Colposcopy 3 years after hysterectomy for cancer

Muffin Top

OK...I just need a little comforting here. I just got a call from my clinic that my pap showed abnormal cells and I need to go back for a colposcopy. As I understand it, that is how they determine if it is cancer or not. I asked on the phone if the cells were precancerous and was told, "No, not cancer, jut abnormal." So, I'm a little scared and confused. The last time I had a colposcopy was when I had all my biopsies for the cervial cancer.
I know there were a couple people on this forum with a lot of knowledge on this topic and I was hoping for some information.
Also, my regular doctor is on extended leave so I have to see someone different and I can't get in until Nov. 15. I think I may lose my mind by then.

Anyway...thanks for any information anyone can give me.
Hi Muffin Top! Not going to be of much help just to tell you I'll keep you in my prayers. Is it possible that you could find another doctor that could get you in? If nothing else, just so you wouldn't have to wait so long?

Not much help, but my thoughts and prayers go out to you!
Again, not much help here info wise, but I'm sending you hugs and soothing thoughts and of course prayers that it all turns out OK.

A few years ago I kept having abnormal pap smears and had to have colposcopies quite a few times. It is just to get a better look at the cells. My pap smear was fine except for abnormal cells not cancerous cells. It is just a precaution and that way they can take pictures and get a better look just to make sure things are really ok. Don't get worked up too much yet but I can see how you could be nervous after already having problems before. Just get the colposcopy done and then go from there. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully everything will come out fine!
I've had two colposcopies. It was just to see why some cells were abnormal according to my pap. I too was really nervous, especially since my first one was while I was pregnant. Be sure to get it done, and try not to be nervous about it. I'm sure you'll be just fine. Let us know how you make out.
OK, I am feeling a little better. I just hate waiting because I'm such a worry wart. Also, I made the mistake of checking out vaginal cancer on webmd...NOT pretty. I also called the clinic to see if they could possibly move my appt. up a bit. The last time I was abnormal, I just had to go back for another pap in a couple months. I guess that's why the jump to colposcopy is throwing me. At that time, I had paps every 3 months though. This is a yearly. Maybe that is the reason to go straight to the colposcopy....either that or they've changed how they deal with abnormal paps since all the press about cervical cancer.
Anyway, thanks again.
You do have the right to demand anwsers to your questions. I could understand the jump to a colposcopy being disconcerting and I too would want a thorough explanation.
I'm no expert, but have gotten a lot of info in a very short time. I had to jump right to a colposcopy within two days of getting my pap results. However, they did say precancer. I have to go for the cone biopsy next week. I feel your anxiety. (((HUGS))) Maybe they're going straight to the colpscopy because of your history??

You're the second story I've heard recently where the patient is left "hanging". :( I don't think it's fair that docs tell you something like this and then make you wait.

Hang in there. Thoughts and prayers coming your way!!

Autumn has sent me some really good links/info. You can e-mail me and I can pass it along.

Hi! Below is a summary of the consensus guidelines, but please remember that your individual history is a factor.
Taken from

Abnormal paps and colp:
If you have ASCUS and HPV+ (high-risk types) >>>>> Colposcopy
Atypical cells & cannot rule out High grade lesion >>> Colposcopy
Low-Grade Squamous Intraepitehlial Lesion (LSIL)>>>> Colposcopy
High-Grade Squamous Intraepitehlial Lesion (HSIL) >>>> Colposcopy

Post-menopausal women & adolescents are "special categories".

Also, please remember that guidelines are updated so these could change tomorrow.

<<I asked on the phone if the cells were precancerous and was told, "No, not cancer, jut abnormal.">>

Ask them to read the pap results to you. Or ask them is it ASCUS? LSIL? Get specifics. Ask them to explain what it means. The person you spoke to may not understand precancerous and based on the response I am guessing he or she didn't (cancerous and precancerous are not interchangeable).

Hugs to you, Muffin Top! I just had my 4 year checkup Tuesday ...I think your doctor is just being prudent with your history (hystery?). I'm sure everything will turn out well - it's just too bad you have to wait .... that's agony!
Autumn, my daughter was told she was precancerous and on a scale of 1-4, she was a 2. Do you by any chance know what that means or how concerned I should be? She had a colposcopy and they said it was the same as her pap so to come back for another colposcopy in 6 months. I'm wondering if this is the kind that just goes away or if there's need to be concerned. (?)
Muffin Top - you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry that you are going through this right now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Just an update and a thank you for all the info and hugs.
I was able to reschedule with my regular doctor on Oct. 27--see what a hysterical woman can do??
I also asked for a nurse to contact me and read me the lab report--but that phone call hasn't come yet.

Thanks again! And (((HUGS))) and prayers to all of us facing health issues. I just couldn't do my workout yesterday--too preoccupied. I am planning to try again today!
I was able to talk the the nurse!
"Just a low grade abnormality. The colposcopy is mainly because of your history." The doctor is just being cautious.

I feel SO much better. And it is true...DEMAND more information and ask all the questions you want. It's your body!! Take care everyone!:)
I am glad you got answer Muffin Top. I want to just add that according to the consensus guidelines linked about the follow-up for Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LGSIL or LSIL) regardless of history is colposcopy. I don't want anyone not getting their follow-up. :) And yes, the physician should be cautious.

Take care!

I would only be guessing what he means about 2/4. Precancerous lesions or dysplasia are classified CIN I, II, and III. CIN III is also knowns as Carcinoma In Situ (which is still considered benign). A Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LGSIL or LSIL) is mild dysplasia or CIN I. High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HGSIL or HSIL) is moderate or severe dysplasia or CIN II and II. Some experts recommend no treatment for mild dysplasia because it can resolve on its own.

I strongly encourage compliance with follow-up for abnormal paps, which I am sad to report not every woman does.

I wish I could answer your quetions more specifically.

Take care!
Probably no big deal! I've had abnormal pap smears since 2002. Every three months a pap, every six months a culposcopy. So, in total, I've had 7 culpos, and a LOT of pap smears! Mine just keep coming back "abnormal", but not precancerous or anything... they just want to keep an eyeball on it. But a culpo just gives a more in-depth examination of the abnormal cells... nothing to panic about.
I had a colposcopy many years ago for "abnormal cells" that were called "pre-cancerous". All I remember was that they froze my cervix to kill the abnormal cells, and my paps have been regular ever since (knock on wood, I have one coming up in a couple of weeks). I don't know if that provides you any comfort, but I at least wanted to share....and I just said a little prayer for you. ;-)

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