Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey everyone,

Remember me? I am sorry I fell off the face of the planet. Belinda contacted me on Facebook, which I do not like to go on much anymore, just here and there for quick checks on a few groups I am in. Last year got to be too much for me as far as teaching half the class in person and the other half online. I just gave up on the check ins. I was literally falling asleep at 7:30-8:00 every night. This year we are in person fully, but it is still exhausting. I am hanging in there though.

I also had two stress fractures in both my tibias. I had had pain in my legs for months before I went to the doctor in August. The orthopedist told me I was lucky I didn't need surgery because I waited so long. I had to lay off of running for two months. I just started back up, and I am s-l-o-w. Luckily, I have a year to go before the NYC marathon.

I have not done a Cathe workout in a long time at this point. I started doing youtube workouts a few months ago. I follow two workout channels: Tracy Steen (she is amazing, I think Belinda did some of her workouts?) and Mr. and Mrs. Muscle.

Anyway, I would love to rejoin the group and try to log in frequently. I did miss this group. Cookie, I am happy to see you are back!

Deb- How have you been? Did you do the virtual road trip?

Belinda- thanks for reaching out! I am sorry to hear about your health issues! How did you find out about it? Did you have symptoms suddenly?

I'll try to check in tomorrow.


Today was a walk outside. We were walking and driving by our house was someone who worked for my DH. We haven't seen him for 10 years. We used to go skiing with a group of people and his family was one of them. It was so nice to catch up but sad because his wife passed away unexpectantly a couple of years ago.

Belinda - Hope you had a nice day:)

Cookie - It sounds like you were visiting too today;)

Kristin - Your ears must have been ringing. DH & I were watching the start of the NYC Marathon today and I mentioned to him you did the virtual one last year and wondered if you did the one today:) Please pop in when you can, we missed you. I can't imagine how tough it was and probably still is teaching with Covid. It's nice to hear you have recovered from your injury. I did do the virtual RT and Belinda did too. I hope your DH & boys are doing well.

Good morning,

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. I felt asleep around 7 pm. Yesterday ended up being a rest day. Had all indentions to workout, never happened.

DD is on a business trip until the end of the week. I am watching her doc Cooper. He likes to chase Sadie around the house, lol. He weights almost 70 pounds and Sadie is a whopping 5 pounds. It's like having small kids around the house.

Today I have an every early appointment with the orthopedic surgeon for my shoulder/arm this morning. I will get a workout in not sure when.

Debbie - small world. Sorry his wife passed away :( Glad you caught up with your friend.

Cookie - glad you had a nice visit and talk with your sister.

Kirstin - welcome back! We missed you. Sorry to hear about the fracture, glad you don't need surgery. I can't imagine teaching during covid. Must be tough especial for teachers. Yes, I follow both on YT. Both are great. Check in when ever you can. You have a lot going on.

I will be back later.

My appointment went well today. The surgeon doesn't believe it has something to do with RP. Yeah! I need good news. She wants me to go back to physical therapy. I have another appointment with her beginning of next year to see how I am doing. She also wants me to gradually increase my weights to were I was. If I start hurting she wants me to back off again.

We walked the dogs today. I will do a weight workout tomorrow.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was another long walk. A neighbor stopped by a cup of tea and ended up staying for a few hours. It was great but took away the time I had planned to do a workout.

Kristin, so glad to hear how you are doing! Every teacher says this year is even harder than last year. It is such crazy times! Sorry about your stress fractures. Are they both from running? You're amazing - running the NYC marathon. Hopefully, next year you'll do it, if you want to. How's your family?

Deb, that's so nice catching up with that guy. Hope your celebration dinner was marvelous. Great day for a walk. We keep trying to get them every day we can.

Belinda, I was wondeirng how the two dogs would get along. It is like having kids around underfoot. Good news from the dr!

Today was a walk outside & a lower body workout at the gym. It was a beautiful day, nice surprise for November.

Belinda - That was good news from your Dr.:) On our walk, we stopped to pet a pair of dogs but they ended up getting jealous and started fighting. It stopped quickly but made us feel bad. It's great that both your dogs get along.

Cookie - I'm not sure if you were happy or watching the clock LOL. Sometimes it's just nice to sit and chat.

Kristin - I'm sure you are enjoying the next couple of really nice days.


Today I did CL# 360 Pumped Up UB.

Debbie - are you plan on getting a dog? The weather is absolutely beautiful these day's. Both dogs are still need to get used to another.

Cookie - nothing wrong skipping a workout and have a cup of tea with your neighbor. Sounds like you both had a lot of fun. Yes, DD's dog is a gentle giant. He just doesn't know how strong he is. He likes to pay rough. Sadie gets along with him, when she had enough she wants to be picked up.

Kirstin - hope you had a wonderful workout and day.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in another 5 miles and a CL kickbox. Boy, I forgot how good I feel after doing a kb workout. Last night we watched an old episode of Midsomer Murders, a mystery series. This elderly lady killed 4 people using what seemed like karate or something. Told my dh I needed to get some practicing in!

