Commit to get fit and lean for Tues. 16


[FONT=&quot]Good morning girls,

Sorry, I didn't had time to responds to personals! My sister in Colorado had a small stroke; my sisters here in Germany are worried about my other sister in the states! Ursula blood pressure is very high for the last few months, she went to the doctor to get a head scan and they told her she had small stroke. She is not in the hospital, she is at home. I am so worried about Ursula! Yesterday I did BFL UB, I didn't worked my biceps because I was to tired! Today I will do cardio!
Happy Tuesday!

Good morning ladies!! I hope all of you have a good day! I got 2.63 miles walking in on the treadmill last night and 3.13 miles this morning. I plan to do at least 2 more miles tonight after my WW meeting (while watching The Biggest Loser- I am so geeked it is back on!!) Today is my weigh in day. I will report the good news later.

Cookie- thanks for the big welcome back!! Sounds like you got some good workouts in over the weekend.

Belinda- you are up early!! my computer clock says your message was at 2.2osomething EST in the US, what is the time difference? Congrats on the new home.

Amelia, Lori and everyone else, have a good work out and I will check in later!
Oh Belinda....Your sister is in my prayers! Im so sorry...How is she doing now? Did she suffer any of the comlications that go along with having a stroke? My MIL had a slur to her talk and her right side was numb for about three months....Shes doing better now though. Hugs to you...keep us updated!

Today DH is off work so I can walk the dog,do a run interval and MM gonna shoot for all of MM but will for sure do the UB on it!Today will be a start of a fresh new day! I went over about 250 calories yesterday so im determined to stay below my calorie intake today! My scale is still showing a three lb increase but im not buying it....don't care...

My POSITIVE thought for today....~The scale doesn't get to determine my success, I DO~



Hey KIM...OMG,I ALMOST forgot about TBL on tonight! Thanks for reminding me! Im watching it for sure...comes on at 8pm right? WTG on your walking! Good luck on your WI...Today I will measure...
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Good Morning!:)

Belinda** I am soooo sorry to hear about your sister! Keep us posted on her progress. I'm sure your mind is preoccupied right now, don't worry about checking in with us!:confused:

Kim** Good luck with your weigh in! I am super excited about the Biggest Loser tonight! I wasn't sure which Tues it was coming on so about 2 weeks ago I set my PVR to record it but it just so happens that I am off tonight anyway. I'm going to sit, relax and watch my show. That show is so motivating! Sometimes it makes me wish I had a personal trainer!

Ameila** What are your plans for the day? When is that job interview you were talking about?

Well...I got my hair done yesterday:) It's a reddish color with peekabo highlghts underneath and in the bang area. I think it will be pretty nice once it settles in. I always need a couple of days washing and drying my hair before it looks right. Anyone else like that?
And we just set our dog off to get fixed:confused: I can not even begin to tell you the money we have spent lately, puts a knot in my stomach somtimes.We also have a wedding this weekend in the city so we are leaving Sat morning, staying in a hotel and drinking part of the night~! More money! Oh well....I did make my christmas list smaller this year again, thats good news.We always bought for our friends kids but we aren't doing that this year, that cuts about 6 people off my list:)

Todays workout is going to be another run, I am hoping to make it a long one. And I am also taking DS to baby group today, I haven't been there in monthes.

Lori-enjoy your run and baby group! My interview got rescheduled for tommorrow at 9...that is the 2nd time they rescheduled it:confused: Whats up with that,LOL? No plans today..beside staying out of the kitchen:confused:;)
Good Morning Ladies!!

Today is my rest day, but i will be doing some yoga today..I've been needing to do some of that relaxation..and I bowl tonight, so I'll get those muscles nice and stretched and loooose...not that it ever :eek:

Belinda- I am so sorry about your sister, I know how scary that is when you dont' know what's going on and you don't have answers.....:( On a lighter note, I'd be happy to cook dinner for awhile?? :p **Hugs**

Amelia- Have fun with your awesome workout today! I know I might not be much help, but 3 pounds could be anything! Water, Muscle, Both? That's the way I look at it when that happens! And as far as calories, I remember reading a thread about varying your caloric intake anyways and how it's good for shocking the metabolism.... so instead of beating yourself up about it ( and we allllll do it), just look at it as you are experimenting with what you can do ( I read that somewhere). You are awesome girl! I know it's easier said than done, but don't play that mental game with yourself, it's just way too exhausting! lol **Hugs**

Lori- I might be picking your brain soon about training for my first race (maybe next spring)...I read that one should train for at least six months prior to a first race (even a 5k). But looking at some of the training schedules for this, it requires mileage 6 days a week, and I'm not sure how to fit a rotation in there too!!?? (maybe I won't be able to) These are the things Im not sure I was just wondering your thoughts and experiences on this. I am not new to running, but not a seasoned veteran either!

