Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Prime Day 11 Full body is done I wanted to get my workout in before we heading to NY to pick up my car. We plan on visiting DH family in Ohio for a few day‘s.

I will check in later this afternoon. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
'Evening! Just got in from meetings out in the central part of the state. Only workout was steps gotten in when I could.

Deb, hope the weather was better today for walking and enjoying the beach. How are the bathroom selections coming along?

Belinda, safe travels and visiting. Nice job getting your wo in before the trip!

Today was a walk on the beach. It is getting warmer. The people from Florida are loving the cooler temps. We have a few more days but looking forward to going home.

Belinda - Nice Prime 11 Full body workout. Good luck picking up your car. Do you have lots of questions about the RV? We hired a contractor that others in the building recommended. Thanks for the idea to check Pinterest.

Cookie - Hopefully you can sleep in tomorrow. I hear the temperatures are getting warmer in the Northeast. I am going to wait till we get home to ma me selections. I have to empty the bathroom, linen closet and clothes closet. They are putting a new floor in and they run in a straight line.

'evening! Did upper body 100s.

Deb, it was in the 60s today, but no walking on the beach. While it can be overwhelming, bet it is also exciting to think about what the bathroom will look like when done. We're getting some painting done, so I can feel your pain of moving things out of the way.

Belinda, safe travels! Nice job on your workout.

Today was a walk on the beach. It was a nice day. Cleaning up and it’s amazing what you find in your cabinets & closets. They closed 1/2 of the pool area with a big fence, Last minute friends were passing through town but we couldn’t even invite them such a mess.

Belinda - Nice job with your workout & good luck with your travels to NY.

Cookie - Sounds like a good workout! Getting rid of lots of useless stuff which is a good thing for me LOL. Painting is always fun. I like getting the brochures they have at paint stores showing the colors in rooms.

'Evening! Did a JS ub workout today. The painters have taken over, and it is more than I anticipated. We had to get take out tonight for dinner. My brother and sil are arriving tomorrow for a family wedding, and I'm thinking we may need to eat out tomorrow and the weekend.

Deb, your pool situation sounds like the mess in my kitchen! We're also getting our main staircase, stairwell and a hallway painted. Glad you had a nice day for a walk on the beach.

Belinda, hope things are going well on your trip. Take care.

Today was a walk on the beach. Spent some time at the beach & cleaning. We leave for home tomorrow.

Belinda - Safe travels!

Cookie - Great job with JS ub. The dust from spackling and sanding is not fun. Hopefully they are done quickly.

Good morning,

We are in Ohio. We got in at midnight on Wednesday. It was a long drive from NY to Ohio. Yesterday we got a tornado watch. DH did not wanted to stay in the RV during Tornado. We stayed with his cousin which lives not far. We ended up having a blast. I did did Prime glutes yesterday. We have finally internet and tv. It was nice working out with the TV. Instead of my iPhone. Today is a rest day.

Debbie - nice job with your work on the beach. The campground has nice walking trails. We went for a nice long walk before the tornado warning.

Cookie - nice job on the Jessica work out.

Be back later.

Today lots of steps cleaning and than the airport. Lots to do up until leaving for the airport. I bought moving bags from Amazon and used some boxes to store items. The moving bags are great, light weight lots of storage space and looks better.

Belinda - I was wondering if the drive to Ohio would be long. It is a nice trip to try out the RV. The trails sound lovely, sure they are scenic. I don't blame you for not wanting to chance tornado in the RV. Enjoy your time in Ohio.

Cookie - Good luck with the painters, visit with your brother and the wedding.


Today was a walk outside & Cathe high reps. It was nice to see everything blooming on our walk. I planted lots of daffadills in the fall. The bulbs were from Costco and they look good. Going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Have a great weekend:)
'Evening! Had my nephew's wedding Friday night. Some relatives arrived on Thursday to stay with others, and others came Friday and lots here on Saturday. Today we took some down to visit my son, dil, and baby. Just got back and am ready to just sit on the couch!

Deb, Lots of forsythia and others blooms down your way. Looks so beautiful! Hope you had a great weekend.

Belinda, sounds like you've settled in with the rv. Glad you were able to visit your dh's cousin and avoid being in the rv during the tornado warning!

Today was a walk outside. Also went to feed and take out ds & dil's dog, they went to the Yankee's game.

