling?

'Evening! Walk and Essentrics today.

Deb, relieved your mom went to the ER and found out what it is. Even if they can't do anything, perhaps they were able to convince her to not wear socks.

Belinda, two walks - what energy! When I tripped a week and half ago, I hit my right knee, left elbow, and the left side of my face hard. The knee bothers me going up and down stairs and when something touches it. How does Sadie let you know she's ready for a walk?

Today was a walk at the gym & STS total body workout. It was so nice out. A lot of construction on our walk so fun to watch the progress. My Mom is taking it easy but sounds a lot better. Thanks again for your well wishes!

Belinda - I recently did Slow & Heavy and forget how much I like that series. We are expecting rain here but hopefully the temps will stay warm.

Cookie - Nice getting a walk and essentrics in. Your lucky you didn't break or fracture anything when you tripped. I'm sure it is still painful and sore, hopefully it heals quickly.


No walk today. I did get in a 60 min dance workout.

Debbie - I agree with you on S&H. I really like it too. The weather is crazy here too.

Cookie - great job on your walk and essentrice. Ouch, on your knee. Please be careful and get some rest. I agree, glad you didn’t had a fracture. I hope your mom is ok.

Have a great evening.

Today I did STS 2.0 Giant Sets. No walk for me, raining too hard. So we have been planning to go to FL this week. We have tickets to the Strawberry Festival this weekend, to see country artist Cody Johnson. We have been going back & forth if we should go. My mom says we should go, leaning towards going.

Belinda - Nice getting in your dance workout. It must have been rainy by you too. It was cool too.

Waves hi to Cookie


Today I did Slow & Heavy Chest/Back + Planks. Too raining and cold for a walk today.

Did anyone preordered Cathe’s new workouts yet? I am watching the daily deals, nothing I need is coming up.

Debbie - great job on your STS 2.0 Giant Sets. Glad you leaning towards going to FL. The strawberry festival sounds like fun. Yes, it’s cold and rainy. Not taking Sadie out in this weather.

Cookie - I hope you doing ok. Is it raining there too?

That’s it for me today. Have a great day today.
'Evening! Essentrics today. Rain here today and yesterday. Have to go to a meeting tomorrow 2.5 hours away by car, so probably won't get a wo in tomorrow.

Deb, the strawberry festival and concert sound like fun. Will your son and dil be able to check in on your mom?

Belinda, I also love S&H. It's a great series. Seems like we're all having rain this week.

Today no walk raining all day. I did Cathe Butts & Guts. I also threw some things together for FL leaving tomorrow.

Belinda - Hopefully this is spring rain and not so much in April. Great getting Slow & Heavy Chest & Back in. Do you know when the preorder is over?

Cookie - Nice work with Essentics. That is a long drive, safe travels. My DIL has an Aunt 10 mins away and she offered help as well as neighbors, friends, & cousin for my Mom.


Finally we had nice weather today. Went for a nice long walk.

Debbie - safe travels. I haven’t seen anything when the preorder ends? Last time, Cathe kept the preorder until sending the DVD’s out. Maybe she will do the same?

Cookie - yikes, on your drive to the meeting. Safe travels. Sorry if you missed your workouts today.

Good night.
'Evening! Long day today so no workouts. I'm still trying to catch up on emails missed. Got a text from ds and dil, they're going to come up for a visit tomorrow for the weekend. Can't wait to see them and the baby again. My dd and her fiance have decided to come also. So tomorrow's workout may be grocery shopping and a quick vacuum.

Deb, safe travels to FL. Glad to hear how much support your mom has. How long will you be in FL?

Belinda, I haven't seen anything on the preorders ending yet either. I'm gald since I'm still figuring out what to do, but I am excited about them. Any news on the rv?

Today was a walk on the beach, it was nice when we arrived. We are lucky they haven’t worked on our condo. It’s noisy but usually not home while they are working.

Belinda - Happy to hear the rain stopped and you could walk:) Thanks for the presale info.

Cookie - How exciting your grandchild, ds & dil will be visiting:). I’m sure your dd will be happy to see the baby. We are here for 10 days and might come back after Easter.


No workout to report. Been doing clean max. My son is coming tomorrow.

Debbie - you are so welcome! If I hear any news on the presale I will tell you. Glad you safe in Fl. Sorry about the noise in the condo.

Cookie - your weekend sounds like mine. Enjoy your visitors this weekend. We are picking up the RV next week.

Good night.

A walk on the beach. We met with a contractor today for a quote on bathroom renvovation.

Belinda - Enjoy your time with your DS & DIL.

Cookie - Have fun with your granddaughter & family


I did Slow and Heavy Tirceps and biceps/abs.

Debbie - enjoy your time in Fl. I hope the bathroom renovations isn’t to costly. We need ours renovated too. How is your mom doing?

Hi Cookie.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was a nice day but very windy. We sat on the beach but sand everywhere.

Belinda - Nice Slow & Heavy tri’s, bi’s & abs. The quote may take a few days, hopefully not too bad. My Mom is still in pain but sounds better.

Waves hi to Cookie

'Evening! Recovery from the visitors! It was great to see everyone. Got the house back in order and all the laundry done. My dh thinks I'm a little obsessive about it, but resetting I like getting everything reset to start the week. Plus tomorrow I have to go to an overnight work trip.

Deb, a renovation can be exciting! Hope your mom is doing okay. Walking on the beach sounds terrific.

Belinda, we had similar weekends! You must be excited about the rv. Will you go right away to visit your aunt?

Today was a walk on the beach. We went to the Strawberry Festival & concert afterwards. An hour drive took 3 hours due to Festival traffic. The Strawberry Festival was too crowded for us. Did enjoy a Strawberry shortcake & shared Strawberry shake. The concert was really fun & nicely done. It was good to see all age groups there. We saw acute 80 something couple enjoying the show.

Belinda - How exciting your RV is almost ready! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Cookiie - It sounds like a nice weekend with family:). Kudos for having energy to clean up, especially after losing an hour.

Good morning,

RWH Legs is done. I modified as needed like the explosive jumps. We are picking up the RV on Thursday. Need to back and get things ready. DS is still here until Wednesday.

Debbie - sorry about the traffic. Glad you enjoyed the strawberry festival and concert. Thank you about the RV. We are also looking forward to it.

Cookie - it’s nice having visitor. I am trying to get my house back in order and laundry done before we leave on Thursday. No, we will get a class on the RV first to make sure everything is running smoothly before we take off. The weather in Canada is sowing snow this week. We are not taking the RV in the snow. We had a bad experience with your last one in ice/snow.

I will be back later.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was cool so we ran errands. It’s busy here Spring break for Florida.

Belinda - Great work with RWH legs, I would modify for explosive jumps too. You are very busy but must be excited about Thursday!

Waves hi to Cookie

'Evening! Got home this evening and am beat! Meeting a friend for a walk and talk tomorrow during lunch. It is supposed to be in the 60s! Yesterday morning I left with snow on the ground.

Deb, that some traffic! I forgot it is spring break month there. Bet it was heartwarming to see the older couple.

Belinda, so exciting the rv is so close to being yours! You must be so excited.

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