Commit to get Fit & Lean for July & December 2015


Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext. Pilates today.

Debbie - that's what I do with my closet :) Everyday a little bit. No, I didn't added more carbs. Carbs is the thing that gets me in trouble with weight gain. The only thing I pumped up is, protein and vegetables. But only when I am still hungry.

I will be back and catch up on personals :)
Hey girls,

I have a very bad sinus/ear infection :( Not feeling so good today. I am having chills and my ear is killing me. I was in so much pain last night, didn't get any sleep. I have an appointment with the ENT at Bethesta tomorrow.

I just ordered Cathe's new workouts, I bought dvd's & downloads :) I was afraid my live gets so hectic by June 3 and I forget to order :)

I will rest a little more and maybe later take a walk. BBL!
Oh I cannot believe it is July 1st! I just finished my workouts. I did RWH LI Hiit @ plus RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders, Triceps. I can never lift the weight for the tricep work, the last triset of lying extensions. I have to use DB, 8# at that. My arms are spent. I also walked Baxter this morning, so I definitely burned a lot of calories today.

Last night I went to this psychic group reading that was to raise money for my son's dance school. I was hoping to get a reading, especially some insight into my mom and how she will be down the road, but I didn't get picked. There was a woman who lost her husband in a drive by shooting, a 9/11 widow, and a sister whose brother OD'ed on heroine. It was an intense night.

Deb- I would love for DH to clean his closet, lol. It will never happen. I am getting so excited for the RT, but I am getting nervous too.

Belinda- Oh no, feel better! Take it easy today. I ate pain in my ear! Oh, and once you do PIYO, let me know how you like it. I think I want to try something different down the line.


Kirstin - thank you! Haven't had one of those nasty ear infection in a long time :( If you are interested in PIYO and don't want to spent full price…let me know :) I bought my set used, half the price w/shipping :) If you want more info, pm me.

Wendy - beans, wine counts as carbs :) Be careful, they do add up! I wasn't eating enough proteins and fruits. I only limit my carbs to 2 a day. Autumn wants you eat my carbs/fruits before 5 p.m. I only bumped up 1 container protein and fruit, only when I am hungry.

I too, can't believe it's July!! Today I took a hot yoga class & it was HOT:cool: I also did 10 min. of abs tonight. I'm still finishing up some last minute stores & computer work tomorrow but soon I can start celebrating the holiday:)

Belinda - I was secretly hoping you were adding in carbs & losing LOL. I hope you feel better it's good that you are getting to the Dr. before the holiday. Feel better! Good point I will try and order tomorrow before life gets in the way on 7/3;)

Kristin - Did you ever order the Cathlete tees on fb, if so which size did you decide on? That psychic reading was intense, I was picked many years ago at a neighbors party but it didn't apply for many years. DH always wanted to go see John Edward it was a 2 year wait, his Aunt saw him.

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

No workout to report yesterday, slept most of the day. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I will take another rest day today. Had a rough night last :) Last night I started getting a high fever, it broke after taking lots of meds. I will see the ENT today.

Debbie - I eat my carbs in the morning/lunch. If I feel up too, maybe I will write down what I eat/containers? I am not gonna promise :) My ear is killing me, I feel like someone is standing with an ice pick and stabbing me with it :(

I will be back later today, have a great workout everyone.
Hi guys! Just finished my workout for the day. I did Legs and Glutes. That one really fries the legs. I am wondering if I will be able to walk tomorrow, lol. Tonight I am going to see Magic Mike with my neighbor. Cannot wait, lol.

Other than that, not much else to report.

Belinda- I am so sorry you had a rough night. Good luck at the ENT today! Did you use the Piyo dvds? Did you like the workouts? I cannot remember if you ever did them.

Deb- I did not order the tee yet, but I think I will before the RT. I want to get a private reading. I just need to look into it.

Good morning,

Went to the ENT Army Medical Center Bethesda. My inner ear is complete swollen. The ENT cleaned out all all the fluid I had in my right ear. My ear canal shape is so small and has a funny shape. Fluid builds up which causes those nasty ear infection and bacteria to grow. My ear canals is funny shaped/small I can't get the fluid out by myself. Last year around the same time I had my last ear infection. DH and I been walking the dogs, I noticed my my ears filled up with fluid after each walk. Crazy hah? It was already to late, since bacteria grew right away. That bacteria in my ear, caused me 4 hospital stay's in the past. My last stay in the hospital was 10 day's :( My entire body shut down. The ENT is the only one that can remove the fluid in my ear, which is so painful. She removed all the fluid in my ear, I have a wick in my right ear. Which is socked with antibiotic ear drop. The wick has to stay in my ear until the swelling/pain is completely gone. I am on very strong pain killers for the pain my my ear/to bring down my fever.Tuesday I had a 102 fever with Advil :( My doc put me on stronger meds, hopefully I feel better soon. I was hoping to get a workout in today, but I can't hardly move my head :( Thanks for all your kind words and well wishes. Take care, Belinda
Belinda- ((((HUGS))))). That is awful. I cannot even imagine how painful that must be! Hang in there and feel better soon!

