Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! Had to take a rest day. Woke up with a wicked headache.

Deb, that's so generous of you to do Christmas Eve. Do you do the seven fishes? I've got Christmas Dinner, and need to figure out a menu and plan.

Belinda, bet Sadie looks even cuter after visiting the groomer.

Today was a walk outside, nice the sun was shining. I bought a Christmas decoration for my front stairs. It is cute, 3 mesh Christmas ornaments stacked on each other. Well it was almost returned, it took forever to put together. Even DH wanted to help and that is not his thing LOL. I couldn’t figure something out, and walked away from it for an hour. I was so happy when I came back I figured it out quicker. Lately walking away for a bit helps with difficult tasks:)

Belinda. - Nice workout! An RV would be great, I loved hearing how you worked out in it:). I agree you should take every precaution. It is scary what is happening with your sisters friend:(. I read in the paper today, they are vaccinating animals at the zoo.

Cookie - I hope your headache didn’t last long. We will have 7 types of fish, but it will sort of be cheating because we will get a seafood salad that will have a few different kinds. We will not have meat because that is DHs family tradition for both Christmas & New Years Eve.


SBF D9 Strong back plus Amy's D14 30 Minute Quiet Cardio HIIT with Weights Workout.

I have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow plus I am getting my hair done in DC. Can't wait to hang out with my DD tomorrow.

Debbie - DH and I will look for an RV/travel trailer next week if we have time. Glad you figured it out one you walked away. What ornament did you buy? I can't imagine what it is? I am sure it's super cute. I haven't bought anything new in years. We do need to get a new tree next year. Maybe we will get a real tree.

Cookie - I hope your headache is gone by now. I hate those kind of headaches. We only had Sadie get a trim around her eyes/face/ears. The groomer did some trimmings. I didn't wanted Sadie to be too cold during this cold winter.

Not sure, if I get a workout in tomorrow.

Good night.
'Evening! Took a rest day as it has developed in a sinus headache.

Deb, I don't think counting the fishes in the seafood salad is cheating. Sounds like something I would do. I often take a break when I can't figure something out, and it works well.

Belinda, have fun in DC tomorrow. Good luck with the orthodontist. I have an hair appt on Thursday.

Today was a quick workout at the gym. I helped my ds out and it took most of the day. I almost walked at sunset but there are some streets without sidewalks.

Belinda - Lots of fun things for you tomorrow:) Well, maybe not the ortho appointment;) How is the invisalign working? I bought an outdoor ornament with 3 stacked christmas balls about 3 ft. high. I wanted to by some inflatable big lawn christmas balls on Amazon, but the reviews weren't good.

Cookie - I hope your headache feels better. All this talk about hair, I could use a haircut;)

Good evening,

No workout to report today.

I talked to my sister about the guy that's in the hospital for covid. He is a coma :( So sad.

Debbie - my orthodontist the I been seeing for the last 3.5 years doesn't want to finish my treatment with Invisalign. Two weeks ago, she said that's all she can do for me :( My teeth are not straight. I am not happy. I am getting other orthodontist/Invisalign opinions. I saw one in DC today. She doesn't like how my teeth are looking either. I'll bet your ornament look amazing. I will see another one soon. Seafood for xmas sound amazing.

Cookie - thank you about the orthodontist. The appointment went very well. Glad I got a second opinion. Have fun getting your hair done Thursday.

Good night.
'Evening! It was another really bad sleep night. Two nights in a row, so I'm dragging right now. Going to relax and go to bed early. My sinuses still are not happy either. Sorry to complain.

Deb, I'm a wimp about walking in the dark. I used to run with a headlamp years ago, and now I wonder what I was thinking! We don't have many sidewalks here either, so I stick to daytime or inside. So nice of you to help out your ds.

Brenda, my dd has invisalign. I think she's supposed to be done in February. She was doing some knock-off version of it, but my dh said we would pay for the real thing. The ortho we took her to as a teenager said she really didn't need braces, but she has a tooth that is sort of crooked. She didn't want them then. Hope they figure it out soon. Bet your hair looks great!

