comment about premixes


Hi Cathe,
I finally received the two BB DVDs that I ordered.
I have one little comment. I do feel there are just too many premixes. They are kind of hard to keep straight. I'm someone who always appreciated your fine job of chaptering which made programming your own workout easy. Now with the workout blender, it is even easier. All the premixes seem unecessary and kind of "clutter up" the disc.
Hi. Before I got the discs, and before I used them, I had the same feeling. However, now that I've begun to use them, I've changed my mind.

Maybe once you give a few of them a try (or, a few more of them if you've already tried some), you'll change your mind, too. I think just reading all those titles makes a person feel overwhelmed, but once you do those premixes you realize what the workout really involves, and you realize the value of each one. For example, the Superset premixes seemed overkill to me, but now that I know the workouts, I realize the value of all the different ways they combined and mixed the rounds, groups, etc.

Also, for me, the workout blender, which I thought I would use more often than the premixes, remains unused.

I have to agree. I thought there were a nice number of premixes on the Intensity Series, but with BB, it's just too much! Some of the premixes are also very similar, while there are some rather perplexing omissions (like an "all step" premix on the SB/SJP DVD). Nicer would be about the same number of premixes as with IS, plus a workout blender that would allow us to mix segments of both workouts on each disc.
They are a tad overwhelming!

Since I developed foot problems I often modify the cardio because doing say, KPC in int's entirety will kill me. LOL I love that they are already broken down for me. Plus it will keep me out of trouble figuring out what's what! One of the things I like to do is to become pretty familiar with the workouts as a whole and I understand where you are coming from. Go to that premix screen and say "huh? because it's like a different language. So if I sort of study the complete workouts, it gives me an idea of how to best break them up. Having so many options is a little confusing, I find! There are some that don't appeal to me but when I find the one's that do, wowsers, a whole new way to make my workout plan rock! Bobbi
I'm one the loves all the premixes! Since I don't follow specific rotations and like lots of variety these are excellent for me. I had printed off all the premix descriptions when they were posted a while back and just refer to that.

Keep them coming Cathe...!!!!
Since the Workout Blender doesn't work for all my DVD's (I have a Sony and it's hit or miss) I'm grateful for the premixes! Like today: I had a little time before I had to start some serious Christmas cooking and found the premixes to be invaluable. So I respectfully disagree! I love all the options... thank you! And Happy Holidays!
I totally agree with Gretsky - my DVD's didn't even work in my TV/VCR/DVD Combo - It was a Toshiba flat screen 27" one - but they did work in my children's smaller Toshiba TV/VCR/DVD combo - the other TV wouldn't even do anything with the DVD's.

Now, the one that works - does not work for the BLender at all - so I am really glad that I can use the premixes - for I do not want to buy another TV in the hopes that the Blender would work.

I already had to switch TV's with my kids, which they didn't mind for they got the bigger TV. The thing is they are both Toshiba's. Go figure that one.

I use my premixes all the time - I love doing them and then I note which ones I like best - so I know them pretty well now.

So, I hope Cathe leaves the premixes in on the next round of DVD's!

I LOVE the options the premixes give us. I hope Cathe always offers premixes galore so that those of us who like premixes have the option of using them and those that don't use the premixes have the options to use the workouts as is. I have tried several premixes and one of my favorites is the Step & Hi/Lo cardio circuit much fun!
I love the premixes too!
Would someone direct me to the complete descriptions (and times in minutes?) of them all so I can print them out too?

See if this will work for the premixes.

I'm having fun with the premixes too. Starting January, I'll be doing my own rotation using just the premixes and not the original workout. I like being able to have all this variety, especially in the weight work.
Before I was having to mix and match and rewind. Now everthing is all here in one neat package. Yippee!!!
Hey guys!

Where's the link to the rest of the premixes. This one is just for Step Blast and SJP. Anyone??? I've searched the site..Please help!!!


I am bumping this one - I, too, have looked for the other premixes. I would love to have the links for the other three DVD's!

oops, sorry. Thought they were all interconnected.
These sheets are going to be a great help to me this coming year to custom make my own workouts.
I am grateful that these premixes were typed out and listed.
:) Have fun everyone and hope you achieve all your goals this upcoming year with Cathe's new workouts. :9
I love Premixes too. Keep on doing it. I think premixes are easier to use than programming since I don't have to program any of it... just hit play. If I don't use it or don't like it, then I won't use it.

Thank you so much for giving us these links. I have them all printed out now - so I can see which ones I am interested in.

Thanks again!

Another vote for premix love here. I actually wish there were more premixes! I use the premixes far more often than I use the as-produced versions of the workouts. :) :) :)
Thank you, Jo, and Wanda, and Janice! I printed them and, I placed them in my binder I use in the mornings when I work out! (I am taking a rest week right now)

In my binder I have the following: the front page is my current workout log. Next, indexed by workout, are all my (Jodi Biglow's versions) spreadsheets of weights used, etc. of all the strength workouts. I do not keep premixes like this, but I may add one (e.g. Pyramid up only) if I continue to use it a lot.

After that is a second indexed section containing times and content of all videos, that is, each and every workout including premixes. This way all I have to do is know what I need (e.g., cardio and lower body) and how much time I have (e.g. 65 minutes) and I can instantly find a new workout premix (I still love CTX too) to use!

Although I have practically memorized CTX, I do have all the info on those workouts as well. This binder has enabled me to work out a lot more during times when I might have been bumbling around, trying to guess how long a certain premix was, or what it contained.

The contents of the IS were printed from a few different posts at the time-- I think I also have an official version from SNM.

I love the premixes! I just used the PP 80 minute total body (2 set) premix yesterday.

For me, I am intimidated by the workout blender and trying to chapter my own mixes. This is my first go-around with DVDs. I am happy to be able to figure out the premixes!!
I personally love all of the premixes. It makes it so much easier to do something that I would have done anyway. There are so many options and you do not have to do them if you do not want to. The workout blender is great too. I just think the whole series is great.
Diane Sue

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