Deb, it was great to spend time with her, and honestly I didn't even realize how much time had passed! Does your dh usually walk with you? Mine does with me. He actually feels left out if I go w/o him.

Belinda, dogs sure have their own personalities! We have three littles and one large, but they are all very different. Do you walk them together?

Kristin, what are you doing to treat your stress factures? Hope you had a good day.

Today was a rest day. I went to the upstate NY outlets with my SILs to browse/shop for Christmas since it was a beautiful day. It wasn't too crowded either. I didn't see any Christmas gifts but did get in lots of walking and lunch:)

Belinda - Nice CL workout! At some point we would like to get a dog. Since we aren't sure where we want to live will put it off for a while.

Cookie - Nice walk and where ever you can get your inspiration for a KB workout;) I always have the urge to run after watching the highlights from the marathon. DH & I walk together, one neighbor recently commented we win for the couple that walks together the most in the neighborhood. Not very many couples walk in our neighborhood.


Today is my DH's birthday. I been cooking all day long. He wanted a Dreena’s Burton No-fu Love Loaf. I was surprised how tasty it was.

I did in-between CL# 367 Cardio Kickboxing & core.

Debbie - that's a good idea putting off getting a dog when you not sure where you will live. Glad you had fun shopping with your SIL. I been ordering xmas gifts online.

Cookie - I had dogs all my life. I agree, dogs sure have their own personalities. I had no idea you had 4 dogs. When I had Brawler and ChuCHu both had their own personalities. What kinda dogs do you have? Yes, I always walk the dogs together. When I watched my son's 3 dogs, my DD's dog and my 2 we walked them all together. My 2 dogs knew how to walk without pulling my arm. We used to run with the dogs. The others learned how to walk with all the others very soon.

Kirstin - hope you get a break soon.

Good night.
'Evening! Got in a super long walk and Essentrics.

Deb, I'm struggling with Christmas gift ideas. It must have been nice spending the time with your SILs. How's your dh feeling these days?

Belinda, we have a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (quite a long name, huh?), a silky terrier, shih tzu, and a daschund. They are 9, 14, 11, and 5, respectively. The terrier and shih tzu were owned by an older woman who passes away, and they wanted to keep them together. The daschund is actually our son who lives in Europe. Theoretically, he's going to take the dog to live with him there, but I just don't see it happening. She's been here for two years and is quite settled in. There she would be in a city, and I doubt anyonew who appreciate her barking. Happy birthday to your DH! I'm sure he's going to love the food.

Kristin, hope you had a good day.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I have been getting up an hour earlier. I hope this doesn't last until Spring;)

Belinda - Nice kickboxing workout! How is your shoulder feeling? Happy Birthday to your DH. It sounds like you worked really hard on his birthday dinner.

Cookie - Nice walk! I must have missed you have 4 dogs. Does the retriever go in the lake? My SIL has a shih tzu who just turned 18 years old. He was my SILs but after one of her dogs was aggressive towards him she gave it to my in-laws. My in-laws had the dog for about 10 years and now the dog is back with her for about a year now.

Good morning,

CL# 370 Chiseled Upper Body Blast” is done.

Debbie - thank you! My shoulder hurt last night. I modify and go on my own pace with CL. I been waking up early every day too. Great job on the zoom yoga.

Cookie - do all your dogs get along? That is so sweet of you taking those 2 dogs in after her passing. Is your son doing better? If I remember correctly he had some health problems? Where in Europe is your son? Lol. I am sure the dog settled in by now. Thanks! DH had a great day yesterday. Great job on your walk.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.
'Evening! Did some work this morning, then my niece and grandniece visited, went to neighborhood service. Then DH and I walked, came home and met a friend for another walk, went grocery shopping, and I'm done! It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so at least I got in plenty of steps today.

Deb, do you think your body reacts to the sun being an hour earlier, due to the time change? The retriever loves water, and she loves the cold. Her favorite is walking on the lake when it is frozen. She can go off leash and enjoy the space. She very afraid of cars, so I can't walk her, which is the actual reason we got her! She's just a huge baby. I will be more than happy if my shih tzu lives that long! He should have been named Velcro b/c he's always nearby, and he is a sweet little charmer.

