Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

I just got my workouts in. We dropped off DS at the airpot this afternoon. When we got home, DH and I went for a walk outside. I also did SBF D1 of the Christmas Challenge (Intermediate/Advanced) LB Barre 3 = 37 min. Than I did Fit by Amy D7 30 Minute Dumbbell Full Body Core HIIT. I like her workouts, she always shows modifications.

Debbie - it's always sad to say goodby:( That's the part I hate about them living so far away. I have a nasty cold/sinus infection since I got the flu shot. RP is acting up even with all the steroid I am on. I need to call my doctor. Glad it worked out with the tree guy. Looks like a lot of things are in short supply these day's. You have to let us know all about "It's A Wonderful Life Festival". Sounds like a lot of fun.

Cookie - I wished I could see the decorations in NY. You sure getting lots of steps in and visitors. I think it's great you are always doing so many things. It's getting cold here in WV too. It's very windy. It's scaring Sadie.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was Essentrics and an indoor walking workout. Then I tripped over a dog gate, and hit my head on the kitchen counter, and fell backwards. Took a couple of naproxin hoping I won't get to stiff and sore from it. Have my booster shot scheduled for tomorrow.

Deb, I never knew that about Seneca Falls! I knew of it for the Women's Rights Museum. Now I want to go check it out. Auburn is another beautiful small city near it. Glad to hear it went okay with the tree guy.

Belinda, it is hard when the kids leave. It's been real windy here too. That's why I did the indoor walk. One of my sisters and her family has a bad cold for about a week now, and a friend of mine who lives an hour away has similar symptoms. Hope you feel better soon.

I did SBF D2 Arms and Upper Body + Advanced Upper Body Core = 22 min. I also did Amy's 35 Minute Cardio Core Pyramid Workout for Strength, Cardio & Core. This one was very fun. Loved it.

Debbie - have fun tomorrow with "It's A Wonderful Life Festival".

Cookie - being on so many immune depressed medication, my immune system is shot. Good luck with your booster shot. I hear it was powerful. Did you have any side effects from the other 2? Which one did you get? I am thinking getting the Moderna if all goes well in a few weeks. Fingers crossed!

Good night.
'Evening! Did a half hour tb wo, and a short walk. Got my booster shot.

Deb, looking forward to hearing about your trip! It sounds really interesting. Are you staying right in Seneca Falls?

Belinda, I had Moderna. No real side effects, and I'm hoping that's the case this time. Hoping you're able to get one soon.

Today was a quick walk before we left for Seneca Falls. It took us about 5 hours to get here. It was dark when we arrived but lots of houses decorated nicely for Christmas. I crashed after dinner but too early to go to sleep but about to now. The festival starts tomorrow.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. I’m too nervous to walk when it’s windy too many trees.

Cookie - Nice workouts! I hope you are ok after the fall. It must have been scary.

'Evenng! Did a short indoor walk but between the booster shot and falling, my head hurts. Planning on going to bed after this. Did manage to bake the gingerbread pieces for houses today. I'm having a decorating "party" for my sisters and nieces on Saturday. Made the dough for the sugar cookies. Tomorrow am hoping to get the time to start cutting them out and baking. them.

Deb, have fun. Can't wait to hear how it was. Sounds really interesting.

Belinda, hope you're doing well.
Hi everyone,

I did Amy's D935 Minute Full Body Shred with Weights Workout plus SBF D3 Mat Pilates for Lower + Lower Body Band Target =v27 min before I went to IKEA today.

Debbie - have lots of fun. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Cookie - glad to hear you didn't had any side effects. I hope you feel better soon. Sorry you are not feeling well. I can't get it until the middle of Jan. Have fun backing tomorrow.

Good night.

Today we did lots of walking in town but it was so cold. It snowed throughout the day but didn’t really accumulate. We went to a couple of museums & exhibits. We leave tomorrow DH has a Christmas lunch so we couldn’t stay for the weekend. It seems like more activities are the weekend but more crowded too.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you today:). I haven’t been to IKEA in years such a neat store! Is your RP Dr. ok with you getting the vaccine?

Cookie - I wish I lived closer, sounds like you are planning a fun get together. We are staying in Seneca Falls but not the Main Street. I did see the women’s museum and some exhibits for it, it was interesting. The sad thing was, the town is suffering lots of vacant stores & housing.