Holy Cow! I have a lot to say this morning! That's what happens on rest days AND I don't have to work

Thanks Iris...I will look at it that way!

Ok girls,Im gonna make this short...gotta get out of these sticky wet clothes! Here is my copy and past workout from myfitnesspal notes ...MM...UB only premix is 42mins long go heavy as i can!
Dog walk.. 30min
Total..hour and 42mins...whoohoo

Checking in mid day

Belinda, I totally missed what you said about your sister this morning. I am so sorry to hear about her having a stroke. I pray for her to be well.

Okay, is this groundhog day (seeing things twice) or are there two two posts?? or is BFL the same group as this one?? Will check back after WW.
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Hi Girls!:)

I ended up running outside today. I didn't think I was going to get out b/c it was misty raining all day and the wind was high. I got out though and ran my 15k route.
The dog is feeling o.k. He is pretty relaxed but Im hoping that over the next couple days he won't be to crazy and hurt himself. The next thing ya know, we will be back to the vet again:mad:

Ameila** nice workout today! Good luck with your interview tomorrow!

Iris** I don't know about training for 6 monthes, that seems like a awfully long time to train for 5k? I didn't train at all for my first race, I just knew that I could do it so I did. This race is longer though and with tons of hills so I need to train for hills. I'm doing that on the TM though cause its to hard to get outside and get it done. I can't take DS so I would have to get up early to do it or wait until after dinner...and you know what happens when people put a workout off? It doesn't get done:eek:

Kim** Good luck with your weigh in!!!

I probably won't be back anymore tonight. Im doing laundry, Y&R comes on, put the baby to bed and then watch the biggest loser!!!

Drum roll. . .

I lost 6 pounds!!!! Six pounds exactly. I am very happy, yet a little sad b/c I was .2 pounds away from being right back where I was b/f I fell off in July (17lbs down).

Hi Iris. I am a returning member to the group. Good luck on your 5k!

Now I am off to change to do 2-2.5 miles. Have a good night all!
Evening Ladies!

Gee, you are all probably in bed asleep or watching TBL.

Belinda, I'm sorry to hear about your sister. It must be so hard with all the miles separating you. Good thing you take care of yourself physically. Does high blood pressure run in your family? You've certainly had a lot of stress the past year.

Lori, how was baby group? Are you off work for a few days? I agree with your comments to Iris about six months being a long time to train for a 5K. Bet your hair looks wonderful. Did you do it yourself? I'm with you on the economic outflow lately. My kids' books, travel, and tuition are just killing us. Then tonight on the way home my car decided it was real tired. So tired that I think it may be headed for permanent sleep. I'll know more once the mechanic looks at it.

Iris, a rest day? Doesn't that mean tv, comfy clothes and sleazy novels; not yoga and bowling! Do you like yoga? I'm working on it - the liking it part. The stretches feel good when I'm done, but I never wake up and think Oh good I'm doing yoga today. Whereas I do look forward to some of my other workouts. Did you see my comment about six months being too long? Perhaps that means for someone who has a rest day every day. The days with tvs, comfy large-size clothes, and lots of bonbons. Have you looked at any of the events put on by the Albany Running Exchange? They're put on great races and events.

Amelia, good luck on your interview tomorrow. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you. Wow, that was a long workout. I saw you posted your success story here. This weekend I was browsing thru old magazines, and one was Shape. Got me thinking you should send yours into there.

Kim, way to go on the weight loss. Six pounds is fantastic. I really like your idea of walking on the treadmill while watching TBL. Great motivator. Is the treadmill your favorite type of workout? You'll get that little bitty off the scale without a problem. Heck, my hair so thick if I cut two inches off, I'd probably lose two pounds. Hmmm, now that's an idea.

Sleep well.


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