Belinda, glad the birthday celebration was appreciated and went well. Sorry your shoulder got sore again. My eldest son has many health issues, but he's currently doing better. Thanks. The middle son lives in Barcelona, and absolutely loves it there. The dogs do all get along. They gets tons of attention, which they all love.
Hey guys,

Trying to get on here regularly, it is just always crazy during the week. I've been keeping up with my workouts (Tracy Steen) and everything else. My oldest son is now a junior in high school. He wants to play college baseball, so we have started the recruitment process (emailing coaches and checking schools out). He wants to go away most likely, but not too far. We are new to this whole process and went to a seminar last week. It was really good and I felt we learned a lot. Step one they said was to email coaches of schools. Every day after work, I sit down with my son and we research schools and then I help him write out the emails. He wanted to use a generic email. I kept arguing with him that he needs to personalize each one, explaining why the school is a good fit for him and how he plans on visiting the school this year. He finally agreed to try it my way. We have only emailed 10 Division II schools and two coaches responded positively already. One was a personalized email, the other was more generic, but with some guidance as to what DS's next step should be. I think getting these replies so quickly really motivated him. I feel like he is afraid to fail or be rejected. At the seminar they said that you really need to reach out to as many schools as possible that fit your needs (25-50). I keep telling him the more he puts himself out there, the more likely he will be recruited. I am just happy he is getting some response. I am excited and terrified, happy and sad. . . it is crazy.

Belinda- Happy belated birthday to your husband! My dad's favorite cake for his birthday is a German 7 layer cake. I forget what it is called. . . anyway, it just came to mind. I am glad you got good news from the doctor. That is great!

Deb- that is cool that you and Belinda did the virtual road trip together. How did it run? Did you just have a schedule with a link for workouts or did you have meals together/seminars as well? Ny upstate outlets. . . my aunt and uncle used to live by outlets upstate. I cannot think of the name. I wonder if it is the same one I am thinking of.

Cookie- yes, this year is crazier. I don't really know why. I am not longer teaching in person and live at home, so that is easier. The kids are just needier and very immature. I teach 7th grade. They tattle on one another. . . like they would in elementary school. It is a bit bizarre. I am just practicing patience and kindness. Admin keeps putting more on our plates though. A teacher I started my career with is going on a leave. He had a mental breakdown. It is very sad. We don't have enough substitutes either. I am hanging on for dear life.

I don't know what it is like to have more than one dog. Baxter does not get along with other dogs. His fur goes up right away and he tries to dominate. I always wondered what he would do if I brought home a puppy. He is 8 years old now. I think it would not be kind to bring a puppy in as it would get attached to Bax and eventually Bax won't be around.

Have a good night!


Today was a walk outside & upper body at the gym. It was another really nice day, hopefully this isn't the last one.

Belinda - Nice CL upper body workout. Wish your DH a Happy Veteran's Day. They did a nice story on the news and interviewed some Veteran's.

Cookie - You did get a lot of steps in today. Too funny about the retriever liking the frozen lake:) Our retriever loved the water but not our icy driveway because she would slide all over.

Kristin - Kudos on getting your workouts in. So I had to reread what year your son is in school :oops: It is crazy, I remember when he was in elementary school. I remember how he loved baseball, it's great that he is pursuing his dreams:) How is your Dad?


Today I did Cathe Lite Rev'd Up Rumble. Had a great workout.

Debbie - thank you! I will pass it on to my husband. That is so nice the news did a nice story about some Veterans. My husbands cousin elementary school did a video from the kids about Veterans Day. That was very nice.

Cookie - you sure got a lot of steps in. That is funny about your retriever liking the frozen lake. My son has a retriever too, she is a handful. I am sorry your son has so many health issues. I will keep in my prayers. That is cool your other son loves Barcelona. Are both your son's are in the military?

Kirstin - thank you! I will pass the birthday wishes to my husband. Sorry to hear about how crazy your job is during this crazy time we live in. So sad about the teacher had a breakdown. You are an amazing teacher. Your 7 grader will appreciate everything you do for them. I am happy about the good news too. Baxter is probably too old to get used to another dog. Great job keeping up with your workouts.

Good night.
'Evening! Miserable day here weatherwise. High winds and lots of rain, so no outside walk for me. Decided to take a rest day.

Deb, retrievers love water! Years ago we had two goldens and lived on a different lake. They would be gone so long, hours and hours, I would get worried, but then they would come swimming back home. Did you go to the gym today?

Belinda, how's your shoulder? Hope things are well with you.

Kristin, your poor coworker! Your seventh graders are more like fifth graders! It does seem like they're having to redevelop social and communication skills.

Today was a walk outside, we caught a runaway puppy. It was good timing because a school bus was coming. I did a quick total body at the gym. We are going to get a bite to eat.

Belinda - Nice workout that is a good one:)

Cookie - The rain stopped here by 2pm but now the cold is coming:(

Kristin - The virtual RT was easier than I thought. One link for the weekend, 5 workouts, 1 lobby party, Cathe smoothie making & mocktail & ended with a question & answer with Cathe on Saturday night. We ate on our own except for the smoothies. It ran Friday & Saturday, classes weren't too early. The only thing was it was hard to interact with other roadtrippers. I saw Belinda & her dog Sadie during the Q&A:)

Have a great weekend:)

Today was a rest day. My SIL and I went to visit my friend on Long Island. We went to lunch it was in the 60's a rain/wind storm and by the time it stopped the temps were in the 40's:oops:

Belinda & Cookie - I hope you are having a great weekend!

Kristin - We went to lunch in Port Jefferson.


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