Sigh...I'm pooped
. Just can't make it on no sleep
I am making a quick pasta dinner for the family and off to bed by 9:30 for me.
Belinda - Nice work today! I think you'll have some DOMs for sure tomorrow
Cookie - Uuuugggh, I should have sent you a message during the wee hours
. I just tossed and turned forever. Hope we both get 8 hours tonight! I only get really long wos like yesterday's in on days off from work. Wish I could do them more often
Iris - What a let down...I was expecting something juicy
Any heat today? Thought about you when I went to start the car. It was 16 degrees
Lori - ^5 on the sore abs and the mysterious DOMs
So, whatcha gonna do with your free time wed & thurs? Oh, and I was as surprised as you when I realized my wo was 2 hours. 1.5 is usually my avg these days
Deb - Glad your son has family there with him who can support him. I'm sure he will be glad to see you all in March.
Amelia - How'd things go with closing the store last night?
Melissa - Yup, I do pilates DVDs. I started out with the Crunch ones with Ellen Barrett. They are pretty good. I also get an excellent burn with Mari Winsor's Buns & Thighs pilates. LOL about your professor. After reading the real food has curves book, I started feeling the same way about having nothing to eat except there were all these delicious recipes to try which helped. I haven't eliminated all processed foods (probably never will), but I've cut it back at least 50% I'd say. It's tough when the rest of the family is perfectly happy eating processed everything
Kristin - Work it girl! You are flying through STS. Belinda's right, you are right on target with your results. Going to failure is the goal. You should struggle a little with the last couple reps. It was torture getting the girls up and out this morning. I dropped them at my MIL's and had enough time to catch the train. After I sat down I just kept thinking one day down and only 3 more to go
. How'd you make out this morning with those little wise guys
Helene - Where are you hiding??
Hope I didn't miss anyone. BBL