Today was a walk outside it wasn't too bad out. I also went to the gym and did an upper body workout.

Belinda - I wonder if it is a medical induced coma. It's good that you are getting other opinions, I hope they can make it work for you.

Cookie - I hope you get a better nights sleep. With so much going on it's tough to be under the weather:(


SBF D10 LB Mixed Cardio + Christmas Thigh and Seat Target = 27 min and Amy's D15 40 Minute Full Body Strong with Weights: Dumbbell or Kettlebell Total Body Workout is done.

I took Sadie to the vet today. She has some breathing problems. The vet thinks she has allergies. He doesn't want her on meds for now.

Debbie - my sister didn't called today. I have no idea if they put him under medical induced coma? It's just sad :( SBF posted on FB a few day's ago her and her family all got covid :(

Cookie - sorry you are not sleeping well. I hope you got a better night sleep last night. Sorry about your sinus. Mine are acting up too :( My son and DIL all having problems. Feel better soon.

Good night.
'Evening! Well, I did get my hair done, but also had a flat tire and the dishwasher decided it is taking a rest. TG it's not the fridge or freezer, but it is a pain. Appliance store can't send sometime til NYE.

Deb, thanks, got about 5.5 hours last night and would really like a good night sleep tonight. You are so conscientous about your workouts.

Belinda, you also are really great about getting your workouts in. My little guy has allergies but it affects his dander. Sinuses are challenging.

Today was a walk outside and it was in the 60's, why can't we have a couple more months of this;) My dishwasher was installed today. We were going to wait for the renovation but I already have gone too long without one.

My niece tested positive for Covid (she just had her booster on Monday). We are waiting to see if her DH tests positive, right now he is negative but feels sick.

Belinda - It sounds like you did some fun workouts. I hope Sadie feels better. Will the kids come by your for Christmas?

Cookie - You had quite the day! The good thing is your hair is done:) I was trying to not get a dishwasher until the reno but because we were hosting Christmas Eve I did. Sorry you can't get one until NYE, you wonder if it will ever go back to normal.


Today was a walk outside, it was last of the nice days. We are going to get a bite to eat tonight.

Have a great weekend:)
Good evening,

I did all my workouts earlier just getting around to post. I did SBF D10 Intermediate Upper Body & Core. Still playing catch up. SBF for today was a rest day. I finally caught up with SBF. Not, with Amy's workouts. Day 16 was Hit Yoga, I will try to do that one tomorrow or Sunday? I did Day 17 25 Minute Bodyweight EMOM Workout for Strength & Cardio, Amy posted another TRX workout, since I don't have TRX bands skip that one.

Debbie - how is your niece doing today? I wonder what is going on? I talked to my sister today. They guy is my BIL cousins brother. They don't think he will make it. He had no prior illness. Enjoy your dinner. DS and DIL will not come for xmas. DD will come for Christmas. How about you?

Cookie - sorry about your little guy. So far, the vet doesn't want her on meds. He is an older vet. Great guy. He loves Sadie. Sorry about your day yesterday. If it rains it pours, right? Hope you get everything straightened out soon. What a pain! DD having a lot of problem with her heater/AC.

DH and I are painting our pantry and reorganizing it. I should be able to put most of it back in the pantry.

Good night everyone. Good job!
'Evening! Today was a walk and a 30 min tb workout. Felt good to do some weights.

Deb, you'll be so thankful to have that dishwasher for Christmas Eve. Ours is only 4.5 years old, and we have to wait til NYE for a repair man. Thinking we may have to use nice paper ones for Christmas. Looks like we'll have visitors from the night before Christmas Eve through New Years Day. And my ds is coming in from Barcelona for a much longer visit. Does your niece have any symptoms? Hope the rest of the family is alright.

Belinda, don't you love reorganizing? This morning I finally got dh to go thru an extra dresser he has. Two large bags to Goodwill!, and two others to some folks we know. Take it easy on yourself with all you have going on.
Hi everyone

I did SBF TB barre and Amy's day 18 BW Hit. Her Hit workouts are fun without all the high impact.

