Commit to get fit and lean for Wed. 8


Good morning girls,

I will do UB today!:D I will start as soon as I am done with my coffee!:p

Lori** yah, converting Euro to dollars can be a pain in the a$$! Every time we shop on the economy I have to convert dollars to Euros! I liked the DM (the old currency better!) it was much easier! I do miss my dogs! LOL! You can sent me your dogs anytime! LOL! DH is always gone, so it gets very quit without them! Good for you asking your friend! Anybody would wonder why? Nice workout yesterday!

Amelia** DH( he is in Washington DC) is linking up with DD + dogs on Saturday in DC! They ALL gonna be here on Sunday! YAH! I can’t wait! I am laughing at your post last night! Did you have that drink? ((((HUGS)))))) You will get used to it! Sending you a speedy recovery for your back! Don’t worry getting your workouts in! Take care!

Great workouts yesterday, ladies!:D

Hi to all who follows!
Good morning again,:D

I am done with my BFL UB! Glad I did it first thing in the morning!:D
Afrer GL I will do leg floor work from TBS! I think this is the one with the tubing? I love that workout!:eek:

Happy Hump Day!!

Good Morning Ladies!!

I finally feel like myself- at least I am back to my routine. Did not get much sleep last night b/w the debate and talking on the phone. I hate when life throws you off your routine. I do so much better with routine. I stay on track better. I had a blast this weekend at homecoming! We won against Iowa!!

Today I did a 2 mile power walk on the treadmill and plan to do a new kickboxing dvd this evening. I just got about 5 or so new kickboxing dvd's- I love kb!! I think I am about to start back on a heavy lifting routine- gotta get ready for STS (even though I doubt that I will do it as planned initially).

Lori- good for you for confronting your friend!! I had a situation this weekend w/ a friend. She agreed to go to homecoming w/me this weekend. Called on Thursday saying she had child care problems and was not sure she could go. said she would call back. Well she never showed up or called back all weekend. Finally, Monday I tried to call then e-mailed said I hope there was not an emergency; however, I am disappointed that she did not follow up or take care of her child care problems when she first agreed to go two months ago. Told her I could have found another room mate and now felt I could not rely upon her for our trip to Domincan Republic planned in May. She turned it back on me- said she got busy and did not know I was depending on her for the room cost (WTH ???). Said she was disappointed that I felt I could not rely upon her (???). I have an offer to room with others on the trip. I am seriously considering the offer b/c I feel she is unreliable and am really ticked at how she handled it and tried to make it my fault or like I am being unreasonable. I was simply looking for an admission of her inconsideration and an apology- I realize stuff happens. Sorry- that was long. :)

Amelia- Glad to see you are getting settled into the new job. One glass of wine here and there is not too bad- adn is good for the heart if it is red! ;)

Belinda- good job on the workout this morning. Glad your babies (doggies) are coming back. My parents had to get rid of their dog last month and I really miss her. I still hear phantom barks when I come in the house. :(

Hello to everyone else. I will check back later! Ohh BTW- I did the 2 miles the higher speed this am and no ankel pain or soreness. YAY!!!! The rest did a world of good!! I am glad thought I would have to go to the Dr. Whew!!!!
Good morning ladies,

Sorry, just a short check in for me but hopefully I will have some more time later. Today's workout will be another one of the 4 DS. Yesterday I took the day off, we were at the Botanical Gardens and I got home late so I didn't workout.

Lori - Stacey says to say hi. I sent her an email checking on her. She is doing well, just really busy with her family, so it's hard for her to check in.

Belinda - How is the weather in Germany? Getting nice and cold now, isn't it?

Kim - Glad you are back to your routine. I like my workout routine as well and hate it if it gets messed up.

Good morning to everyone who follows.

Kristine :)
Good Morning Ladies!
Today is the MM Lower Body Premix, Week 2 Day 2 PU's, and Stab. Abs from B&G....:D

Belinda- Have a great UB workout!!
Butterfly- I totally know what you mean about routine!! I go nuts if it's thrown off and feel like somehow I've "failed" if I dont stick to


Hi Girls!

Just a quick check in. I haven't been to bed yet and Im not sure that I will. DH's uncle passed away at 6 o'clock so right now we are just all sitting in disbelief. Soooo not fair! He was so full of life and had such a good heart. Its hard to think that a couple of years ago we were comparing running times.

I will bbl to read personals!

'Evening Ladies!

Lori, sorry about your uncle. Thinking of you and your family.

Belinda, what's the building in your avatar? It looks Bavarian, of course. Wow, that's a long workout you got in today. Upper and lower body!

Amelia, so did you drink any wine last night? When my kids were young, I think I had one just about every night! Now I hardly ever have any. So I always tell say they sent me to the bottle.

Kim, oh no, now you're having friend problems also. That's never easy. Glad to hear you're recovering so well. Glad you rested. So, what kickbox videos are you getting. I love KB, but it aggravates my piriformis syndrome, so I don't do it as much as I would like. I definitely like a routine. I get more things done that way, plus I like the structure a routine provides.

Iris, I see you're doing the push up challenge. Good for you! I've been thinking of it. Guess I should just start and see how it goes. I don't like to not finish things that I've started, so I've really been thinking about it.

Kristine, did you have a good time at the Botantical Garden yesterday? It sounds like a lovely way to spend the day.

Cheryl, hope things are going well.

Did KPC yesterday. My piriformis has been reminding me of it all day. Had presentations to get ready for so took this morning off. Tomorrow it is supposed to be GSBSB, but I'm hearing Cardio Fusion calling me. We'll see which one wins out.


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