Belinda - You must be enjoying your time with family and the RV.

Cookie - A busy weekend for you, must have been fun to spend time with family for the wedding. It is pretty here, so much blooming. You are always welcome to stop by when you are in the area. I'm sure you are on a time frame but if it ever works.

Good morning,

We are home. It was nice visiting family also very tiring. Next time we have to stay longer. Drive home was a disaster. DH tried to get of the highway so I could take a walk, I did get in a nice walk. Our GPS took us 45 min out of our way to get us back on the highway. That was nerve racking. We didn‘t get in until late last night. I did follow Sydney C workouts to the T. We did a lot of sitting visiting family, it was so cold in Ohio. I didn‘t expected winter weather. Too cold for walks.

I will do Sydney workout after my infusion today. I really enjoy her workouts. Nice change. No matter what I will walk outside today, my legs are so swollen. I am not used to sitting so much.

Debbie - great job on your walk yesterday. We having lots of fun with the RV. We are planning after my infusing to drive somewhere warm, lol. It was very cold in Ohio, boy it was cold.

Cookie - the RV is very nice. The bed is a king size, every comfy. We love the RV. I love having a washer and dryer. Glad you had a nice visit.

I will be back later.
'Evening! Got in a long walk today. It was needed after a lot of sitting and talking the past few days.

Deb, I'd love to see you! We took my stepmom to meet the baby and then onto the Newark Airport. It's amazing to see how much the baby grows and develops every few weeks. One of my sisters and her dh went to that game yesterday.

Belinda, glad you're able to get your workouts in. How do you store weights in the rv? Hope all went well with the infusion.

Today was a walk outside and Slow & Heavy biceps & triceps at the gym. It's tough to get into workouts and eating right after vacation.

Belinda - Great getting your workouts in when on vacation. Too bad it was cold. GPS are good but sometimes they take you the wrong way:( It happened to us in FL. Good luck with your infusion. Maybe a silly question but if you wanted to could you sleep in the bed while DH drives?

Cookie - I'm sure you enjoyed your walk today. Lots of traveling and entertaining this weekend for you. It's great your stepmom came to the wedding. It must be fun to see the baby at each step.


Today I did Prime day 17 Upper body (chest, shoulder and triceps).

Did you preorder Cathe‘s new workouts? I need to place my order soon.

Debbie -great job on your walk on S&H workout. Thank you. Prime workouts are short. No excuse not to workout. Boy it was cold in Ohio. I will go back in the summer. Dh said after the cold in Ohio, we need to drive to FL. GPS are good, boy if you take a wrong turn…it will take you around the world :) DH wasn‘t to happy. Thank you, the infusion went well yesterday. I was getting a little nauseous during the infusion. Probably I didn‘t drink enough water. I also had a massive monster headache this morning. I went for a long walk today. It helped plus I am drinking lots of water. Yes, you can sleep in the bed while my Dh drives. My knees are swollen, DH wanted me to lay in bed instead sitting up. I didn‘t, probably should.

Cookie - glad your long walk helped after a long day working. Do you have trails you walk? We are pulling my new car which had all the weights. I have a stability ball, fire walkers, the new bands, yoga mat/straps. I have 3 pounds to 15‘s. Which is enough. We have storage under the bed, I am thinking to put the weights there instead in the car. Dh thinks they will make to much noises when we drive. Once they take out the bunk beds, turn it into a closet…maybe I find a solution for the weights. Or Dh can build a weight rack, lol ?

Good night.
'Evening! Another walk, not as long as yesterday's though.

Deb, I can't believe how quickly the baby is growing and developing. Amazing. So excited that they're all coming up in a couple of weeks for another wedding. Are you feeling tired after your vacation? I often do after a big event.

Belinda, glad the infusion went so well. We mostly walk on the side roads and not on trails. Mostly b/c I don't want to take the time to get to a trail! You have a whole gym with you! That's great!

Today was a walk outside, slow & heavy legs. We took a ride to visit my Mom today. She is doing much better.

Belinda - Great job with Prime upper body & walk. It would drive DH crazy if something was rattling but I'm sure once the closet is built you will find a solution. That is neat that you could lay down in the bed if you want. Good the infusion went well.

Cookie - Great getting a walk in today. Wow, another wedding we have one in June. Our neighbors daughter. We won't know too many people. I have been exhausted and hungry after vacation. Each day gets better.


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