I just finished my workout for today. I did RWH LIHI B,S,B. My arms are shaking as I type this, which I guess is a good thing. My triceps have the strongest DOMS going still from Wednesday's workout.

I am going to the salon to get a pedicure and a wax. Taking my mom with me. Last night I went with my neighbor to see MAgic Mike. Ooo lala! that is all I have to say about that one! It was a theatre full of women, except one guy who was there on a date with his girlfriend. As they left the theatre the girlfriend said to him, "I guess it was more a chick flick." The guy's face said it all. I could not stop laughing. I am laughing as I type this. DS has a tournament this weekend, starting today at 6. After his game DH and I are going out with my neighbors. Cannot wait to drink and maybe dance tonight :).

Waving hello to everyone!

Okay I just posted in the JUNE THREAD GAH.

Sooooooooooo okay. I did Rockout Knockout last night; tonight was Muscle Definition #2.

Belinda-Oh honey that sounds HORRIBLE! I'm so sorry your ears give you so much difficulty and can cause such problems with bacteria! I'm really hoping those stronger meds work for you and definitely rest up!!

Kristin-I think Matt Bomer is GORGEOUS and oh-la-la. ;-) I would have laughed at that poor guy, too. That is hysterical!

Debbie-Did you order yet???? I have not. TRYING TO BE VERY VERY GOOD.

Belinda #2-Oh, thanks for your info on the containers. I definitely do not eat enough protein. My carbs aren't that bad, actually. I think portion size might be hurting me. Good stuff, just too much stuff. I did lose weight doing Primal and never worried about portions, but I really missed having some grains. I have my Tosca Reno Clean Eating book out and you have a few more servings with hers, maybe I'll try that....still mulling. :)

Waves to Cookie-Miss you lady!

:) Wendy
Happy 4th of July :)

Thanks for all the hugs and well wishes :) I am bored out of my mind. No workout to report again :( Arrr…hate this!!

Sorry I've been MIA, yesterday we went to my in-laws pool & out to dinner. My workouts the last 3 days have been Barre, PHA Training Live (which is alternating between upper & lower body resistance training) it was really good, today was 21 DF Total body cardio fix. We went to my in-laws today for a bbq but a little bit too cold for the pool.

Belinda - I'm just reading about what you have been going through the past couple of days. ((((HUGS)))) take care of yourself & happy to hear you are resting. I didn't realize you had been hospitalized for it before:( I remember when you were in Germany and having problems with your ears. I'm sure this is torture for you.

Kristin - Too funny about that guy at the Magic Mike movie, she will owe him big time LOL. Have fun with your friends tonight.

Wendy - I did order ICE, I think I'm going to really like this new set. I can't resist Cathe's preorders, my 1st one was the CTX series along time ago. It's hard to believe it's July already:)

Cookie - How are you?


Looks like no one stopped by today;) I went to my in-laws pool & I am not a good swimmer (still doggie paddle):oops:. I did 21 df Upper Body & also started practicing step. I did about 15 min. of Cathe's Greatest Hits Step. I was out of breath & sweating but I had a lot of fun:)

Belinda - I hope your feeling better.

Waves hi to everyone;)

Good morning,

Fever finally broke on Sunday :) I still have a lot of swelling in my ear :( but at least no fever :) I am starting to feel a little better. DH and I took the dogs for a walk yesterday. I am repeating week 7 of 21DF Ext. No jumping for me this week, I will keep everything low impact.

Debbie - Thank you! Good job on your step workout. You will be fine at the RT :)

I will be back later.
Hi there!
Belinda, ow, that sounds so painful. Wish you didn't have to go thru this with your ears. Take care of yourself.
Kristin, did your jury duty finally end? LOL at the guy at Magic Mike. We saw Inside Out the other day and highly recommend it. Really good. I went to a psychic reading decades ago. Can understand why you would want to and to know about your mom.
Deb, so you're doing 21 now also? I got out some containers and am just starting with the portion part. Are the dads all high impact or are some low?
Wendy, are you doing the portion containers only or also the workouts? I'm really committed to losing ten pounds. Half way thru the year, and want them gone before 2016 and not return.
Been getting 10K in steps in regularly, stretching, foam rolling and low weight 100s lately. Also lots of house guests in an out, but we're enjoying that. Have spent an incredible amount of time planning and prepping for a three-day workshop for tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, only to just receive an email it is cancelled due to low enrollment. Not sure if it is a mistake since 15 had signed up. Aggravating.
Hi Ladies!