Goodnight :)
Hi everyone.

SBF D4 Feel Good Cardio DVD Segment = 15 min + Amy's D10 32 Minute Pilates HIIT Workout for Core & Cardio + walk is done.

Debbie - that is so sad the town is suffering. Glad you having lots of fun. Last year, he didn't wanted me to get the vaccine. Now, they what people with RP to get the vaccine. When I relapse I can't get the vaccine. I have to get off all my meds in oder to get the vaccination. As long as, I am on my immune depressed medications I can't get the vaccine. I would not develop antibodies while on my meds. My medicine will cancel everything out. If that makes sense.

Cookie - how are you feeling? I am worried since you didn't check in yesterday. I hope is well.

Good night.

Today was a rest day. It felt like we were in the car for a long time. I did get some steps in, but not enough LOL.

Belinda - Nice workouts! It does make sense, and it's great that your Dr. is helping you choose the right time to get the vaccination.

Cookie - I hope you are feeling better.

Hi everyone,

I walked outside and did Amy's D11 30 Minute Dumbbell Pyramid HIIT Workout. Today was a rest day from SBF.

Debbie - you must be tired after that long drive. Get lots of rest. I have a great team of doctors. I am lucky.

Cookie - are you ok? I am worried about you my friend.

Good night.
'Evening! Sorry for not checking in yesterday. One of my sisters cooked dinner and we played a few games. Got home late and went to bed! My DH was not surprised that I won in the Smart A** game! Today got in a walk and 30 min tb weight workout.

Deb, that festival sounds like a lot of fun. I'm going to have to remember to check it out next year. I want to go to Auburn. Went a couple of years ago w/a friend and saw the Seward Mansion and Harriet Tubman's site. Both were really interesting, and I know DH would like it. Seneca Falls isn't far from there.

Belinda, crossing my fingers for you getting the vaccine. My arm was a little sore yesterday, not much at all - sort of like after a heavy workout day. You are lucky to have a great team of doctors.

Today was a walk outside early. The rest of the day was running errands, so tired but happy a lot off my list.

Belinda - Nice workouts, next week we will have temps in the 50’s. Hopefully by you too, will be nice walking weather;)

Cookie - Nice workouts! I’m not too good at games, it sounds like you are. We passed through Auburn looked like a cute town. A waitress mentioned Auburn and another town (will look up the name) that are really nice to visit especially at Christmas time.

'Evening! Was sitting taking a rest to workout. Had the gingerbread house and cookie decorating party today. It was a lot of fun and laughs. Got thing cleaned up, put away and wanted to just sit down an rest.

Deb, running errands is exhausting. Or at least for me. How's the gift shopping coming along? Think I'm about 2/3 done.

Belinda, how are you doing? Hope you're having a fun weekend.
Hi everyone,

SBF TB barre plus Amy' Hitt workout is done.

Debbie - I agree with Cookie running around is exhausting. Hope you done with our gift shopping. I am done except for DD. I hope we get into the 50's next week. It's very windy outside.

Cookie - thank you about the vaccine. I pray I can get it next month....fingers crossed. Sounds like you had had fun with the gingerbread house and cookie decorating party today. You do like baking. Good for you. I am more of a cook than baker. I am not so sure, I think I am still relapsing if that makes sense? I am on very high does of steroids. My noise is still killing me. It just doesn't make any sense? Maybe my doctor need to adjust my meds? I need to call him. I keep forgetting to call him and ask him. DH and I bought a new cabinets instead of the traditional TV cabinets Most TV cabinets are 70 inches long.. We put it together today. They don't make the size I want. We have a huge living room. We went to IKEA and bought a few living room cabinets and put them together. Now I have the size I want and the look I wanted. White and gold.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Metabolic Blast. I did get a good night sleep:) It was warm today but rainy & windy.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I am almost done, need to sort through everything and decide LOL.

Cookie - Your get together sounds like fun! Your right it is exhausting. I have been doing a lot of online so that helps.