Debbie - hope you had a great workout today.

Cookie - I was going to redo my kitchen after the new year. Somehow I couldn't stop myself, lol. Glad you starting to feel better.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was a long walk before the weather changed. Got holiday gifts wrapped and lots of cleaning done.

Deb, hope your dinner last night was delicious. Hope your family members are doing better.

Belinda, I love a good clean out! Feels good doesn't it. Are you all set for the holidays?

Today was a walk outside, the colder weather is back but bundled up. My niece is feeling better, the 1st day was the worse for her. My Mom thinks she has a cold, waiting for the results for Covid. I personally think it is Covid it sounds like all the symptoms. She volunteers at a hospital a couple of days a week. I offered to come help her but she's afraid I will catch it. Luckily her neighbor (so nice) ran to the store for her.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you:) I need to do the same for my pantry. My thoughts are with your sister's extended family member. We are supposed to have about 15 of DH's sisters, nieces, nephews on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, I will bring food to my Mom's, we will be only 6. I guess all depends on who is sick or not.

Cookie - Nice workouts:) Kudos on getting your wrapping & cleaning done. I bought paper dishes from Costco to use on Christmas Eve. I don't think my SILs would be too happy if we used regular dishes LOL. My niece does have symptoms, fever and cough. How exciting your son is coming to visit from Barcelona!

'Evening! Today was a walk. A couple of my nieces and nephews came by this morning. My ds2 and ds3 and his wife are coming in any minute. Ds2 is the one who lives in Barcelona. We're enjoying a few minutes of calm and quiet before the bedlam starts.

Deb, I sure hope your mom is okay. That was very thoughtful of her neighbors. How is your niece's husband? That's a lot for Christmas Eve, but I'm sure it will be fun. My dh ordered us a lasagne from an Italian caterer nearby. Think I'll use it for Christmas Eve. Stuffed shells and chicken marsala for Christmas. Barbacoa for the day after. We have different relatives spaced out over the three days, so lots of dinners. Have to figure out the breakfasts. Now my dh is already asking what the menus will be for New Year's weekend! I picked up paper plates today at the grocery store. It' hard w/o a dishwasher.

Belinda, hope you had a great weekend. What will you have for dinners this upcoming weekend? I'm always looking for ideas.
Good evening,

No workout to report today. It was suppose to be a SBF Christmas Stretch. I probably will do it tomorrow.
I was working on my pantry today. Not sure what made me to redo my pantry before xmas, llol?
It looks very good. I still need more storage glass containers

Cookie - I am not ready for the holiday's. Still need to go grocery shopping. I think DH will go to the grocery store instead of me going. I am not feeling well with all the meds I am on. I'll bet you are excited to see your DS2 soon before he gets there. Have lots of fun. We will have some vegan food. I will start eating meat once a week. Your Christmas Eve dinner sound amazing.

Debbie - thank you. I talked to my sister today. She hadn't any update on her extended family. I hope sure hope your mom is ok. It's scary with everything is going on. My immune system is down with all the meds I am taking. I probably will not go into any stores any time soon. It will only 3 of us for Christmas dinner. Kinda small gathering. Enjoy your family.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & it was cold. I went to a Farmer's Market today it was a special one just for the holidays. They really didn't have much but I did pick up some Avocado hummus which sounds interesting.

My Mom's still waiting for results. My niece is feeling better. She is isolating herself in her home so her DH doesn't get it. He is still testing negative and brings her food outside her room.

Belinda - The food stores have been so crowded here. It is great if your DH goes to the food store for you. I wear my mask too nervous. Sometimes less people is nice. LOL on doing your pantry before Christmas but now you can show DD:)

Cookie - I can just imagine how crazy your house will be, but lots of laughs I'm sure. DH mentioned today if I wanted him to pick up a lasgna. I will check with his sisters to see what they want. I usually make one for Christmas but not sure with my Mom not feeling well. We have a really good ravioli store near by so may do that for Christmas day.


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