Well, I was ready to try the 21 Day Fix workouts today but the DVD didn't play in my player. GAH. So I subbed Cathe's Turbo Barre for the pilates stuff (doing the ballet lets and calf work.) I am doing the eating plan using similar measurements I found on Pinterest. I felt like my lunch wasn't enough when I packed it but I wasn't hungry after eating it so I guess it was, LOL.

Cookie-I'm with you on 10 pounds. I'm over it and want them BANISHED. ;-)

Belinda-I'm so glad you are starting to feel better!

Debbie-Good for you on the step. I bet the RT will be so much fun.

Waves to Kristin!

:) Wendy
Hey guys. Well Friday night I had a blast. . . too much fun actually. I got soooooo drunk, I had to be carried home. Yea, not pretty. We ordered these drinks and they tasted like juice. You could not taste the alcohol in them at all. We kept ordering rounds, and I didn't even feel a buzz. All of a sudden it hit me like a brick wall. I went from sober to completely sh*tfaced, no buzz anywhere to be found. It was embarrassing. I woke up Saturday sick as a dog and I couldn't keep anything down the entire day, not even bread and water. I finally was able to eat and drink water Sunday morning. Not pretty at all. Sunday I just took it easy. So both Saturday and Sunday ended up being rest days. Today I just finished Xtrain Legs (disc 5).

I was back at jury duty today. We heard both attorneys' summations. This is a hard case. The judge went over the law with us and we started to deliberate. Got nowhere. Now we are going in tomorrow for a full day of deliberation. I cannot tell if we will get this done quickly or not. One wacko on our jury is already being a problem, which I had predicted from the start of this trial. We shall see.

Wendy- Turbo Barre always surprises me. I always think it will be easier than it is when I do it, lol. Nice job! I heard from a few people that they were surprised how full they felt on 21 Day Fix diet.

Deb- lol on practicing step. I wonder if Cathe will do a step workout this time around. All her newer workouts aren't true step, but use the step for more of a Hiit style workout.

Cookie- that stinks when you put all that work into a workshop or presentation only to have it cancelled. Ugh! I heard rave reviews about Inside Out. Maybe we'll see that on the next rainy day. My boys also want to see the new Adam Sandler movie that is coming out but it is rated PG 13. My older guy is turning 10 and I know I watched PG 13 at his age. Just not sure about it yet.

Belinda- I hope your ear is feeling better! Good idea on keeping it low impact this week!


Today I did 21 df lower body & practiced some more step from Greatest Hits. I'm really enjoying it but not very good at it LOL. I'm going to the RT about 7 lbs. heavier but decided today I'm going to stress about it.

Belinda - I'm happy your fever broke:) It's a good thing to do low impact this week.

Kristin - This is some case, I hope this gives you a break from jury duty for many years;) Ugh, on the hangover if I you could have taken back a few drinks! I drink fruity drinks & it is so easy to have too many.

Wendy - 21 df regular for the most part is low impact (they also have a modifier) on all of the dvds. I'm not sure about extreme but Belinda could probably answer that.

Cookie - I've been doing 21 df but throwing in some Cathe Live & yoga too. Do you have the fitbit zip or the one for your wrist? Great job getting in your steps & workouts.

Belinda, hope you do low impact, but you probably should do no impact! Please take care of yourself.
Wendy, how do you manage writing with a full-time job?
Kristin, that trial is still going on?!!! Wow, hopefully deliberations aren't far off and pray they won't take long. Too bad on losing those days. It sucks to feel that way. You will definitely like Inside Out, possibly even more than your boys.
Deb, thanks for the info on impact with 21. I really don't want to buy anymore dvds but these sure are sounding good. When I think of the step in greatest hits, I remember how uncoordinated I am!
Didn't sleep well last night - think I'm still feeling aggravating on the last minute class cancellation. Meeting a colleague today for lunch and lots of errands are now on my to-do list for the day. Did an old Firm this morning with Kelsie Daniels. I like her personality. Made a smoothie for breakfast after measuring out containers for the day. Does the measuring get old quick?
Morning ladies,

I will try to get a workout in today, but will keep it low/no impact :)

Cookie - I can't believe they cancelled?? That must be frustrating putting all those hours/work into it :( Sorry about that. Good job getting your steps in.

Debbie - don't worry about those pounds, you will lose those at the RT :D

Kirstin - those drinks that taste like fruit juices are dangerous :p My limit is 2 drinks :) In my case 2 glasses of wine since I don't like mixed of anything drinks :) Glad you feeling better.

Wendy - you do feel full on the 21DF plan. You eating very clean.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout everyone.

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