Hi everyone,

We had a power outage last night which lasted until after midnight. As soon as, we lid up a candle in the kitchen all our smoke alarms were set off. Not matter what we tired they didn't stop. The security stytem we have advised us to leave the house in case of of a gas leak. She also mention taking all the pets out of the house which I though was cool. Not that I would have left Sadie in the house. Poor thing! The fire department came to the house very quickly. Of course, they the guy didn't wear a mask. We gladly gave him one. Than another lady came from the fire department. I ask her before she enter my house to please put on a mask. I am not taking any risk. I am sure they all fully vaccinated, breakthroughs are happening. They were very nice and professional which I appreciate it. Turns out one of the upper bedrooms, the smoke alarm set off a chain reaction. Probably dust got into the smoke alarm. We never had this happened. After they clear they house, DH disinfected the house house. Sadie and I stayed in our car until all was safe for me to return safely. My immune system is completely down at the moment with all the steroid I am one. I am on a high does of the next 60 day's. Not good for my immune system :(

Today we took Sadie to the groomer, her hair around her eye were too long. Once we arrived nobody was wearing mask. There was a huge sign before entering you have to wear a mask. I ask the young girl if she would wear a mask handling my dog. I explained to her that I am immune compromised. Short story short, she came back putting on a mask. WTH? I wasn't comfy leaving Sadie with the groomer knowing no one is wearing mask. The groomer is also in the same building as the vet we taking all our dog. I always felt very safe taking my dogs to the vet. We left Sadie with the groomer, at the same time we call the clinic about the covid policy. The lady told us it was company policy for all (even the groomer/boding to wear mask at all time. We ask her to walk to the groomers to see if they wear mask. She told us that the girls had not wearing mask the proper way. She ask her to wear her mask round noise not their chins. What is this going to do? Nothing! I hope from now on the staff also will wear mask. I was very upset about what happened. Even if you fully vaccinated you still can get someone covid. No wonder the so many people getting infected. I hope to get a call from the manager tomorrow.

Good night. I will catch up tomorrow.
'Evening! Went to see the musical Summer. Forgot how many songs Donna Summer made. Also got in a sort walk.

Deb, my dh asked me when I was going to start wrapping - I wanted to rap him one. I usually do most of it in one time period. He's prefers to do it a bit at time, so I'm hoping he'll start doing it and do it all over time. You're so good at getting yur workouts in.

Belinda, boy, you've had a lot of stress with those two situations. Sure hope it doesn't worsen things for you.

Today was a walk outside, the sun was shining so nice:) I'm not sure if I mentioned but I decided to host Christmas Eve for DH's family. I am doing a little each day and will keep my fingers crossed when the day comes. I used to only hosting my Mom & brother but it will be at least 15 people. We are catering so that part will be good.

Belinda - You had quite an eventful & stressful situations:( I have been seeing more people wearing masks at the stores. In my opinion, most of them are vaccinated but being careful because of all the breakthroughs. I agree you can't risk being around people that will not wear masks or wear the right way. I see in the paper everyday cases are rising and people are still dying in NJ.

Cookie - The musical Summer sounds like a fun event:) I can't wait to see the remake of West Side Story. It was one of my favorite musicals growing up. My Mom had the album and I would love to listen to it.


Amy's D13 35 Minute Dumbbell Burner HIIT Workout plus SBF Standing+Mat Lower Body = 24 min is done.

Debbie - I sure did. I am sure they are all vaccinated at the vet/groomer too. My husband and DD were fully vaccinated both where breakthroughs. I caught it through them. I will not take another chance until I am vaccinated in a few weeks. Even when I am fully vaccinated I can't be around people without mask. I am immune compromised. It's sad how many people are dying from covid. My sisters best friends husband is fully vaccinated. He got the booster shot two weeks ago, no he is on a ventilator in Germany. They are not sure if he makes it through. Very sad! You can't be too careful! That's a lot of people. I would be catering too. DH and I thinking buying another RV. I am going steer crazy :)

Cookie - I don't think it will be a problem. It's a huge company. When we picked up Sadie. The groomer ask us too pick Sadie up where she groomed her (it was on the other end of the building). She carried Sadie outside and handed her to me. She assured me, she had a mask on (I guess, after the was ask to wear it around her noise too) and Sadie was safe. She knows I am immune compromised. She was very nice and professional about the situation. I am sure her supervisor will have a talk with them today. I am expecting a call from the supervisor. Their company's policy. When we pick that place we made sure they all mask up, not breathing on my dog. Unfortunately, I can't take a chance on my health. Even if I get the vaccine I still have can't be around people without mask. Everything DH and I do is outdoors, I make sure people are far away from me. Glad you had fun at the musical Summer.


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